A foreigner's journey

Chapter 250 When the banquet finally comes to an end

The storm dissipates and the sky clears up after the rain.

As the sun rises slowly in the morning, the waves on the sea surface are still strong, but they are no longer the apocalyptic scene like last night.

After the Beast Pirates returned to the ground, they took a rough inventory of the number of people and found that the [Waiters] and [Pleasurers] were basically wiped out, the casualty rate of the [Givers] was almost 60%, and the [Real Fight] forty-seven people died. , [Barbarian Tyrant] all survived, [Fei Liubao] one person died and three were seriously injured, and [Big Signboard] two were seriously injured.

Among the non-staff pirate groups, the 'Ancient Cat Pirates' were completely destroyed, the 'Raptor Armored Group' had a casualty rate of 70%, the 'Kidd Pirates' rebelled, and the 'Hawkins Pirates' were completely destroyed.

Kaido's biological daughter Yamato rebelled.

The base ‘Big Skull Ghost Island’ was completely sunk.

The ally 'Wano Country General Kurotan Orochi' and his subordinate forces 'Orochi Imperial Court Fans' and 'Samurai Patrol Group' were completely wiped out.

The Beast Pirates suffered heavy losses this time.

But compared to those intruders, this is nothing.

Just look at the losses of other invading forces.

BIGMOM Pirates——[Yonko] BIGMOM is dead! The [Three Dessert Generals] headed by Katakuri were all wiped out, the sixteen 'chess' headed by Baron Dandan were all wiped out, and the nine dessert ministers headed by Perospero were all wiped out.

Blackbeard Pirates——[Yonko] Blackbeard Teach is dead! The five [Juhan Captains] headed by Shiru of Rain were all destroyed, and Aokiji, the foreign aid, died.

Navy Headquarters - [Navy Headquarters Admiral] Fujitora and Kizaru are dead! Nine lieutenant generals, including general candidates Cha Dou and Tao Hao, died, forty-six generals with the rank of commodore and below were wiped out, nearly 10,000 naval soldiers were wiped out, and all twenty-seven naval warships sank into the sea.

Straw Hat Pirates \u0026 Heart Pirates Alliance - All except Nami, Chopper, Brooke, and Robin were destroyed.

From this point of view, two of the [Four Emperors], two sea emperors and their forces were completely destroyed, and the [Navy] lost most of its top combat power and could not recover within ten years.

The [Revolutionary Army] got rid of the constraints of the Navy and the Four Emperors and gained unprecedented development space. The only remaining strength of the [Red Hair Pirates] has no ambition to compete for the sea.

Next, the pattern on this sea will undergo earth-shaking changes.

The era of [imperial supremacy] between the Revolutionary Army, the Beast Pirates and the World Government has finally arrived!

The country of Wano, the capital of flowers.

Sitting on a bare hillside, Heather and Kaido drank while looking at the busy Beast Pirates cadres and the people of Wano below.

It's not about the person, although Heather doesn't like the country of Wano, but the ordinary people are innocent after all, especially since he is the culprit that caused the landmark building of Wano and three blocks to disappear from the world.

The uninjured or slightly injured officers of the Beast Pirates were ordered by Heather to help the people of Wano rebuild their neighborhoods and treat the wounded. With Heather's current reputation, not a single member of the Beasts Pirates has any complaints. Instead, they all think that this must have some deep meaning and is Lord Heather's strategy!

"It's so profound. You are going to use Wano Country as your base in the future, right? If you don't have a good relationship with the people, are you cadres going to grow vegetables and carry water by yourself?"

Facing the inquiries from the Real Fighters, Heather looked impatient: "Remember, if you have a better attitude, you may want to include all the people of Wano into the Beast Pirates in the future. Internal strife is the most stupid and meaningless thing." Consumption.”

After drinking the confused cadres, Heather picked up the wine bottle and took a sip, wiped her mouth and looked to the side: "Why are you still crying? Didn't I tell you about Yamato's murder?" Are you sorry?"

Next to him, Kaido, who was sitting on the floor, had tears all over his face. While crying, he raised his head and drank wine:

"Although she is my biological daughter who I have raised for more than 20 years, that kind of unfaithful and unfilial rebellious girl will die if she dies. It doesn't matter. Heather, I am happy for you! You finally have the sea of ​​beasts." The demeanor of the new generation admiral of the thieves! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! It’s worth drinking another bottle of fine wine!"

Kaido's greatest wish is to form the strongest army in the world and then dominate the entire sea.

Now, Heather has helped him fulfill his wish in advance. Imagine who in this sea can be the opponent of Heather in the form of misty dragon? There is no need to transform into a mist dragon, Heather's thunder wolf dragon form can overcome all obstacles.

Kaido plans to hand over the Beast Pirates to Heather, who will be his best successor!

To put it bluntly, Kaido is now in a typical sage state [when I hit a difficult stand-alone game and played Wind Spirit Moon Shadow, I felt good for a while and then became bored and wanted to uninstall the game].

Heather glanced at Kaido and then raised the wine bottle and poured it to her mouth, but only a few drops of wine dripped down. She had to throw the wine bottle aside in disappointment: "Don't think about it, old man Kaido, I have something to tell you." Just say it."

