A foreigner's journey

Chapter 210 The Light of the Righteous Path

"Sanji was killed with just one blow...how, how could it be..." Nami, who looked back worried about Sanji, was shocked.

Before she could recover, a scream came from far and near.

Caesar Curran screamed and was blasted back, hitting the fleeing Straw Hats, and several of them fell into a ball like a gourd.




Heavy footsteps echoed in the jungle, and as the trees continued to break, a figure larger than a mammoth appeared at the other end of the jungle.

It is also a creature that should have become extinct in ancient times, [Brachiosaurus]!

This golden brachiosaurus held a cigar in its mouth and said with a ferocious smile: "Caesar Courant, where do you want to go?"

"Isn't this the highest-ranking official under Yonko Kaido?" Skeleton Brooke got up from the ground and was almost speechless.

"It's... it's [Pandemic] Quinn who has a higher bounty than [Drought] Jack, with a bounty of 1.32 billion berries... It's over... it's really over this time..."

Caesar was breathing more out than in. He didn't know whether he was beaten by Quinn or frightened.

"Huh? Look what I found? There is a beauty comparable to Xiao Zi!"

Quinn noticed Nami who was slumped on the ground and shivering. He stretched out her long and thick neck and admired Nami's beauty up close. He kept praising her:

"It seems good to listen to Master Hai's command occasionally? This is an unexpected surprise! Boys, tie up this woman and send her to the ship. Don't hurt her."

Originally, Quinn was obsessed with Purple, the courtesan of Wano Country, but Orochi had exclusive control of Purple. But now that he saw Nami, his lust began to stir again. Normally, few beautiful women who fell into his hands could survive. He didn't know how long this one would last.

"Damn it, what do you want to do to Nami?"

Chopper mustered up the courage to transform into a strong man and beast, and Brooke also pulled out the rapier in his cane to protect his navigator, but as soon as they took action, they were headbutted by a brachiosaurus. The hammer flew far away.

"Chopper! Brooke!"

Nami watched in despair as her two companions fell into the ruins of the wall in the distance and became motionless. She trembled and turned to look at the huge and ugly Brachiosaurus head. The bad breath mixed with the smell of cigar smoke coming out of the other person's mouth was like hot air. Same.


The thick elephant legs suddenly stepped on Nami's side. The huge mammoth stood directly opposite the Brachiosaurus, and the two ancient beasts faced each other from a distance.

"Brother Quinn, Brother Heather has designated the Straw Hats to capture them. This woman is also one of the targets. You can't touch her." Jack's tone was very serious.

The Brachiosaurus raised its head, and the domineering energy wrapped around its body almost became substantial. He laughed angrily and said, "Oh? Clumsy Jack actually dares to fight against his big brothers? What gives you confidence?"

"It's [Heather]. Brother Quinn, you don't want Brother Heather to know about your use of 'KORO' in Zou, right? You know he hates dirty tricks like poison gas."

"You...!! Okay, okay, little Jack's wings are stiff, do you dare to threaten me? Huh?"

"'Abuse of women' is also a forbidden matter for Brother Heather. Brother Quinn, do you need me to remind you of the experience of being beaten up by Brother Heather in the Flower Capital?"

"...Hehehe, okay, you can take this woman away. Remember, keep your mouth shut."

The Brachiosaurus was silent for a while, then turned and left with an ugly expression. Accompanied by the dull and loud sound of 'dong, dong, dong', the figure of the Brachiosaurus gradually disappeared into the depths of the jungle.

Nami, who was slumped on the ground, breathed a sigh of relief and remembered the name [Heather] at the same time. You can scare a big pirate with 1.3 billion beli just by your name. What kind of power is this? In Nami's mind, she pictured an image of a ferocious giant ten meters tall, broad-shouldered and round-waisted.

Behind her, Jack's minions from the Beasts Pirates saw Quinn walking away, and then they shouted and cheered and clapped: "Be strong, Master Jack! Not only did he bring back Caesar Cullen and the Straw Hats, You also stopped Master Quinn, Master Heather will definitely be impressed by you this time!!"

"The light of the right way! The light of the right way!" This guy didn't know where he heard Heather's words for the earth, and he learned and used them vividly.

Jack said nothing, but the elephant's trunk flicked slightly, obviously very proud of it.

Under Heather's frequent sparring over the past year, Jack's strength has also grown rapidly, far from the embarrassing situation of high health and low attack. Compared to Jhin and Quinn who always bully him with words, Jack is closer to Heather, whom he personally brought into the group.

Coupled with Heather's terrifying strength that far exceeds the fire and epidemic, Jack is very happy to recognize his elder brother.

Originally, Jack planned to lead his army to invade Zou alone to find the samurai [Raizou], but at Heather's suggestion, Kaido sent another big sign [Plague] Quinn.

Under the suppression of the two big posters, the fur tribe resisted fiercely but gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Seeing that he couldn't win for a long time, Quinn took out the poison gas weapon 'KORO', completely destroying the last hope of the fur tribe's resistance. And unlike young Jack, who had participated in the battle with Wano twenty years ago, he recognized the two kings of the Fur Tribe, 'Inuarashi' and 'Cat Viper', and discovered that they were none other than the Red Scabbard Nine of the Kozuki family. , and somehow he became the king of the fur tribe.

It was so interesting that the king of the fur tribe was actually a retainer and servant of the former daimyo of Wano. Quinn almost laughed out loud.

Just because he was afraid of being known by Heather, Quinn immediately used the counter gas [ROKO] to neutralize the poisonous gas after using [KORO] to destroy the fur tribe kingdom.

It's no wonder that Quinn is afraid of Heather, because she has been beaten too many times. The strength of that thunder wolf bastard was simply exaggerated. Quinn tried his best but couldn't defeat him. If it weren't for the ancient species' strong recovery ability, Quinn might still be lying in the hospital bed. In desperation, Quinn had to restrain his usual behavior and behave with his tail between his legs.

With Heather's intervention, the Beast Pirates' style is much better than it was a year ago.

After learning the news of JOKER's defeat, Jack and Quinn were about to set off to rescue people, but Heather called them on the phone and told them not to worry. He had successfully rescued Doflamingo, so they didn't have to. coming.

After learning that there was a naval admiral and the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army stationed there, Quinn had a clearer understanding of Heather's strength, and one thing was clear - don't provoke him if you can.

Heather said on the phone bug that it was expected that members of the Straw Hats would take Caesar Curran to Zou, and let them stay in Zou and wait for the takeaway to be delivered to their door.

When Jack saw it now, Brother Heather really had a clever plan, and Caesar Coulant was really brought to the door by the Straw Hats. The location of Raizo was also named, and a red historical text was even harvested! Boss Kaido will be very happy.

"Take away the Straw Hats and Caesar! Also Inuarashi, Neko Viper and Raizo! These are the guys named by Brother Heather to be arrested. Don't make any mistakes. The historical texts are also taken away!"


PS: Chapter on making up for leave

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