A foreigner's journey

Chapter 203 Betrayal of hearts, fleeing warriors

"Shaoshao fruit? This is indeed a [treasure]."

Heather took the Shashao fruit from Doflamingo and looked at it carefully.

Not counting those SMILE artificial devil fruits, this was the first time Heather saw a devil fruit up close.

This Shao Shao fruit is like an oblate dwarf pineapple, with a large number of spiral-shaped orange flame protrusions on the outside. The green fruit handle has spirals on one side and flames on the other. The whole fruit not only faintly emits heat when held in the hand, but also There is also some orange-red light spilling out in the dimly lit hall, and you can tell at a glance that it is not an ordinary thing.

The Burning Fruit is considered a powerful fruit even among the extremely rare natural Devil Fruits. After all, [Flame] has represented ‘lethality’ since ancient times.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah...we only got this fruit by chance."

Doflamingo sat on the back of Hong Xin's chair and crossed his legs: "Although I have already eaten the Thread Fruit and cannot eat a second Devil Fruit, this Sha Shao Fruit can be used as a bargaining chip or to enhance the strength of my partners." Strength is the best option."

"If you plan to sell, remember to consider the Beast Pirates first."

Heather threw the burning fruit back to Doflamingo: "By the way, there are four seats here, but I see there are only three top leaders in the Don Quixote family? Who is the [Red Heart] for? prepare?"

Doflamingo made a weird laugh: "He... Speaking of which, you have met before. [Rocky Port Incident], do you remember?"


Heather smoothed her long, slightly curly black hair: "You mean [Death Surgeon] Trafalgar Law? I told you earlier, I almost killed him at that time, he turned out to be one of our own."

Doflamingo laughed loudly: "Although I treat Luo as my own brother, it would be nice for you to teach him a lesson. How about it? The [Heart] of our Don Quixote family is pretty good, right?"

Scratching her chin, Heather recalled: "Hmm... The fruit ability is quite weird, but that kind of fancy ability can't break through my [Domineering]. Like you, you have a good brain, but your mouth is a bit smelly, isn't it? A lovable kid."

Doflamingo glanced sideways at Heather, "You still have the nerve to say someone else has a bad mouth?"

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. The [Rocky Port Incident] helped the young marine named Kebi, and Luo also got a seat in the [King's Shichibukai]. But you, where are you going?"

Doflamingo asked the biggest doubt in his heart face to face.

Heather shrugged her shoulders: "I just went to play. Rocky Port's 'Pork Knuckle Sauerkraut with Pea Mashed' is said to be the best in the 'New World'. But I just happened to come across your [Red Heart] restaurant in Rocky Port." Something happened, my hands were itchy for a moment... Oh no, I couldn't hold it back because I was filled with righteous indignation. Let me tell you, the destruction of Rocky Port was all because of your red-hearted little brother!"

"But it was obviously you who demolished Rocky Port!" Doflamingo had a new understanding of Heather's shameless blame-shifting. You don't give any reason, just throw the blame away?

"The building is old, so I'll help them demolish it and then the Navy will replace it with a new one."

Heather looked matter-of-fact: "I said, what's the matter with your kid bringing me here mysteriously? Come on!"

Doflamingo squatted on the back of the Throne of Hearts chair with a gloomy look on his face:

"I want you to do me a favor."

"Tell me, it belongs to mother-in-law. Hey, what was the name of the wine I drank at your place last time? The one that tasted particularly delicious..."

Heather walked to the wine cabinet on the wall of the hall and started rummaging through it.

"The 1452 Bachus, the third and fourth bottles from the left on the second floor are both." Doflamingo pointed to the wine cabinet, and then continued: "Because it is a private matter of the Don Quixote family, So I want to ask you, the most trustworthy person, to help me deal with it."

Heather took out the two bottles of wine that Doflamingo was talking about, bit off the cork of the bottle in her left hand, then raised her neck and took a sip: "Yeah, I'm listening, continue."

