A foreigner's journey

Chapter 176 Manipulate Thousands of Lights and Release Thousands of Thunders

The gods are furious and the heaven and earth are turned upside down!

An invisible strong sense of pressure continued to emanate from the blackened Lan Long. The water vapor in the atmosphere was condensing and vibrating. The black clouds above his head were rapidly circling, like black concoction stirred by a huge spoon.

The suppressive barrage formed by the water balls quietly stopped, and Lan Long allowed those overwhelming lightning balls to hit him, standing still.

Soon, the rain of thunder and bullets stopped, and the Thunder Wolf Dragon narrowed his eyes slightly and even took a few steps back.

Heather could clearly detect that the strength of the atmospheric shield [Lan Yi] lingering on Lan Long's body had increased by several levels. At the same time, the resistance and defense of the scales, muscles, and epidermis were by no means comparable to those before.

The lightning ball, which can shatter rocks and is even as large as a bomb barrel, cannot even cause any scratches or paralysis effects on it.

Long-range attacks are basically ineffective, so close combat must be used.

The Thunder Wolf Dragon took a few steps back, then leapt forward nearly a hundred meters in three steps and two steps at a time, leaping high towards the Misty Dragon suspended in mid-air.

But what greeted it was an extremely huge water balloon.

The diameter of the huge blue water ball spinning at high speed has reached an astonishing one hundred meters! Lanlong, who was in the [Tianjin Disaster] state, instantly extracted the water vapor in the sky, atmosphere, and heavy rain and compressed it into this super large water ball full of its own dragon breath.

Thunder Wolf Dragon had no time to adjust its body posture in the air before it was hit head-on by this huge water ball. The infinite water pressure brought it directly to the ground!

In an instant, a deafening roar sounded from the top of Lingfeng Peak, and the violent water balls turned into violent waves and spread in all directions. However, more water flow rose into the sky in an unscientific manner, and condensed into overwhelming large water balls for the second time. These concentrated mist dragon water The attribute dragon breath bullets hit the Thunder Wolf Dragon like a rainstorm!

[Water Disaster·Ferocious Waves]!

Heather felt that all her limbs and bones were overwhelmed by the huge water pressure, and the severe pain even had a paralyzing effect. But both he and Lao Lang were ruthless characters with a will as firm as steel and would not be affected by the mere pain. When the water bomb was about to hit, thousands of super-electric lightning bugs instantly appeared on the surface of the Thunder Wolf Dragon. Some of them A dense protective net was formed to resist the dragon's breath bombs coming from all directions as much as possible, while the other part lay on the surface of the Thunder Wolf Dragon and began to release electricity.

By stimulating the muscles with electric current, the Thunder Wolf Dragon forcibly got rid of the paralysis in a very short time. He jumped out of the bombardment area of ​​the Dragon Breath Bomb in a few steps and looked up to the sky to search for the traces of the Misty Dragon.

Lanlong's huge claws fell from the sky, caught in the storm, and pressed towards the Thunder Wolf Dragon's head.

The Thunder Wolf Dragon in the super charged mode showed no sign of weakness. He stood upright and raised his upper body, and violently waved his right claw wrapped with fierce lightning towards the attacking Lanlong!

boom--! !

First there was a rapidly spreading annular shock wave, followed by water vapor in the atmosphere surging like waves and a loud explosion like thunder!

The ground beneath the Thunder Wolf Dragon's feet cracked inch by inch, and the summit of Lingfeng couldn't bear the fight between the two giant beasts and collapsed suddenly!

Thunder Wolf Dragon, which was greatly strengthened with Heather's energy, actually lost to Lanlong in terms of pure strength.

It is worthy of being the existence at the top of the biological chain in this world, the top ancient dragon species named [Tianjin Disaster Land]!

Every time the claws hit each other, Lanlong will launch a cunning, fine needle-like water attribute attack on Thunder Wolf Dragon, thereby destroying the opponent's muscles, bones and nerves. But it missed one point. The body of this thunder wolf dragon was not simply made of flesh and blood, but was formed by the condensation and manifestation of Heather's huge mental energy.

destroy? It's up to you, it depends on whether you can destroy it faster or I can repair it faster!