"Well, you say."

"I'm quitting the Beast Pirates."


Beast Kaido suddenly turned his head to look at Heather, his drunken eyes suddenly sobered up with fear: "Why? If you want the dominance of the Beast Pirates, I can inform all the generals and governors now The position is given to you. Don’t leave Heather, the Beast Pirates will be your most loyal and powerful backing!”

"It has nothing to do with this. It's my own business. I want to leave here and travel to a very distant place."

Heather waved her hand. Who can be ruthless if we are not just grass and trees? Although Kaido is a big villain in the comics, he really didn't say anything about himself. Heather was really speechless when she left at this time.

However, the second phase of the mission has been completed, and because of the additional kills of two naval headquarters admirals, another Yonko, and Straw Hat Luffy, the Son of the World, Heather has completed additional hidden missions, and is now in Foreigner Fire A total of seventeen world flames are burning quietly.

Two hours ago, when Foreigner Game congratulated himself on the completion of the mission, he mentioned something extra, saying that it was because Heather had changed the direction of the world too much, especially killing Straw Hat Luffy, the son of the world, that caused the world's will to pay more attention to him. In three hours at most, the Foreigner Fire will no longer be able to hide from the will of the world. At that time, the entire world will be mobilized by the will of the world to obliterate Heather.

In other words, it's time for Heather to go.

Originally, Heather planned to transform into a wave of misty dragons and directly bulldoze the holy land of Mary Joa, wipe out all those disgusting Dracos and Five Old Stars with a storm, and then meet the King of the World, Im, to satisfy herself. curiosity.

It's a pity that we don't have enough time.


After listening to Heather's words, Kaido said no more. He just raised the huge wine gourd and poured it down his neck. After a long time, he threw away the wine gourd and stood up slowly, letting the wine drip down his beard:

"Oh, cluck! Indeed! There is no reason to stop a man from [sailing out to sea]! Heather, you have the power to conquer the world, use this power to fulfill your dreams, and don't be constrained by anyone or anything!"

Kaido picked up the huge black mace next to him, caressing its spikes and surface, and finally handed it to Heather resolutely: "I don't have any other farewell gifts, so I will just keep this one with me." I’ll give you [Narokawa] for decades.”

"Old man Kaido, you..."

Heather was stunned for a moment, then reached out to take the mace, which was nearly four meters long. The dark surface was like a metal coating, which contained powerful 'dominance'!

The same principle as the black sword, this mace has been cultivated by Kaido's domineering power for decades and turned into a 'black stick'.

One of the Twelve Artifacts of the Supreme Realm, the Mace Narokawa!

Holding the mace and feeling the looseness of the [Mythical Weapon Catalog], Heather murmured to herself: "So that's it, is this also 'supernatural'? Then I'm not polite..."

Nian Qi surged out from all the pores in Heather's body, turned into illusory dragon scales and wrapped him in them layer by layer. It condensed into the form of a dragon inch by inch, and finally disintegrated into countless fragments of Nian Qi and merged into the wolf. Among the tooth sticks.

Gradually, the mace began to shrink until it became a size suitable for Heather to use.

In the depths of his mind, the telekinesis ability [Catalog of Mythical Weapons] has opened a new page——

New category [Maul] updated!

[Mace Narokawa] Log in, the effect is - when you hold this mace, you will get the Haki bonus of Kaido of the Beasts, you can use the Overlord color Haki, and you can use the animal-type fish fruits of Kaido of the Beasts The 'man-beast form and dragon-like form' of the blue dragon form of the phantom beast type.

A simple and direct ability. Although Heather failed to awaken the overlord's domineering energy until the end, with the help of this mace, she can also experience the joy of overlord's color and clear soldiers.

"Then I will accept this mace with a smile, old man Kaido."

Heather imitated Kaido's posture and put the mace on her shoulders, just like Kaido when he was young:

"Is it okay? You gave me the weapon at hand. Will it be a little troublesome against the red-haired and Monkey D. Dragon?"

"Oh, geek! Don't underestimate me, Heather! If they have the guts, just come and give it a try. I'm Kaido!"

Kaido looked up to the sky and laughed, sounding like a dragon's roar throughout the Flower City. After laughing at the end, Kaido wiped the tears from his eyes and stretched out his big hand to Heather:

"Laughing so hard I cried...Have a nice trip, Heather!"

Heather reached out and held Kaido's big hand: "...Well, take care of yourself."

The breeze blew across the earth, and the morning sun shone on everyone's shoulders.

Nami seemed to feel something. She ran up the hillside regardless of the officers' obstruction, but she only saw Kaido standing at the top of the hillside, not Heather.

"Where is he... others?" Nami's premonition became even stronger.

"Let's go." Kaido's attitude toward the woman Heather was interested in could be described as gentle, but he was no longer in the mood to talk much at the moment, so he just raised the flask and raised his neck to drink.

Water drops dripped down his beard, whether it was wine or tears.

Heather, go fulfill your dream and let everyone see how powerful you are!

Thanks to Luyin Fei Lemon Ball for tipping me with 1500 starting coins.

PS: The world of One Piece is over! At noon there will be a relatively brief summary of the end of the volume and a summary of Heather's attributes at this stage.

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