A foreigner's journey

Chapter 167 A whole village fled

When Heather ran to the entrance of the village, she saw a large number of Marudori trucks and neatly stacked goods. The village chief was checking the accounts with the truck drivers, the Elu cats.

"Master Heather, you are here. I saw Momo go there just now..."

"Load the goods into the truck immediately! Gather all the villagers and prepare to evacuate Jieyun Village!"

The village chief was interrupted by Heather before he finished speaking.

"Huh?" The village chief was a little surprised at first, and then his face suddenly turned pale. He looked up at the sky that had been covered with dark clouds for some time, and his words were trembling: "Have you already arrived? Why did it happen so quickly..."

"Don't worry, village chief, go and prepare the food and other materials needed for the escape. At the same time, call all the hunters in the village and let them take action. I will go to the center of the village to sound the warning bell." Heather seemed much calmer at this time.

"I know, I'll go right away." The village chief was infected by Heather's calmness and calmed down a little.




The huge bronze bell in the center of the village was ringing rhythmically, and the bell echoing in the mountains announced that an unprecedented crisis in Yuyun Village had arrived.

"Quick, quick, quick! Give up the overly heavy salute and only bring the most important things... Heck, don't think about the table. Is the table more important or your life!?"

Dora, who was wrapped in bandages, grabbed a villager who was trying to move away the ancestral wooden table and pushed him towards the village entrance. Then she ran to the next villager's house and picked up the old man with limited mobility on his back, and ran towards the village entrance.

Almost all the hunters in the village took action. They were stronger than ordinary people and tried their best to carry supplies or bring villagers with handicapped legs to the entrance of the village.

The village was almost in chaos, with noisy shouts and footsteps, children crying, the sound of heavy objects being dragged on the ground, and warning bells ringing all the time.


As soon as Heather loaded two fresh water barrels that were almost twice his size into the truck, she heard Ilshan's distant shouts.

I saw that the girl had already put on the red-banded Green Bear Beast armor suit, and the sword "Blue Bear Long Pen" was slung behind her back. She ran to Heather and handed the huge package in her hand to Heather: "Here, your armor."

"Thank you, where's the Drowning Knife?" Heather immediately opened the package and took out the repaired Snow Master armor suit and put it on. In such an emergency, no one knows whether they will encounter other refugees on the road. Monsters, it’s always good to be prepared with your gear on.

"I was summoned by the bell before I saw the store manager." Ilshan shook her head: "How about AIBO, please use the Tornado Charge first? Xiaohachi and Sasaki have already gone to pick up the car, and they will be there soon. arrive."

"Okay, the Cyclone Charge has been repaired, so it should be fine." Putting on the black windbreaker-shaped Snow Main Breastplate, Heather shouted to the villagers who were walking towards the village entrance to the truck: "Everyone, move quickly! A storm is coming at any time. If possible, the able-bodied will help those with limited mobility, the elderly and children get on the Marutori truck first!”

In addition to being anxious, Heather felt more annoyed.

The estimated time was obviously one month later, why did Lan Long arrive so quickly? Damn it, did I make a mistake?

At this time, a figure ran out of the woodland outside the village, waving and shouting: "Hey! Brother Heather!!"

It's Luther. Because of his agility, he was sent by Heather to monitor the situation around the village entrance in case there were monsters ambushing him.

Luther ran to Heather, put his hands on his knees and gasped for air: "I, I saw a lot of monsters running towards the south! There were also a large group of Thunder Wolf Dragons, some big and some small!"

"Thunder Wolf Dragons living in groups...which way are they going?" Heather felt awe-struck in her heart. The only one who could make the entire Thunder Wolf Dragon clan run away was Lanlong.

Originally, Heather still had a bit of luck in her heart, what if it was just a simple stormy weather? But the information Luther brought back shattered his illusions.

In fact, the Thunder Wolf Dragon was originally a large, gregarious monster that lived in the Lingfeng area, and was driven all the way to the stream hunting area by Lanlong. The reason why the old Thunder Wolf Dragon attacked the convoy transporting timber was because it wanted to carve out a relatively safe living area for the tribe, so it uncharacteristically took the initiative to attack passing humans and monsters.

Unfortunately, the success fell short, as Lanlong expanded its territory much faster than them.

"Those Thunder Wolf Dragons also fled towards the south. They took the same escape route as us, but they couldn't run fast because they were carrying cubs." Luther's face turned pale, and he didn't know whether he was tired or scared: "How is it? Do you want to gather the hunters to kill these Thunder Wolf Dragons together? In order to avoid damage to the convoy after encountering them on the road..."

"Don't be stupid. Where are the manpower and time to deal with the Thunder Wolf Dragon now?" Heather immediately stopped Luther's unrealistic delusion: "Go to the convoy to help. If you encounter a Thunder Wolf Dragon attack on the road, Convoy, Irshan and I will deal with them.”

"It's so reliable! Then I can rest assured." Luther was very confident in the strength of Heather and Ilshan, even to the point of superstition. He firmly believes that these two people will become the most powerful monster hunters in the world.

The wind became more and more violent, bringing with it water vapor in the sky and the panicked howls of wild beasts in the forest.

There was faint thunder rolling in the sky, and increasingly dense cumulonimbus clouds gathered in the sky, bringing an indescribable sense of depression to all living beings.

All able-bodied people in Yuyun Village are working hard to carry necessary supplies to the Marutori truck. Such a large village is evacuating to Maple Leaf Village, which is at least two days' drive away. Food and drink are indispensable along the way. .

Fortunately, the village chief had prepared enough Marudori trucks in advance, which should be enough to at least transport the elderly and children with limited mobility and necessary supplies.

Heather put the huge box full of food on the truck, wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked at the village chief: "Where's the old man from the weapons store?"

"Dad Damo said he would take his son and apprentice to collect the rare materials collected in the arsenal and bring them with him. He should be back soon." The village chief was also covered in sweat, and her voice was hoarse due to her continuous talking.

"Isn't this nonsense! I'm going to find him!"

Just as Heather was about to walk towards the weapons store, she suddenly froze and looked up at the sky.

There is no need for [Circle] to warn, the biological instinct is warning crazily.

I saw that the dark clouds in the sky had stirred into an extremely huge vortex. In the center of the vortex, there was a beam of light shining from the top of the clouds, shining on the huge dragon shadow in the center of the vortex.

Lanlong, the top being among the ancient dragon species, is using its orange-red eyes to indifferently look down at the tiny ant-like creatures below.

The next second, an extremely large tornado appeared in the center of the village!

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