"I suspect that Luo has betrayed the Don Quixote family."

Doflamingo's eerie voice echoed in the hall: "He went to Punk Hassad as the King Shichibukai with the intention of cooperating with Caesar. You and I both know where Punk Hassad is. The production of SMILE artificial devil fruits The raw material SAD can only be made at Caesars, where there is a SAD processing plant that I invested in."

"You mean... Mr. Luo went to Punk Hassad to cut off the source of SMILE? Duosun, if this is really done, old man Kaido will not kill you with his own hands! Isn't he your little brother? Why does he hate you so much? ?”

Heather raised her eyebrows and threw another unopened bottle of wine to Doflamingo.

Doflamingo caught the bottle, bit the cork and took a big sip: "I don't know, it's just brainwashed by some rumors and disgusting 'sense of justice' from the outside world. If you are free, I hope You can go to Punk Hassad and help bring Luo back. Although I also have a monitor there, I'm afraid he is no match for Luo."

"I'm afraid I can't help you with this matter, Dover."

Heather shook the bottle: "I came out with a [mission]."

"Oh? Is it convenient to say?"

Doflamingo was a little curious. He had been spending a lot of time with Heather, and he knew that this was a hands-off shopkeeper who basically went to sea just for fun. And Kaido also followed him, almost like the [Crown Prince] of the Beast Pirates...

Wait a minute, they all have black hair, a terrifying monster physique, and a fantasy beast species... Could Heather really be Kaido's illegitimate son?

"I always feel that you are thinking about something very rude." Heather shook her finger, raised her neck and took another sip of wine: "A few [Samurai] escaped from Wano Country, and Jack and I are going to catch these little mice. go back."

"[Samurai]? You and Jack actually need to be dispatched as two big posters. Are they very strong?"

"It's not bad, at least it goes pretty fast."

Heather rubbed her chin: "Jack took the fleet out to sea first to catch up. I stayed in the country of Wano to find the fish that slipped through the net and kill them. It took a lot of effort, and I was delayed by the two candidates for generals from the Navy Headquarters. This time I just lost track of [Samurai]. Tsk, I’m so unhappy. When the dinner comes, you have to invite Dressrosa’s best dance group to entertain you, Dover!”

Your schedule has been delayed. Do you still want to come to Dressrosa? Doflamingo felt that if Heather were his subordinate, he would definitely be angry to death. Kaido is worthy of being a [Yonko], at least he is broad-minded enough. Ah, no, doesn’t this further prove that Heather is Kaido’s illegitimate son?

"Haaaaaaaaa...is there anything I can do to help?" Doflamingo was now also full of interest in [Samurai]. The [Samurai] can make Heather take a lot of effort to kill, and the strength of its companions cannot be underestimated.

"Although there are no portraits or photos, I know their names and general appearance."

Heather wiped the wine stains from the corner of her mouth and grinned, showing her white teeth:

"One is named Kin'emon, a tall and muscular man with two swords and a bun; one is called Kanjuro, a weird man with white hair and face painted with powder and carrying a huge paintbrush; one is called Raizo, with a huge head and a hairstyle like Crab ninjas. The last one...is a little boy about 8 years old, named Momonosuke. According to their escape route, they may pass through Dressrosa."

"Haaaaaaaaaaa... It sounds like it's not easy to deal with. Can you kill me?"

"Of course. Just save your head. I don't want to go back empty-handed when I get a rare mission."

Heather raised her neck and drank the last sip of wine, throwing away the empty bottle.

Although he failed to block the samurai of the Kozuki family because he didn't know the exact time travel time set by Mrs. Toki, he had already killed the Kikunoshi who was lurking as a waitress in Guri. Don't even think about running away for the remaining samurai, prepare to die every one of them.

Nine Heroes of Light and Moon? I want to see how many of you are left when the Onigashima Ceremony comes.

Thank you for the 1500 starting coins rewarded by Section A.

PS: I always feel like I’m writing about two villains conspiring to harm the protagonist group.

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