A foreigner's journey

Chapter 260 Reject X Infiltration

"……it's me."

Nitro answered the phone and waved his hand to reject the umbrella that Ginta came towards.


"Gryffindor Zachary? I remember the treasure hunter from issue 271. What happened?"


"...Then I will once again clearly state the attitude of the Hunter Association. Generally speaking, the Hunter Association will not interfere in the personal disputes of professional hunters, but the Hunter Association will never become an accomplice when V5 hunts hunters."


"Oh hehehe... Yes, this is my attitude. Don't be so hypocritical, Munk, if your S.S.A has the ability to catch Gryffindor and his accomplices, just go, but the Hunter Association will never provide any assist."

Although his words were sharp, Nitro, who was holding the phone in his hand, did not show any signs of annoyance and remained smiling and indifferent.


The person on the other end hung up the phone, and Nitro took the phone back into his arms without thinking.

"President?" Ginta cast a worried look at Netero.

Nitro stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Oh hehehe... It's still the same thing about Heather. The United States of Sahelta is endless, using the excuse of Gryffindor, the treasure hunter, to teach his telekinesis ability to Haise. Se, want to publicly arrest him, and ask the Hunter Association to block his hunting credentials and provide all information. Haha, is Munk, this little brat, out of his mind?"

"I'm afraid S.S.A. is not asking for your opinion, but is forced to seek information from you because the hunting activities have encountered obstacles, right? → President"

'Xu' Chidor put his hand on his chin and spoke in a gentle and elegant voice: "S.S.A. is known as the most powerful intelligence agency in the world. As of April this year, there are 174 known telepathic people under its command, including There are many powerful masters such as Missis, Jordan, Scale, and Yorkshire who have rebelled from the Hunter Association, and there are even hundreds of special forces with telekinesis abilities.

For Gryffindor, who is good at assassination and concealment, it is impossible for Munk to not have a special response plan. There must have been a huge deviation in the hunt for Gryffindor, and Gryffindor's personal strength made it impossible for him to counterattack, so... was there someone else who came to help? "

Nitro applauded: "I can't sum it up better. Although I didn't say it clearly on the phone, that's what Munk meant. Someone rescued Gryffindor, and he was a very powerful master."

"Could it be Heather?" Chidor suddenly asked.

"Heather has died a long time ago, and she died in front of you and me." Nitro looked at Chidor strangely: "Why do you think it's Heather?"

"...It's just intuition."

"It's rare that the word 'intuition' comes out of your mouth," Nitro quipped.

Ginta had to bring the topic back to the focus of this mission: "President, will you continue to observe chimera ants?"

"No need, we've seen almost everything we need to see."

Nitro stretched out: "Originally, I planned to avoid a meaningless battle this time and put the capture target on the chimera ant queen. But those two ridiculously strong guards probably won't let us take advantage of it. It is almost impossible to avoid the [circle] with a diameter of one thousand meters."

"Unexpectedly, I thought you would stick to staying here and enjoy hunting→President"

"Hahahaha, one of the King's Guards is stronger than me, let alone two together. I like many things, but that doesn't include 'meaningless death'. Go back and gather capable people and strangers and people with powerful telekinesis abilities. At the same time, summon the V5 army. This is a huge crisis for all mankind, no one can stay away, let’s go!”

The three people left the NGL Autonomous Country on the airship that stayed at the peak.

In half a month at the latest, there will be a decisive battle between humans and chimera ants.



The United States of Sahelta officially adopted the Sahelta Constitution in 1787, and a total of 13 allies formed a federal state.

Compared with the other four superpowers in the V5, the United States of Sahelta is young and full of vitality. It is the most active country in the V5 and even the world in terms of technology and cultural output. At the same time, due to the so-called tolerance of multi-ethnic groups, a steady stream of talented people have joined the United States of Sahelta, which has made this young country become more powerful.

Not satisfied with talents in fields such as science and technology, the United States of Sahelta established the Sahelta National Security Agency (S.S.A) in 1908, constantly recruiting or privately cultivating loyal telekinesis users, and using those unique telekinesis abilities to complete some tasks. Incredible tasks that are beyond human reach.

In 1989, retired S.S.A. senior intelligence officer Conan Kane disclosed for the first time many top-secret cases in his personal memoirs, including the most famous "Red Carpet Plaza Shooting" in 1962 and the 1974 "Red Carpet Plaza Shooting" that shocked the world. 'Hex City Massacre', there is a shadow of S.S.A hidden in it.

Gradually, S.S.A became feared by the whole world, and young people in the United States of Sahelta were proud to work in S.S.A.

Such a powerful intelligence agency could only search in vain for traces of Gryffindor and his helpers like a needle in a haystack.

Especially after losing a second-level tactical airship and hundreds of meters of soldiers, S.S.A. Director Munk was under great pressure, and even broke with the Hunter Association to demand that Nitro hand over Gryffindor. He firmly believed that only Nitro could surrender Gryffindor. Only Tero and the Twelve Earthly Branches have the ability to rescue Gryffindor from S.S.A.

Of course, Munk was scathingly mocked by Nitro.

Not only that, a few days later, the Hunter Association informed V5 about the chimera ant incident, stating that this would be a huge crisis related to the survival of mankind and ranked at the top of B-level!

The only disasters that can rival this crisis are the five major disasters brought back from the Dark Continent. In fact, every B-level and above dangerous disaster can easily destroy the entire human civilization.

The fact that humans have survived to this day is actually a coincidence in every sense of the word.

In other words, [miracle].

"...As far as I know, the United States of Sahelta organized an operation to explore the Dark Continent fifty years ago."

In a cold cafe in XX City in the United States of Sahelta, Missis, who was sitting in disguise in the corner, was whispering the information he knew to Heather and Gryffindor:

"The specific time and participants are extremely confidential, but the strange thing is that the content of the operation is allowed to be viewed by relevant senior S.S.A. officials.

First of all, we need to understand that the world as we know it is not really ‘the whole world’. "

"Ah? How do you say this?" Gryffindor was biting into cheese and banana pancakes smeared with maple syrup. Hearing Missis' words, he couldn't help but raise his head and show his eyes full of wisdom.

Heather, who was wearing a fitted suit and shirt, picked up the steaming coffee cup and took a sip: "What he means is that the world we have discovered is just an extremely huge lake, and its name is 'Lake Mobius', right?" ?”

"You are absolutely right. The human world seems to be a small archipelago housed in a lake, and what surrounds the lake is the real world, which is the 'Dark Continent'."

Missis said:

"Fifty years ago, the United States of Sahelta organized an operation to explore the Dark Continent, and the chosen direction was due north of the Ulubian Continent. And it was that operation that brought back an unheard of terrible disaster..."

"[Plant Weapons·Gold and Silver Ingots]!"

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