A foreigner's journey

Chapter 238 Bone Wolf Dragon


Badgers screamed and rolled several times, then hit the wall behind him hard, leaving a large crack mark.

He didn't bother to look at the claw marks on his chest that were so deep that he could see the bones. Instead, he pushed his arms hard on the ground and rolled to the side as hard as he could. Almost at the same time, a purple flame cannon from far to near hit the location where Badgers was before!

The wall melted directly through a large hole. It was not so much the high temperature but the 'venom' to the living people!

This purple flame seems to repel everything in the world, and both living and dead creatures will be corroded by the purple flame.

The giant claws covered with pale bone armor stepped heavily on the ground. The strange-looking Skeleton Wolf Dragon no longer had the violent form of the Thunder Wolf Dragon. Instead, it gave people a gloomy and strange feeling, with a purple color lingering on the surface of the body like mist. The flame looks beautiful, but it contains extreme danger.

"[Foxfire·Big Ghoul Vine]!"

In the corner, a spike-covered whip quietly poked its head out like a living creature, then suddenly sprang out and rolled around the Skeleton Wolf Dragon several times, with pink flames igniting on each spike.

The thorn whip was pulled straight, and the other end of the whip was tightly grasped by a strong arm covered with orange-red fluff and pulled back forcefully. The position above the mouth of 'Crescent Hunter' Katarina Depen also became covered The fox face with orange-red fur, the corners of his eyes became narrow and long with dark red eyeshadow, nine furry tails appeared behind him, and his voice changed from hoarse to charming:

"Muluhuhu... little brother, your flames are very similar to my sister's. Do you want to make a date?"

Katarina Depon is a user with the ability of the phantom beast species of the Animal Death Fruit, in the form of a [nine-tailed fox]. Her fox fire is not very lethal, but it has a strong hallucinogenic effect on living creatures.

It's a pity that the current [Skeleton Wolf Dragon] is not considered a living creature at all.

The thorn vines creaked as the two sides struggled with each other, and Dai Peng was horrified to find that he, as a fantasy beast species with animal abilities, actually lost in terms of strength. Yes, the opponent is also a fantasy beast species, and it is also an offensive type that focuses on killing. How could it be possible for him to lose to others in terms of strength?

Even though he nailed his feet deeply into the stone tiles of the floor, he still couldn't stop Dai Peng from being pulled towards the Skeleton Wolf Dragon bit by bit.

Feeling the stone bricks under his feet being continuously smashed and crushed forward, Dai Peng screamed in horror: "Admiral! Come and help me! I can't control him!"

"Hahaha! [Dark Star]!"

Dozens of black spheres condensed to the limit rotate around Blackbeard at high speed, evolving into a huge dark vortex. Just the overflowing attraction can quickly swallow up everything around it, and most of the attraction is used to lock in Skeleton Wolf Dragon.

With Blackbeard's black hole gravity as a restraint, and Dai Peng's thorn whip restraint, the Skeleton Wolf Dragon will not be able to move freely for a while.

The King of Evil and Yu Zhiliu realized that the opportunity was rare, and immediately picked up their weapons and rushed towards the Skeleton Wolf Dragon.

The Evil King's arms began to buzz, and then turned into high-speed rotating spiral drills. He stomped on the ground and then jumped up high, aiming at the head of the Skeleton Wolf Dragon:

"Suffer death, meow! [Evil Diamond Rock]!"

Yuzhiliu was running at high speed. She sheathed the famous thunderstorm sword. When he was about to approach the skeleton wolf dragon, he suddenly drew his sword and swung out a fierce sword light, aiming directly at the chest of the skeleton wolf dragon:


The Skeleton Wolf Dragon did not dodge at all, allowing the drill bit and the sword light to hit him. The bones of the bone gun tail behind him twisted and rattled, and then the gun blade at the end of the tail suddenly bounced to both sides and turned into a The large cross gun blade swept directly towards the King of Evil with a whistling sound!

