A foreigner's journey

Chapter 181 Resume

New world, Siren Sea.

This is one of the few safe seas in the [New World]. Extremely bad weather that is common in the Grand Line is rarely encountered in the Siren Sea. It is more like the four outer seas, calm and peaceful most of the time.

Therefore, the three large islands "Feiliu Island", "Blue Fortress" and "Guns City" located in the Siren Sea have also become the focus of competition for all parties.

In the end, the [Whitebeard Pirates] won and designated the three major islands as their own territory. The man known as the 'World's Strongest' lent his name to the countries and islands here, and no one dared to infringe.

There is no longer "heavenly gold" that is so high that the residents cannot turn it over even if they starve to death. There are no longer wars and plunders filled with blood, gunpowder smoke and chaos. People take refuge under the prestige of [Whitebeard] Edward Newgate. Live and work in peace and contentment, enjoying the rare peace in this chaotic era.

Until the [War on Top] that shocked the whole world a year ago.

Whitebeard is dead, and the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates are tired of dealing with the traitor Blackbeard and his fleet. All the islands and territories that Whitebeard protected during his lifetime have been wantonly plundered and occupied by various forces that have been jealous for many years.

The sea fell into unprecedented turmoil, and the smell of blood even drifted along the monsoon winds to the four outer seas.

The Siren Sea, an important sea area, has become the main battlefield where major forces fight.

[Azure Fortress] is a typical winter island. This huge island with snow-capped mountains is famous for its rich production of the rare mineral 'Azure Metal'. It is also famous for its unique natural scenery and the magnificent ancient castle 'Azure City'. became a tourist attraction.

But now, half of this 'Azure City', which can be called a miracle in the history of human architecture, has been turned into ruins. Thick black smoke hovers over the island, and the sounds of crying, gunfire and fighting are mixed together. Even the sea kings are confused. I don't want to go near the offshore of this murderous island.

The port city 'Jintuo Port' affiliated with Azure City was now shrouded in thick smoke and flames, dead bodies were everywhere, and almost all the port buildings were reduced to ruins.

Eight huge battleships flying the flag of the Beasts Pirates were moored at the port. Pirates dressed in fur coats and capes in wild costumes were constantly carrying ammunition and firearms from the ship, and there were cadres with strange shapes that were obviously different from ordinary people. They were responsible for commanding the pirate minions and established a temporary base made of steel plates and wood in the central square of Jinto Port.

"What are you doing! Shouldn't those three idiots come with three ships of reinforcements? Why haven't they arrived yet!"

A long-haired woman with a curvy figure wearing a lilac mini dress stood at the entrance of the base with her hands on her hips. She has long dark blue hair, horns on both sides of her head, slender legs without any pantyhose decorations, only high heels, and a mask with lace tattoos on her face. She is furious at her subordinates.

Speaking of which, I have to mention the member configuration of the Beasts Pirates.

Pirate minions - members of the pirate group who are responsible for doing odd jobs and have certain combat capabilities, forming the basis of the huge Beasts Pirates group.

Waiters - powerful warriors with rich combat experience. They are waiting for SMILE artificial Devil Fruit to be distributed. They are candidates.

Pleasures - warriors who ate the SMILE artificial Devil Fruit but failed to gain abilities. Because of the side effects of the fruit, they could only smile forever.

Gifters - the lucky ones who eat the SMILE artificial devil fruit and have a 10% low chance of successfully acquiring the ability of the animal type devil fruit. Not only do they have the physical characteristics of various animals, but they also become physically and mentally strong. , can already be called an elite warrior.

Shinuchi - Extraordinarily powerful warriors were selected from among the grantors, and together with the former pirate captains who had surrendered from the outside world, they formed the cadre class of "Shinuchi". They are usually responsible for some important responsibilities and are also important members or captains of some troops.

Tobiroppo (Tobiroppo) - a cadre class composed of the six strongest real fighters, commanded by a big sign, and also has the power to command real fighters and lower classes. Generally speaking, Fei Liubao must be a user with animal devil fruit abilities.

All-Stars - Three All-Stars with unfathomable power. Each one is named [Disaster], and their bounties all exceed 1 billion Beli!

Governor-General - Kaido of the Beasts, the emperor of the sea who commands Wano and the Beasts Pirates, recognized by the world as the strongest creature on land, sea, and air!

Coupled with the mysterious unit [Numbers] purchased from the [Bank Forbidden Zone] for a large amount of money, the above is the composition of the members of the Beast Pirates.

The long-haired woman right now is one of the members of the "Flying Six Cells", Ulti.

Looking at Ulti who was losing his temper in the void, the surrounding cadres and subordinates whispered:

"Mr. Ulti doesn't have the Duosu habit today?"

"I don't know. I heard that the 'Dosu' habit is no longer popular in the Flower City. I guess they are waiting for a new trend?"

"Master Ulti has to follow the trend in everything..."

"I know this. A week ago the [Oiran] in Huadu started to popularize the 'Gong Su' catchphrase. Ah? How do I know? Nonsense, of course I heard it with my own ears!"

