A foreigner's journey

Chapter 164 Storm

Heather glanced in the direction of Thunder Wolf Dragon by mistake, and the latter happened to look at Heather.

One person and one wolf saw each other's intentions in their eyes, and they were surprisingly consistent.


Heather's mind energy burst out, she turned around and ran in the opposite direction. When she passed Xiaoba's position, she picked up the helper cat that was lying on the ground and couldn't move and put it under her arm. She completely ignored the loss of her body and the consumption of her mind energy. Running fast in the storm.

The cold rain slapped against her face, the wind roared and blocked Heather's path, and the storm seemed to have a will of its own.

Sitting high in the clouds and in the sky, Lanlong looked down at the dense forest below. The fin-shaped flying membranes flying like white feathers on the surface of his body were vibrating, as if he was hesitating which one would be more interesting to pick as prey.

Within a few seconds, the huge Storm Dragon selected its target, and its left paw covered with flying film gently waved in the direction of Heather's escape.

Immediately, the cumulonimbus clouds gathered around Lan Long surged violently like ocean waves. The dark cloud vortex with Lan Long as the center rotated at high speed, bringing with it miserable thunder and an even more violent storm.

Between the dark clouds above Heather's head, a huge water ball with a diameter of three meters condensed and formed in an instant, and quickly hit Heather in the direction of escape.

Heather stretched out her right arm without looking back. As the wave of thoughts condensed, an exquisite aqua-blue translucent scimitar appeared in his hand, which could be faintly heard even in the roaring storm. The cheerful singing of the mermaids came from the blade.

[Machete·Mermaid Prince]!

Turning around suddenly, Heather wielded the knife with one hand and slashed at the water ball with a blue light. The blue gem 'Blue Mermaid Singing Star' on the scimitar guard suddenly bloomed with brilliance!

When the water ball was about to hit Heather and Xiaoba, it suddenly disintegrated and dispersed, turning into five burly mermaid warriors holding tridents. They all turned in the air to avoid hitting Heather, and then under the influence of [Mermaid Prince]'s ability Flying towards Lanlong!

Five mermaid warriors, this is already the limit for the mermaid prince who has been suppressed miserably by the world class.

The mermaid warriors were getting closer and closer to the misty dragon in the sky. They all raised their tridents and pointed the tips of their halberds at the huge beast, performing their duties as Poseidon Guards without fear.

Then, the clouds and rain in the sky suddenly broke apart and dispersed.

Lanlong just waved its huge front paw, and the dark clouds within a hundred meters in the direction of the wave immediately set off a frenzy like a huge wave. The five mermaid warriors were all shattered into the smallest droplets of water, and then reintegrated into the lake. Among the rain clouds.

At the same time, the blade of the [Mermaid Prince] blade held tightly in Heather's hand, which was running away, was also covered with cracks.


[Mermaid Prince] disintegrated into pieces like a fragile glass ritual knife and then dissipated into thoughts.

With just one blow, Lanlong directly destroyed the mermaid warriors summoned by the 'Blue Mermaid Singing Star' and forcibly destroyed their ability to reorganize.

No, it should be said that Lanlong used its extremely powerful water control ability to directly cover the water droplets affected by [Mermaid Prince].

Heather didn't even dare to look back, she used all her strength and energy to run away at full speed.

CAPCOM, please explain to me. Can he be called Gu Long? Is this what I play in the game? Are you kidding me?

Lanlong seemed too lazy to chase in the direction of Heather's escape. He just lazily stretched his huge streamlined body among the clouds and looked at the Thunder Wolf Dragon that was escaping into the distance with his orange-red eyes. Lanlong felt that it was necessary to teach this little bug a lesson for repeatedly invading his territory and still daring to demonstrate.

The flying membranes of feathers all over its body were shaking in the storm, and mist-like air waves lingered around the surface of the Lanlong. It raised its head slightly, and the huge and magnificent horns on its head reflected dazzling brilliance in the sunlight cast from the top of the clouds.

The next second, a terrifying water storm spurted out from Lan Long's mouth in the form of water dragon breath. The torrent condensed into a spiral compressed water cannon, drawing a slanting silver line between the sky and the earth, spanning a distance of several hundred meters. Shoot towards the location of the Thunder Wolf Dragon!

boom--! !

The ancient stream forest with a long history was washed away in an instant!

Countless ancient trees turned into broken wood and soil splashed all over the sky. The earth was directly rolled up into terrifying ravines by the terrifying compressed water cannon, and the soil and rocks turned into powder and fell into the water flow! Then a terrifying water storm exploded on the ground, and huge floods rushed in all directions, destroying everything within range.

The water storm breath lasted for several seconds, and with just a simple sweep of the water column, the dense forest beneath him suffered extremely horrific damage.

Just like a god who received an undesirable tribute, Lanlong only vented his dissatisfaction for a small amount of time, but the blow to mortal beings was devastating.

This is the existence that stands at the top of the pyramid of the biological chain, the highest among the ancient dragon species - [Tianjin Earth Disaster God] Lanlong.

The misty dragon floating in the sky seemed to have vented his anger, and his eyes became calmer when he looked at the forest below. The figure of the thunder wolf dragon had disappeared into the flood, and Heather also used the cat cart. The power to escape far away, and there are no more eyesore bugs in the territory.

The storm became more violent, and the surrounding cumulonimbus clouds rotated rapidly, gradually covering the eye of the storm, and Lanlong's figure disappeared among the dark clouds.

With raindrops hitting their faces, Heather and Xiaoba just panted and sat in the muddy water leaning against the tree trunks on the side of the road, not wanting to move at all.

Is this the difficulty of an A-level mission? Stop talking nonsense, just do it whoever wants to do it! If Heather had some thoughts about the A-level mission to obtain the Sky Dragon God Jade before, now she just wants to finish the two missions and get out of this Monster Hunter World immediately.

Not to mention being suppressed by the world, even if I regain my superhuman physique and extraordinary weapons in the Hunter World, I still can't deal with this kind of out-of-standard [god]!

There are no fancy extraordinary abilities, it's just using force to defeat skill, defeating ten enemies with one force.

The old wolf who was evenly matched with her couldn't even resist a single move and turned gray. Heather didn't think she could defeat Lanlong with these two turning saws.


Only then did Xiaoba regain his composure and cry out with a meow. It was so scary. When he was escaping, Xiaoba happened to see the water cannon that destroyed the world. Is this the ancient dragon species known as the "natural disaster"? Mom, I’m no longer a cat hunter. Is it too late for me to become a cat chef?

Heather calmed down for a while, then got up and walked towards the village with Xiaoba.

The exclusive ecological report of [Thunder Wolf Dragon] and [Lanlong Dragon] is mine! In addition, the village chief must be notified to prepare for the evacuation of the whole village.

Lanlong's territory is getting bigger and bigger, and it won't be long before it reaches Jieyun Village. Jueyun Village’s defense might not be able to withstand it for even five minutes, right?

As for the mission, I have already saved more than 400,000 yuan in funds. Counting [Red Pocket], [Daxue Lord], and [Qiankou Dragon], a total of three ecological reports have been released, and there is also one about the hunter's new weapon [Cat Car] 】The development and test report has not been uploaded. This time, let’s rush to the ecology of [Thunder Wolf Dragon] and [Lanlong] together.

I can't stay in this damn place any longer.

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