A foreigner's journey

Chapter 193 Investment

It was night, Dressrosa Palace was brightly lit, and people were drinking wine.

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall, good drinking, hurry up! Bring ten more barrels of the best royal wine!"

There was a huge long table in the huge banquet hall, and the table was filled with all kinds of delicacies full of Dressrosa style. The wine that had been collected for hundreds of years in the palace wine cellar was served in ten barrels. The beauties of Dressrosa, each with their own merits, were surrounded by Heather and Peggy Wan in cool clothes.

It's not that Doflamingo looked down on Ulti. As soon as he mentioned finding some handsome men for her to keep company, the little female dragon stared back with a fierce look. When Doflamingo thought about it, he realized that he had not considered it well. How could Ulti look down on an ordinary man when he spent time with a handsome person of Heather's level?

Compared to Peggy Wan, who was dizzy and submerged in the turbulent waves and the singing of birds, Heather directly dismissed the beauties who tried to toast her, and just drank and ate by herself.

Dressrosa's food is 90% similar to the Spanish food in the original world, but it is better in fruits and vegetables. For example, 'Leprechaun Pumpkin Baked Rice' and 'Dressrosa Cold Soup' are both very suitable for Heather. appetite. Since I couldn't travel abroad and taste exotic food in my original world, let's make up for it in another world.

Looking at Heather, who was eating haphazardly but maintaining a basic demeanor, Doflamingo came over with a wine glass and his habitual weird smile:

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa better, Heather?"

"Very good, I want to kidnap the chef here back to the Beast Pirates. Don't worry, Dover, I will report to the boss and extend the delivery deadline for you by another week. You should be able to get the goods together within a week. Bar?"

"Of course! Baaaaaaa... Thank you so much, brother. When I leave, I will transport the chef and Dressrosa's specialties to your ship."

Heather and Doflamingo have never known each other before. Heather admires Doflamingo's heroic temperament, and Doflamingo also admires Heather's shocking power. It had only been less than half a day, and the relationship between the two was as good as brothers.

The members of the Beast Pirates who originally stayed on the coast were also invited to the palace for a dinner. A large number of beautiful maids and a steady stream of fine wine and food were gathered in the hall outside. Listening to the laughter that almost lifted the ceiling, you knew that this group was really fighting. I was so high with the giver.

Only then did Heather notice that sitting next to Doflamingo was a long-haired black-haired beauty with an extremely hot figure and an unusually delicate face. She was wearing a sleeveless flamenco dress, and she was sipping red wine with her head down and a stiff smile on her face.

[Violet] Violet, the killer of the Don Quixote family’s Plum Blossom Legion.

It is no exaggeration to say that Miss Violet's figure is the hottest and hottest in Heather's journey through so many worlds, and her charming and delicate appearance is as lethal to men as the supreme sharp knife. .

But don't get me wrong, Heather is not greedy for her body, but for her ability - the superhuman stare fruit.

It can peek into everything within a radius of 4,000 kilometers with itself as a dot, ignore all obstructions such as walls and steel, scan the human body's internal organs and bones like X-ray fluoroscopy, and even peek into the other party's mind and memory. She can't hide any secrets in front of her. Lies are like ridiculous tissue paper to her, and they will be broken as soon as they are torn.

Heather held the spoon in her mouth and looked at Violet steadily, her thoughts changing rapidly.

It seems that even if you kill Violet, you won't be able to get the Staring Fruit right away. Will it also make Dove fall out? After all, she is the only woman that this fallen [Tian Yaksha] has ever loved.

Goug out your eyeballs and install them for yourself? Not to mention whether it is possible for the pair of eyeballs to retain the ability of the Devil Fruit after leaving the mother's body. Even if the transplant can be successful and all the negative effects of the Devil Fruit will be borne by Violet, as long as she dies, the fruit will be in the sea. Reappear somewhere, and by then I might have just changed into a pair of women's eyes after wasting my energy for a long time.

Tsk, that’s not a good deal...

Violet was not feeling well at this time either. As a user with the stare fruit ability, she is very sensitive to [sight]. Heather's burning gaze is like a torch in the dark to her, and she can see it clearly without raising her head. But unlike the usual eyes filled with filth, obscenity, and extreme possessiveness, the eyes of this Beast Pirates signboard were like...a scientific researcher's eyes glancing back and forth on the experimental rat, showing only indifference and curiosity.

"Hey... Heather, you can take away any other woman you like, except her."

Doflamingo suddenly put his arm around Heather's shoulders and his tone became rarely serious.

After coming back to her senses, Heather glanced at Doflamingo, lowered her head and took a spoonful of the chocolate ice cream that was just served and put it into her mouth: "Don't worry, I'm not interested in her anymore. Ah, it's so sweet."

In the world of One Piece, I can't live without being treated like shit.

Finally getting rid of Heather's terrifying sight like an apex predator, Violet almost collapsed on the chair, her whole body soaked in cold sweat and her long-fitting dress highlighted her hot figure.

"Speaking of which, is there any way you can help me get the [Six Forms] cultivation method?" Heather suddenly asked.

"[Sixth Form]? With your strength, you don't need such a thing."

Doflamingo was a little strange: "I do have the secret of [Returning Life] in my hand. However, friendship is friendship, business is business, can you understand, my friend?"

"Hmm, brothers have to settle accounts openly. You gave it to me for free, but I don't dare to ask for it."

Heather picked up the napkin and dipped it in the corner of her mouth, pondered for a while and then said: "Well... let's do it. If, I mean if, one day in the future you are defeated by some greedy adventurers who come out of nowhere. If you are deprived of the title of Shichibukai and taken away by the admiral, then I will take action to rescue you. This is a promise, Dover, a very serious promise."

Speaking of this, Heather had a subtle look on her face that said, "You've made a lot of money."

"Bah, bah, bah...what an unpleasant 'what if'."

Doflamingo couldn't help but reveal his trademark weird smile: "Okay, deal. If that day comes, I will seriously look forward to your 'rescue'."

‘Free gifts’ cannot deepen friendship, only ‘trade’ can. Doflamingo doesn't care what price the other party pays. As long as Heather thinks the price is worth it, Doflamingo will take it all and give the other party what he wants.

Doflamingo had a premonition that this would be the most important decision in his life, enough to affect his future life trajectory... No, it was the biggest investment that could reverse the future fate of the entire world.

As long as Heather is given enough time to grow, he will be the fifth [Sea Emperor].

And he will be the biggest contributor to assisting the rise of the new emperor, and he will have the most powerful backer!

PS: There will be another chapter in the afternoon

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