A foreigner's journey

Chapter 191 Line VS Wolf (2)

At first, the people of Dressrosa thought it was an earthquake.

The ground beneath his feet was shaking violently. The teacups and wine bottles on the table were knocked down and smashed. The wooden boards used to build the house creaked under the weight, and dust continued to fall from the roof.

People panicked and ran to the wider streets, only to find that there were constant loud muffled sounds like rolling thunder coming from the direction of the palace heights.

It seemed like two giant beasts were fighting and fighting right below the palace high ground.

In the huge underground world beneath the palace, the trading port is in a state of chaos.

"It's terrible... We've been fighting for twenty minutes. Aren't the two of them tired?"

The members of the Don Quixote family standing far away on the edge looked at the two people who were fighting endlessly. The violent vibrations and loud noises caused by each fist and foot collision would make these gangsters tremble in their hearts.

The three cargo ships located in the center of the battlefield in the trading port have been completely destroyed, and the surrounding docks and buildings have also been turned into ruins. The white lines in the sky continue to change into various postures and attack the giant wolf with thunder all over its body. They were easily resolved one by one by the opponent.

The three top leaders of the Don Quixote family didn't want to help their young master, but a man and a woman traveling with the thunder wolf had already blocked their way.

"Although he is an annoying gossip, he is our nominal boss after all. We can't let you guys disturb his mood, Gong Su."

Although Ulti and Peggywan's strength at this time is inferior to that of Doflamingo, they are still more than enough to deal with three cadres of the Don Quixote family.

Once again, he was severely whipped away by the giant Spinosaurus with its tail. Torrebol rolled awkwardly on the ground several times before he stopped. Mucus all over his body was scattered everywhere, and he was extremely anxious.

Damn it, where did these three monster-like powerful strangers come from?

All the powerful people present could see that Doflamingo had tried his best, but the thunder wolf was able to do it with ease.

"Ah, he hasn't even entered [Super Charged Mode]. It seems that JOKER can't let him go all out." Peggy Wan, who transformed into a Spinosaurus, shook the mucus on her tail in disgust and even had time to watch. The battle situation towards the center of the battlefield.

Bang! !

In mid-air, Heather transformed back into a human form to avoid the tide of white threads coming from both sides. Her straight long legs passed through several translucent threads as sharp as blades, and her shiny black leather shoes kicked hard on Doflamin. Ge crossed his arms in front of him.

The latter immediately felt a huge force like a tidal wave coming from his arms. The transparent silk threads 'Beng Beng Beng' used to fix his body in the air were all broken, and the whole person flew backwards quickly.

At the moment of flying out, Doflamingo waved his arms violently, and ten transparent silk threads extending from his fingers turned into deadly silk blades and flung towards Heather. Each silk thread had a slight amplitude but extremely fast frequency. The ground shook!

"[Five Colored Thread·Ten Cuts]!!"

The lightning flashed, and the two golden-coated circular saws flew up and down, cutting off all ten silk blades that were drawn towards him, and a large amount of sparks rained from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the circular saw [King Tooth Saw·Evil Thunder] merged into one and transformed into a cool golden motorcycle [Wang Tooth Chariot·Evil Thunder], and the wheels unfolded into the sawtooth shape of turbine blades. Heather turned the accelerator, and the exhaust pipe at the rear of the motorcycle immediately emitted dazzling blue-white lightning, driving Heather along the white wave in the direction of Doflamingo's fall.

In just one breath, Heather saw at the end of the white waves Doflamingo's entire body, powerlessly embedded in the deep pit of the stone wall, with his head hanging down as if he was in a coma.

"No way, no way, right? Is this the end? I haven't had enough fun yet!"

Heather turned the accelerator on the right handle to the bottom, and the motorcycle turned into golden lightning and flew high above the undulating white waves, hitting Doflamingo in the deep pit.

At this moment, Doflamingo, who was hanging his head, suddenly turned his right wrist and raised his right index finger upward.

At the same time, the wave of white lines in front of Heather suddenly opened a small gap. When the motorcycle leaped directly above the gap, a ferocious attack rushed out from the gap from bottom to top!

It's another Doflamingo!

He was exactly the same as the Doflamingo who was trapped in the pit, no matter how he dressed or looked. He clenched his hands into claws, laughed wildly and spun his body at high speed, and the threads brought out by his ten fingers turned into a whirlwind of death and rolled towards Heather!

"Haaaaaaaaaaa! Try this! [Uzumaki Tenma]!!"

The motorcycle split into two in an instant, and the high-speed rotating circular saw blade brought out violent lightning and struck the thread that turned into a death vortex. Wave after wave of linear blades continued to impact the circular saw in Heather's hand, but they still could not break through Heather's armed and domineering defense.

Suddenly there was a strong wind behind my head!

"[Super Strike Whip]!!"

Dozens of silk threads were twisted into a thick spiral thread, causing a violent sound to break through the air and attack behind Heather at high speed!

Thunder exploded! Heather immediately transformed into a huge Thunder Wolf Dragon. The huge wolf claws ignored the line blade attack and directly held down Doflamingo below. At the same time, the huge tail swung to block the super attack whip coming from behind. Wrapping it up and pulling it back violently, the third Doflamingo hidden in the rubble was pulled out!

"What comes and goes, you should also try my trick [Super Electric Lightning Bug·Zhenlei]!!"

The Thunder Wolf Dragon slapped Doflamingo on the ground with one claw, and with one claw on the ground as a fulcrum, it began to rotate its body and tail at high speed. Hundreds of thunder bugs turned into thunder cannons and shot towards the surroundings. go!

For a time, the entire trading port was shrouded in dense lightning explosions!

Doflaming Gordon was crushed to pieces under the giant claws, but his body did not spurt out blood but turned into countless white threads flowing from between the claws, and the one who was sunk deep in the stone wall pit Doflamingo also turned into a large number of threads the moment he was hit by the lightning cannon.

A move that combines silk threads to form a doppelganger, [Shadow Riding Thread·Samurai Ghost]!

The third Doflamingo who was rolled up by his tail is the real owner. He made a prompt decision and cut open the super-strike whip in his hand. At the same time, he used [Air Path] to fix his body in mid-air. He clenched his hands into claws and tried his best to lift them up. The white silk threads transformed by the two shadow riding string puppets soared into the sky and turned into thousands of sharp string arrows surrounding the Thunder Wolf Dragon in the shape of flamingo wings. The top of each string arrow was covered with purple armed color. Domineering.

"[Thousand Arrows Pierce the Heart]..."

Doflamingo, who was sweating profusely, panted heavily, waving his claws suddenly and crossing them in front of him:

"[Feather Strike·Line]!!"

Thousands of densely packed arrows stabbed towards his vital points without leaving any way for the Thunder Wolf Dragon to escape or a chance to breathe!

Thanks for the 5,000 starting coins rewarded by Daiwuhuangbei.

Thanks to the fallen angel holding the kitchen knife for the reward of 1,000 starting coins

Thanks to Mo Xueyiyun and z315675 for the 500 starting coins.

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