Ulti's ears in the distance twitched quietly, and at the same time he continued to give orders to his subordinates: "...please give me some energy, Gongsu! If you miss Lord Kaido, I will take off your skin Gongsu!"

Ah, I heard it, and I am now learning and selling it. The men shook their heads and continued to consolidate the construction progress of the temporary base.

Although the rival Blackbeard Pirates are an emerging pirate force, no one dares to underestimate them. After all, [Whitebeard] died at the hands of Blackbeard and his giant captains.

A year later, Blackbeard has occupied a large amount of the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates, and its power and strength can be considered as the emperor of the sea alongside [Kaido of the Beasts], [BIGMOM], and [Red-haired Shanks]. Because Blackbeard led the fleet to completely defeat the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates half a month ago, the navy has even begun to call Blackbeard the new [Yonko].

In order to compete for the [Blue Fortress], the Blackbeard Pirates sent two giant captains at once, while the Beast Pirates sent a big Kanban and two flying six cells. The two sides have been fighting in the Azure Fortress for a week, and they have already started fighting. Both sides are constantly sending supplies and troops, and it is bound to determine the winner on this winter island.

Big Kanban has already taken another flying six compatriots to the 'Azure City', which is the main battlefield, leaving Ulti temporarily stationed at the port as the logistics commander.

Today, three real fighters were supposed to arrive at Jintuo Port with three warships full of supplies, but for some reason they have not arrived yet.

Just when Ulti was getting more and more irritable, a lookout soldier hurried over and shouted: "Lord Ulti! The ship is coming! Just...just..."

"Stop blabbering, Gong Su! [Just] what!?"

"Only one ship came, and it was in tatters as if it had experienced a fierce battle." The lookout soldier pointed toward the offshore direction of the port.

Rushing to the port, Ulti discovered that a rickety warship riddled with holes had just arrived at the port, with only half of the battle flag of the Beast Pirates flying, flapping in the wind.

Before the minions could set up the sampan, the warship disintegrated with a heart-breaking creaking noise, as if it had completed its mission and then left sadly.

A figure jumped up from the disintegrating deck and landed lightly on the stone platform of the port.

This is a dark-haired man wearing a black open-breasted trench coat. His handsome appearance is even more exaggerated than that of the White Horse Cavendish. He casually threw the three bloody ones at Ulti's feet, patted the non-existent dust on his hands, and said lazily: "Delivery to your door, no need to change."

Ulti looked down and saw that the real Ostrich Nissen, [Rhinoceros] Menko, and [Wolf Head] Wolf, who were originally in charge of the three transport ships, were soaked in blood and their limbs were twisted and deformed. Even if they relied on those with animal abilities, Even with his powerful physique, he could only breathe a sigh of relief.

"Who sent your boy...?"

Ulti's voice was full of fury. Three transport ships were hijacked by this kid, not only losing manpower but also destroying all supplies. This made the frontline war tight. Master Kaido's plan will also cause huge trouble...where did this bastard come from!

"Ah, no one sent me, I'm a [lone wolf]."

Heather recognized Ulti, the [Flying Sixth Cell], and smiled slightly: "I heard that the Beast Pirates welcome strong people to join, so I 'wrote' a resume. How about, I can join. ?"

Although you can’t see her face through the mask, she is cuter in real life than in the comics. She is worthy of the popular King Ulti in Flying Six Cells.

But Ulti has no favorable impression of this extremely handsome man at this time. It would be better to say that she can no longer restrain her murderous intention and is ready to crush this guy's head directly!

"Join you big-headed ghost Gong Su! Give me your life!!"

Ulti was seen jumping up high, spreading his hands to both sides and tilting his head back. In Heather's field of vision, intense 'qi' condensed on her forehead, even forming a dark metallic color! Is this [Armed Color Haki]? What a powerful attack and defense bonus...

Heather raised the corners of her mouth to reveal a mouth full of white teeth. Her mental energy also exploded and condensed in her right hand. She clenched her fist and smashed it towards Ulti. The fist blasted out at high speed even caused an explosion! Let me see the power of [Ancient Animal Type] plus [Armed Color Haki]!

The girl's forehead, which was completely covered in pitch-black weaponry, collided hard with Heather's right fist filled with violent thoughts!

"[Ur Head Spear]!!"


The surrounding pirate minions were immediately swept away by the circular shock wave that exploded in all directions, followed by thunderous roars and terrifying explosions that shrouded the port area below the two of them. The huge warship parked near the port was shaken by the violent shock waves, and waves surged one after another offshore the port.

The [Nian] from the Hunter and the [Haki] from the One Piece world collide for the first time!

PS: It is expected that the world of One Piece will be very long...

PS: According to the SBS explanation in Volume 98, Ulti’s [de-a-rin-su] (Alingsu) oral habit was just changed during the Onigashima banquet. The previous oral habit was [gon-su], and I don’t have it either. If you know how to translate it, just write it as [Gongsu]. Expect to be slapped in the face by the official translator...

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