A foreigner's journey

Chapter 248 Deification

Heather was feeling amazing right now.

One of the most primitive desires of human beings is to [fly], and now, Heather can feel that all airflow is under her control.

Flying in the thunderstorm with the body of a mist dragon, the sky is like another docile ocean, without the interference of mundane things. Heather's mind is only indifferent and overlooking from above.

Like a real god.

Of course he noticed the naval fleet affected by [Dalan Divine Strike], but so what? It no longer mattered to him whether mortals were alive or dead.

go home? Outlander game? Let's throw those insignificant little things aside.

Lan Long shuttled through the storm, and the entire Wano Sea was shrouded in an endless thunderstorm, which began to spread toward the outer waters of Wano Country.

In the interior of Wano Country, whether it is the dilapidated Hat Village, the prosperous Flower City, the heavily guarded Rabbit Bowl Prison, or the desolate wilderness, they are all being invaded by terrifying and roaring hurricanes and heavy rains at this moment.

Houses were blown up and destroyed in entire areas, century-old trees were uprooted, rivers surged, and people died in disasters every moment.

People were crying and wailing, praying to the gods and Buddhas in the sky and even any god, but they did not receive even a little response. The storm intensified and showed no signs of stopping.

Because true gods don't care about the prayers of mortals.

Over the waters of Wano Country, a thousand-meter-long blue-scaled dragon kept flying at high speeds amid the storm, chasing the white dragon shadow that loomed in the dark clouds.

The dragon's back carried the cadres of the Beast Pirates, but did not include Orochi and his subordinates, because these ninjas and samurai had been slaughtered in the first round of firefight, and even Orochi was chopped down nine times. His head exhausted all the 'life' of the Yamata no Orochi fruit and died tragically in the Onigashima main hall.

"Boss Kaido, what is that giant white dragon?" The storm was so overwhelming that everyone could barely hold on to the dragon scales to prevent them from being thrown out. Only a big sign like Jhin had the energy to speak.

"Oh hahaha... I have never heard of such a devil fruit, but it killed all the intruders but spared us. This is an ironclad fact."

Kaido avoided a sudden lightning strike to prevent the officers on his back from being struck by lightning. After such a delay, he was further distanced by Lan Long.

Ulti lay on the dragon's back between the long manes and cried. From time to time, he would use the dragon's mane to wipe his nose and tears: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Escape? Lord Heather! My Lord Heather, Alingsu!!"

There were also casualties among the flying six cells. As the strongest among the flying six cells, Fuzifu and Sasaki received special care from the cadres of the BIGMOM pirates. Fuzifu was beaten and killed before he could even take the [Beast Pill]. Killing, Sasaki lost an arm, and the other flying six cells were also seriously injured.

As the basic combat power, the Givers suffered heavy casualties, because every attack by the cadres would deal an effective and fatal blow to them. Since all the real warriors were rationed with [Beast Pills], they didn't die much. Some of the real warriors even joined forces to kill the 'Egg Baron' and 'Debt Collector Bobby' of the BIGMOM pirates, which was a great achievement.

The barbarians who should have been under the enemy's attention were transformed into an undead corps thanks to the support of Heather's "Aztec Gold Coin", and none of them died.

On the big signboard, Quinn and Jack received many attacks due to their size. The latter's injuries were more serious but not life-threatening. Jhin took the risk and took the second [Beast Pill] and tried his best to kill 'Ban Zhan' Izo, 'Slaughter Warrior' Kira and 'Captain' Kidd, and severely injured 'Phoenix' Margao.

It can be said that without the [Beast Pill], the outcome of this battle would still be unknown.

This is why the Beast Pirates did not forget to take Chopper with them when they evacuated to Kaido's back, because Chopper was a key figure in the production and improvement of [Beast Pill], and his help was indispensable in the development of [Beast Pill Type II].

Doflamingo sat near the dragon's tail, breathing heavily. His strength is close to that of the big board, but because he is a superhuman ability user, he cannot receive the [Beast Pill] bonus. In addition, he is not good at physical strength. Such a long-term and high-intensity battle is not suitable for Doflamingo. It's quite a test.

Fortunately, he survived and protected BABY5. Although this woman is usually not very smart, she is the only remaining member of the Don Quixote family. Doflamingo still regards her as his sister in his heart, and he tried his best to kill her in this battle. She survived.

Doflamingo looked at Nami and Robin, who were not far away from him. Both of them were tied to the dragon scales by him using thread fruit creation silk threads. The former was lost and the latter was crying bitterly.

Where did Heather go? Moreover, the white dragon that was as powerful as a god gave Doflamingo a strange sense of familiarity, as if he had seen him somewhere.

Above the sky, the giant dragon transformed by Kaido was still chasing after the Arashi Dragon. The two giant dragons crossed the entire sea area of ​​​​Wano Country and soon arrived at the capital of Wano Country [Flower Capital]. above.

Lanlong suddenly stopped, just swimming freely in the thundercloud and rainstorm, stirring the black vortex above the sky.

The storm is getting stronger!

Kaido hovered in the sky not far from Lan Long and suddenly roared: "Heather! Is that you!?"

Lanlong's figure froze slightly, and turned his head to look at Kaido. His orange-red eyes contained no trace of humanity, only divine indifference.

"Huh? That dragon is Master Heather?" Everyone on the dragon's back shouted in surprise, but isn't Master Heather the Thunder Wolf Dragon fruit? Why did it become like this again?

A huge whirlpool of black clouds spread around with Lan Long as the center. Lan Long floated in the center of the vortex and fell into silence. After a long time, he suddenly spoke slowly. His voice was very similar to Heather's but extremely cold:

"Heather...is indeed my human name."

Kaido frowned: "Heather, what's wrong with you?"

Everyone could tell that something was wrong with Heather at this time, as if she was a completely different person.

This is the biggest side effect of the god-killing weapon [Ferocious Knife·Flower Rain] - deification. If you want to kill the gods, you must raise your own personality to the same level or even higher.

This weapon should not have been born, but the nameless sword in Monster Hunter World, on which all the energy and soul of the dragon craftsman was placed, was fused with the treasure 'Sky Dragon God Jade' in Lanlong's body, and was forcibly fused and upgraded with the help of a large amount of world flames. The personality was cultivated by Heather's massive mental energy for a full year, and finally broke out under the siege and pressure of many top powerhouses, and finally forged this god-killing weapon.

It does not consume as much mental energy as terrifyingly as Jin Lei Gong, nor is it like the absolute king who is restrained by the myth system and oppressed by the will of the world. This god-killing weapon is the top and most powerful force in any world, capable of killing people. Killing beings named 'gods'.

But it has a side effect, the only side effect, and that is ‘deification’. To use this weapon, Heather needs to actively draw out her divinity, which means suppressing her "animal nature" and "human nature" to the maximum extent. Therefore, she needs the "Superman's Invisibility Lens" as a limiter. Once she starts using the weapon, Heather will have a deification progression meter. The further back the progress gauge is, the harder it is to recover. Once the progress gauge is full, it will permanently cause Heather to stay in the 'god's' thinking mode and become another person...or, another 'god'.

The current deification progress slot is - 64%.

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