A foreigner's journey

Chapter 255 Hunting

The train was speeding through the wilderness at night, and the night wind was getting stronger.

Directly above the train, a huge black airship was traveling in the same direction at the same speed as the train.

The surface of the airship is coated with special paint, which acts as a nearly invisible camouflage in the night, and the airship's propeller makes almost no noise, perfectly covered by the noise of the train.

A large number of heavily armed soldiers in black combat uniforms descended to the top of the train along the ladder hanging from the airship and used hooks to hook the edge of the train in advance to ensure that they would not be thrown out.

A middle-aged man with white hair wearing a black trench coat stood at the top of the train. He lowered his head and lit the cigarette held in the corner of his mouth. The white smoke dissipated in the wind, and a low voice was transmitted to the ears of all descending soldiers through the collar micro intercom:

"Listen up, the target of this mission is 'Rain Tiger' Gryffindor. We require him to be captured alive, but he is only required to capture him alive. Non-fatal attacks are allowed when necessary. The opponent is a telepathic person of the practical side, don't let him I am in 'smoke' and 'rain'. The target is located in Car No. 14, on the roof of the first team, surrounded from the front and rear by the second team and the third team's cars. The scale team and the Yorkshire team are ready to cover, GO!"

The white-haired man's index and middle fingers were brought together and waved forward. The soldiers with submachine guns immediately and orderly approached the direction of the carriage where Heather was, making almost no sound. It was obvious that they were very skilled in this kind of beheading operation.

This white-haired man is one of the special operations advisers of the United States Security Agency (S.S.A) in Sahelta and a former one-star military hunter, ‘Hummingbird’ Missis. This hunting activity against Gryffindor was planned by him.

The director of the S.S.A. has hinted to Missis that he will be promoted to deputy director as long as this mission is successfully completed. Missis, who has coveted this position for a long time, is naturally very enthusiastic. After all, he took the initiative to surrender to the United States of Sahelta just for the sake of glory and wealth.

Considering that Gryffindor is a practical hunter with outstanding strength, Missis, who pursues a perfect record, dispatched the 'Rosta Team', one of the elite units under the S.S.A., to hang Gryffindor for half of the time. Yue, drove the opponent all the way from Nolimu City to Hangte City, finally wearing down the opponent's physical strength and energy.

As he expected, Gryffindor, who was at the end of his rope, actually took advantage of the heavy rain to try to escape from Hunter City. After receiving the order, the Rostar team pursued decisively, preparing to capture this difficult prey in one fell swoop.

But not long after entering Hangte City, the Rosta team completely lost contact.

Two hours later, Missis received information from the front line - the entire Rosta team was wiped out due to Gryffindor's telekinesis, and Gryffindor had escaped.

Missis immediately used the S.S.A. relationship to investigate all means of transportation leading outside Hangt City, and sure enough found that Gryffindor bought a train ticket to Noriwood City and left Hangt City first.

The Sahelta military airship he was on immediately pursued him at full speed, and mobilized two other teams of S.S.A.'s elite troops, the 'Scale Team' and the 'Yorkshire Team', as well as three teams of well-trained telepathic special forces.

According to the intelligence, Gryffindor boarded the train with a strange man wrapped in a high-collar waterproof windbreaker. He must have been a temporary helper, otherwise Gryffindor's strength would not be enough to complete the train. Kill Team Rostar.

After experiencing such a difficult battle and escape, Gryffindor and his helper, who thought they were in a safe situation, must have slept like dead pigs, right?

No matter who this helper is, Missis will definitely make him regret why he made an enemy of Sahelta and let his family and friends suffer torture before disappearing from this world. This is the mission of the United States of Sahelta. Behavioral style.

Behind Missis and at the top of the rear end of the train, there were five men and women of different shapes wearing black combat uniforms. They belonged to the 'Scale Team' and the 'Yorkshire Team' respectively. They were no less powerful than the 'Rosta'. A team of powerful telepaths.

Some of these individual telepaths crossed their arms, some chewed gum carelessly, but they all focused on Car No. 14.

When they reached the top of Car No. 13, a team had stopped and locked all the windows and possible escape routes in Car No. 14 with their firearms in hand.

The second team and the third team also arrived in the No. 13 and No. 15 cars below respectively. All the conductors who passed by were knocked unconscious or had their necks broken directly, without giving them any chance to wake up the target.

