A foreigner's journey

Chapter 199 Crush

The lightning gradually dispersed, revealing the true appearance inside.

The thunder wolf dragon, which had shrunk several times and became only 8 meters tall, stood upright, its anti-jointed legs became more slender, its muscular upper body became an exaggerated inverted triangle, and its raised golden armor hung on both shoulders. Covered with both arms, the head appears slightly smaller compared to the strong body, the horns on the top of the head become more narrow and elongated, and the face still has the original appearance of the Thunder Wolf Dragon.

The longer white mane is flying in the wind like a flame. With the blue-white lightning lingering in the hair, it looks like a blue-white plush cloak emitting a dangerous glow from a distance. The huge and dangerous long tail is covered with golden thorns. Swinging behind him.

Thunder Wolf Dragon human-animal form.

The human-beast form is more of a [humanization] than a normal animal-type ability user. The human-beast form displayed by Thunder Wolf Dragon at this time is purely an optimized form for fighting, a masterpiece of [Return of Life]!

Heather is not a real animal-type ability user. If she wants to transform into a human-animal form, she can only use [Life Return] to forcibly change her body structure, but so far the effect is pretty good.

Although the size has become smaller, the sense of oppression brought to the two vice admirals has doubled. After all, this is the strongest posture that specializes in fighting with humans.

Hot white mist overflowed from the Thunder Wolf Dragon's mouth, and large and small lightning bugs gathered together, forming a total of 9 huge lightning balls with a diameter of 1 meter around him, surrounding the Thunder Wolf Dragon like companion stars. All around.

"A natural-type earth-type general candidate, plus a carnivore-type animal fruit-type practical lieutenant general... nine [Thunder Stars] should be enough. Let me have some fun, Lieutenant Generals of the Navy Headquarters!" "

The standing Thunder Wolf Dragon lowered his body slightly, and the muscles and veins in his legs suddenly bulged. As the ground beneath his feet shattered, Heather's whole body instantly ejected towards the two lieutenant generals!

Fierce and sharp whistling sounds filled the air, and Dalmecia only had time to ignite her armed domineering energy and gather her arms to block her body, when Heather's knee strike had already arrived! The extremely violent force was instantly transmitted from Dalmecia's forearm to the whole body, and then the ground under his feet shattered into powder, and the entire terrifying three-masted sailing ship began to vibrate violently.

Before Dalmecia screamed, five black finger hooks popped up from the wolf claws that looked like human hands, grabbed the former's half-human, half-dog head, and slammed it to the ground!


The ground below could no longer withstand the devastation caused by such a huge force. A corner of the southern coast of the entire island in the ship collapsed, and countless trees, soil and rocks rolled down towards the water below.

Heather jumped into the air and picked up Dalmecia, who was spitting blood in her hands. Although the latter's head was a little deformed, she still survived tenaciously: "Ah, he is indeed an awakened animal type. He has such tenacious vitality... It’s worthy of praise.”

After saying that, Heather released her claws and then spun around suddenly. The huge long tail full of golden thorns brought rolling thunder and roaring wind and swept towards Dalmecia. The air waves exploded in the air instantly. This combatant The famous Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters flew backwards like a meteor and crashed directly into the castle in the center of the island.

The Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters was instantly killed in the first round.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

Heather suddenly turned sideways, narrowly avoiding the two daggers coming from behind.

The dolphin's arms were transformed into three-meter-long clay sculptures of wild boar tusks. The sides of the tusks were extremely sharp and shone with cold light. They turned out to be [knives] ground from high-hardness ore. What is inconsistent with his honest appearance is that Cha Doujiaji is a master of deception who loves sneak attacks. He struggled to find a flaw in Heather's attack after Dalmecia was severely injured, and he was 100% sure of it from the blind angle of his vision. A fatal sneak attack.

But what surprised him was that not only did Heather develop her fruit abilities extremely well, but she was also so powerful in seeing, hearing, and color domineering!

Surprised, the tea dolphin's swords kept flashing, and the two wild boar tusks scimitar turned into a fine shower and attacked Heather.

"[Gangyan Dolphin Tooth Sword]!!"

Heather unfolded the white long-maned cloak behind her and used it as a shield to cover her body. Countless sword lights fell on it but were all absorbed and resolved by the soft electrified hairs. Then a [Thunder Star] suspended next to Heather fell into the hairs and exploded a large amount of electricity, shooting towards the tea dolphin.

[Wolf Clothes·Pekko]!

The lightning, which is as fine as needle rain, is like the overwhelming spring rain, sputtering sparsely towards the tea dolphin. Whenever any falling rocks or trees are touched by this lightning needle, small deep holes will be immediately penetrated.

A large number of dark-colored rocks emerged from the surface of the tea dolphin and were stacked layer by layer, forming a ten-layer super-heavy full-coverage armor. The tea dolphin himself also changed from an ordinary height to a huge rock armor with a height of 10 meters. The giant has a large number of jets all over its body that emit large amounts of white steam, and its head is a boar-head-style helmet with tusks.

"What a powerful [big sign], our navy headquarters cannot be underestimated... [Gangyan Wild Boar Giant]!"

The rock giant was pushed back dozens of meters by the raging rain of thunder needles before it could stop. The fine lightning needles pierced three layers of rock armor and then all dissipated. The rock giant shook the stone debris on its surface. , "Dong dong dong", stepping on the heavy steps and rushed towards the standing thunder wolf dragon, every step caused the earth to tremble.

"Can this be considered a [giant]? It makes me want to laugh."

The two [Thunder Stars] flying around the Thunder Wolf Dragon were intertwined and merged into one big thunder star. Heather pointed at the big thunder star floating in front of her and flicked it, and the big thunder star disappeared immediately.

【Thunder Star·Far Thunder】.

Almost at the same time, the rock giant's left arm shoulder armor exploded into powder, and then a long series of huge holes were blasted out of the woods behind the giant. It took two seconds before a thunderous sound was heard in the air. , the woods were ignited by the intense high temperature.

"Let me see, how many times can you resist [Far Thunder]?"

A humanistic and ferocious smile appeared on the face of the Thunder Wolf Dragon, and the remaining six thunder stars merged into three large thunder stars, hovering in front of Heather, ready to go.

This [human-animal type]'s long-range attack ability is more terrifying than its melee ability, and the power of each big thunder star is close to that of an electromagnetic gun.

Although the consumption of mental energy is also very alarming, it is still trivial compared to [Golden Thunder God].


The rock giant's right arm was also completely blown off, and then his head and chest. The jungle behind the giant was plowed out three deep marks that were burning with fire and charred black. The muffled thunder in the air turned into a thunderous roar, spanning the entire sky above the terrifying three-masted sailboat.

The remains of the rock giant were half kneeling on the ground motionless, and the surrounding woods were burning with fierce fires. Both the Beast Pirates and the navy soldiers stopped fighting in unison and remained silent.

Thanks to Changqing 1040 for the 10,000 reward!

Thanks to Dao Minggui for the 1,500 starting coins.

Thanks to Mo Xueyiyun for the reward of 500 starting coins

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