After all, the King of Evil was the top warrior who emerged from the sixth floor of the former Undersea Prison. His reaction speed was not inferior to that of Heather. The moment the cross gun blade struck, he raised his arms to protect himself with his auger arm, and at the same time, he The armed and domineering aura all over his body covered his arms.


The auger arm was directly hit to pieces!

The King of Evil Government didn't even have time to scream in agony before he was severely knocked away and crashed into the ruins from a distance, exploding a large amount of rubble and smoke.

Before Yuzhiliu could strike out with the second sword, the blade he swung was directly bitten into the mouth by the Skeletal Wolf Dragon. There was a tooth-piercing squeaking sound between Senbai's sharp fangs and the blade, and sparks continued to explode. .

Immediately afterwards, the Skull Wolf Dragon shook its head violently, throwing Hiro of the Rain and the knife directly into the air. The tail of the gun blade shook several times as if it was accumulating power, and then it stabbed Hiro of the Rain in the sky violently. A purple spiral pillar of fire erupted from the end of the cross gun tail!

At the critical moment, Blackbeard raised his right hand, and the strong black hole gravity sucked Yuzhiliu from the sky, barely avoiding this fatal pillar of resentment.

Badgers wiped off the blood from his mouth and nose, and said in horror: "It's really difficult. The top power of most of the Blackbeard Pirates can't defeat him? What a [monster]!"

"Sure enough, it's because you're too much behind, Badgers." Ame Zhiliu also had cold sweat on his forehead. Just now, he was just a little bit melted into residue by the pillar of fire.

"Hahahaha, don't worry little ones, I don't think he can maintain this form for long."

Blackbeard laughed loudly: "[Time] is an advantage for us, he is the one who needs to be anxious."

In fact, Blackbeard's guess was pretty close.

Heather's [Skeleton Wolf Dragon] form is different from [Golden Thunder Lord]. This form mainly relies on the corrosiveness of the 'resentful fire' and the super endurance of the undead corpse. Although the resentful fire poses a great threat to the enemy, it also poses a strong danger to itself. After all, Heather is still alive and can only temporarily control this dangerous flame through the [Skeleton Wolf Dragon] form.

The cross-gun tail cut off the stinger whip with a swipe, and then the surging purple artillery blasted hard towards Blackbeard.

The black vortex that was constantly rotating at high speed absorbed all the purple resentment. Although it was accompanied by Blackbeard's miserable screams, there was no damage to the surface of Blackbeard's body except for the severe burning pain.

To compensate for not being able to elementalize, the Dark Fruit can absorb all attacks. Even with the disadvantage of doubling the pain, it is still the most dangerous devil fruit in history.

Secretly saying "trouble", the purple flames began to shrink, and at the same time the white bone armor also retracted into the body.

The Skeleton Wolf Dragon transformed back into the Thunder Wolf Dragon.

Blackbeard opened his arms and laughed: "Hahaha! I guessed it right. That was one of your abilities just now, right? Heather, I will give you another chance to join the Blackbeard Pirates. I can give you some ideas." Everything you want!”

"Oh? I want your heads. Why don't you take them off and give them to me now?"

A large number of ultra-electric lightning bugs re-condensed on the surface of the Thunder Wolf Dragon, and from a distance it looked like stars dotted around it.

"...So there's nothing to talk about? What a pity, then I have to kill you here with my own hands, and then deprive you of your fruit ability!"

The black mist on the surface of Blackbeard's body gradually dissipated, replaced by strong vibrations visible to the naked eye.

"Did you get the Shock Fruit from Whitebeard? It's interesting. Let me see if you can truly master this power of 'destroying the world'."

The long tongue covered with barbs licked the corners of its mouth, and the cyan lightning on the surface of the Thunder Wolf Dragon began to glow with golden light.

PS: The holiday is over, and it’s time to return to daily updates...

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