"One team is in position, please give instructions."

"The second team is in position, please give instructions."

"Team three are in position, please give instructions."

"...do it!"

As Missis gave the order, the second and third teams of soldiers immediately rushed into Car No. 14.

1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds... 10 seconds passed, but there was no movement in the car.

"...Team 2 and Team 3, report the situation."

Missis, who was holding a cigarette in his mouth, frowned slightly. Even if Gryffindor was not subdued immediately and had a conflict with the second and third teams, there must at least be some sound of fighting, right? What is going on? Are we all sitting in the carriage having a quiet tea party?

There was silence over the intercom.

Missis frowned even more tightly. His [Circle] had been opened, but it did not show any movement.

He just picked up the mini walkie-talkie at his collar and planned to ask the Yorkshire team to go down to see the situation, but his attention was attracted by a sudden sound.

The soldiers raised their guns and aimed at the side windows of Car No. 14.

One of the windows was opened upwards, and a figure climbed onto the roof of the carriage lightly, standing up slowly against the strong wind.

This is a strange man who is completely wrapped up in a dark blue high-collar waterproof windbreaker. He wears a brown wide felt hat on his head and his face cannot be seen. His hands are in the pockets of the windbreaker. He just stands on top of the car statue, seemingly not looking. He was surrounded by powerful psychopaths and dozens of black holes.

Missis raised her hand to signal the soldiers and the troops with telekinesis abilities to calm down. Since the other party stood up majestically, he obviously didn't care about ordinary firearms. Is he the kind of person with enhanced telekinesis abilities who has practiced to the extreme? I heard that some powerful people with enhanced telekinesis abilities can even withstand attacks from large-caliber sniper rifles and rocket launchers when their telekinesis energy covers their bodies. Maybe this guy can also...

"What is your name?"

Missis asked, and her voice was clearly heard in front of the windbreaker in the howling night wind:

"I don't know what kind of promise Gryffindor made to you, but I can guarantee that S.S.A can give you double or even triple the reward. S.S.A always opens its hands to friends with good intentions, but it is stubbornly resistant to negative consequences. There will be no mercy for our enemies."

“…like Rhoda Kingdom?”

The windbreaker's voice was quite young, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

"Rhoda Jindom brought it upon himself. He teamed up with Heise, the Mind-killing Saber, to threaten and intimidate the United States of Sahelta in an attempt to override V5 as a businessman. Naturally, the United States of Sahelta would not have any sympathy for him. Have kindness.”

Missis said patiently: "No matter what Gryffindor or Rhoda Kingdom has to do with you, they are already dead or will soon become dead. Living in the present is the most important thing, isn't it? As long as you are now Abandoning the dark side and arresting Gryffindor, I guarantee with my personality that I will ensure the safety of you and your relatives and friends, and S.S.A will pay you 50 million zine..."

The words came to an abrupt end. Missis had been blocked by the team members behind her. No explanation was needed from the telepathic users. Even the ordinary soldiers could sense that something was wrong. The bone-chilling chill spread crazily with that weirdo as the source. Like a violent storm.

Killing intent bursts out!

Sweat dripped down the foreheads of those with telekinesis abilities present, and their exposed skin seemed to be pricked by thousands of sharp needles. The [circle] of the weirdo in the windbreaker was not a true 'round' or 'oval' like other telekinesis users. It's shape', but the edges expand outward in the sharp posture of countless sharp-edged weapons.

With the monster in the windbreaker as the center, a bright and huge blazing sun composed entirely of mind energy slowly rose on the roof of the train, and even illuminated the boundless night sky in the vision of those with mind abilities!

And this is just the strange image caused by the other party letting go of the suppression of the sperm pores in the body and naturally releasing the thought energy.

This level of 'training'... can also be regarded as a person with telekinesis abilities! ?

Immediately afterwards, both ordinary soldiers and telepathic users heard the violent roar of the dragon.

A pitch-black mace appeared in the windbreaker's hand, and was then carried on his shoulder.

[Mythical Weapons Catalog] Start! Login【Haul】——


Thanks to Mu Xue boy for the 1,000 starting coins

Thanks to Shu Weng Chong for the 500 starting coins

Thanks to book friend 20201217011342800 for the reward of 500 starting coins

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