The two giant beasts completely abandoned their defenses and fought for their lives among the falling rubble and rocks. Intense roars and loud noises continued to come from the top of Lingfeng.


A vicious tail flick came from below and hit the Thunder Wolf Dragon's chest, sending it flying far away.

Lan Long took the opportunity to get rid of the fight, turned into a white shadow meteor at absolute high speed, and began to fly around Lingfeng at high speed, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

The Thunder Wolf Dragon climbed up from the rubble and shook his head, only to feel a strong suction coming from the top of his head.

I saw an extremely huge black tornado penetrating the sky and the earth, and its terrifying adsorption force could even move mountains and seas!

[Heavenly Disaster·Blowing for Eternity]!

The huge body of the Thunder Wolf Dragon cannot resist this unparalleled suction, let alone the gravel on the top of the peak and the surrounding woods. A large number of trees were uprooted along with the soil. The animals that had not had time to escape screamed and were sucked into the sky by the storm or torn into pieces of flesh and blood. Heavy rain poured down, rivers reversed flow, and Lingfeng and its surrounding areas were destroyed by this terrifying tornado. Destroying.

Although he was sucked into the sky and kept rising, Heather did not panic, or rather it was just as he wanted.

[True Card] This kind of thing only makes sense if it is revealed when the opponent plays a trump card!

More and more ultra-electric lightning bugs condense on the surface of the Thunder Wolf Dragon and are adsorbed on the scales or electric storage shell, constantly releasing violent currents. In this world-destroying scene of darkness and darkness, a blue-white lightning flashed in the darkness.

Gradually, the blue-white thunder light gradually flashed with a hint of golden light, more and more, more and more!

Until all the lightning is dyed golden!

The golden thunder light continued to shrink and condense into a ball, and then, with a violent wolf howl, thousands of lights were released, and thousands of thunder exploded!

The dark clouds and wind walls were penetrated by endless bolts of lightning, and the golden dazzling light illuminated the land that was devastated by storms and tornadoes.

Lan Long, who was flying at high speed, was hit by golden lightning and had to stop. Then he saw a golden shadow flash past. As his body became paralyzed, the surrounding scenery began to reverse rapidly!

Lanlong was struck by this golden thunder and fell from a high altitude to the top of the dilapidated Lingfeng Peak.

boom! !

This ancient spiritual peak carrying thousands of years of history was directly smashed into pieces and collapsed. Lanlong and the golden shadow were not gone, and they hit the ground hard amid the roaring and collapsing boulders!

The soil, trees, and boulders along the way were smashed into pieces, and a long, deep ravine was plowed into the ground, emitting scorching steam.

Bang! Lan Long was blasted out of the pit by the huge force. After rolling several times in the sky, he barely stopped and looked towards the pit on the ground in surprise.

A huge golden claw poked out of the huge pit and clasped firmly on the ground. With the crackling sound of golden lightning, the huge golden beast slowly crawled out.

This is a huge thunder wolf dragon that is bathed in golden thunder light. The electrically charged fur on its body is all dyed gold. Its hooks and claws are also dazzling gold. The golden electric storage shell on its body is all open and hard and sharp. The top of its head The right horn is particularly huge. This asymmetrical horn represents the "strong man" in Monster Hunter World.

According to legend, a true king will be born in the Thunder Wolf Dragon tribe by chance. He can control thousands of lights to release thousands of thunders. He is the well-deserved King of Thunder Wolf Dragons!

【Golden Thunder Lord】!

PS: The move names are all made up. Although the Monster Hunter game is middle-level, it does not give every monster and every move a middle-level name. But [Golden Thunder Lord] does exist. It is the "two monsters" of Thunder Wolf Dragon. It is similar to Hongdou and Daxue Lord. It is the most special and powerful individual among Thunder Wolf Dragon.

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