A foreigner's journey

Chapter 270 Siege

Jin's mind energy exploded all over his body, and he blocked three mind needles coming from the side with one elbow.

The round-headed telepathy needle that could have pierced the rock was knocked away by the defensive telepathy Qi covering the golden body's surface before it even got close to him. Immediately after, the telepathy energy on the surface of Jin's body continued to surge up large and small spherical telepathy bullets, like fireflies. Like floating around his body.

This is the way he developed the application of mind bombs inspired by Heather's [Insect Shield·Light Egg].

The ball-shaped teleportation bombs flew around him at high speed, making constant explosion sounds. If you looked carefully, you could see that a large number of telepathy needles were being blown to pieces.

These needles are hidden and mixed in the storm. If you are not careful, you will be nailed.

The goal is to insert the needle into my body... The operation system is a prop operation type that uses the needle as a trigger switch.

In the blink of an eye, Jin immediately understood the telekinesis ability of Ilmi Phandike.

Before he could further pursue Ilmi, the lion-like Sheba Dadike had already rushed into the mental bomb protective net with his arms in front of him.

The constantly exploding mind bombs bombarded Xiba's body, but could only leave some scratches on the surface of his clothes and skin. This was because Xiba's body-protecting mind energy was too powerful, as if he was wearing a suit of extremely strong steel armor.

As soon as he entered the attack range, Xiba's arms whipped out in the air like whips and struck at Jin's vital position from a tricky angle.

Jin saw his moves, and his arms were also covered with strong thoughts. The two sides continued to fight at a fast pace, and a series of dense explosions and dull bombardments continued to sound in the air.

Not far away, Jie Nuo Da Di Ke slowly opened his cuffs, revealing his thin and slender fingers, and assumed the standard posture of 'Mantis Fist'.

Immediately afterwards, an astonishing amount of thought energy gathered on his right hand to form a [Dragon Head], which continued to grow in size as the thought energy was injected and strengthened.

Change the telekinesis ability [Dragon Head Opera]!


Jin seized the opportunity and kicked Sheba hard in the stomach, and the latter was kicked out hard. But the tactile feedback from under his feet told Jin that this hard kick, which was enough to break the bones of the elephant's internal organs, could not hurt the opponent at all, because Siba had already jumped back the moment he was kicked to minimize the impact.

He was still waiting to pursue, but he stopped in time and jumped back, leaving behind several round-headed needles deeply inserted into the ground at his original location.

As he jumped into the air, Jin suddenly caught a glimpse of gold from the corner of his eye.

A huge golden thought dragon bit him in its mouth, breaking through the storm and flying rapidly towards the sky.

Below, Jie Nuo's right index finger and middle finger are curled up together, and the other three fingers are curled up, and he is smiling evilly and making a false hook upward. The golden dragon in the sky also rolled up its body, vowing to bite the golden dragon into two pieces.

[Dragon Head Opera·The finishing touch]!

Jin in the dragon's mouth burst out with thoughts, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.




The capital of the United States of Sahelta [Efidel] has completely turned into a doomsday scene.

Entire houses were torn apart in the violent hurricane, vehicles were lifted off the ground, uprooted trees were flying in the air like leaves, and there were also large amounts of soil and lake water sucked into the sky by the hurricane.

The high-rise building made of reinforced concrete was swaying in the hurricane, and all the windows were burst and broken. The rooms in the building were washed away by the rain and hurricane impact like bullets, and finally nothing remained. The steel jungle that mankind is proud of is worthless in the face of truly terrible natural disasters.

The rainwater filled with dragon energy becomes as dangerous and deadly as bullets when accelerated by the wind. The overwhelming storm destroys everything that can be destroyed.

Only a few humans hiding in underground shelters survived this horrific natural disaster. They shivered and hid in the darkness, listening to the hurricane sounds like the roar of hell coming from above.

But as the surface soil is gradually stripped away by hurricanes and sucked up into the sky, it is only a matter of time before these underground shelters are destroyed by the storm.

And on the distant sea that they couldn't see, one wave after another of huge waves nearly thirty meters high roared and destroyed everything in the coastal cities. Whether they were large passenger ships or ocean-going warships, they were all caught in the waves. , like the fragile little toys that naughty children play in the pool.

The sky was full of white foam mixed with the storm, and ferocious lightning flashes across the sky could be seen in the gaps.

In the underground safe house of the 'Pure White House', President Hoffman was trembling as his officials reported one desperate data after another.

"The wind speed has exceeded 100 meters/second! And it is still rising! It is beyond the measurement range!"

"The wind level exceeds the maximum calculation level!"

"Rainwater contains energy that cannot be analyzed. Every drop of rainwater is as powerful as a bullet!"

"An unknown life form was observed in the clouds in the center of the typhoon eye area! It is very huge!"

"According to speculation, the central city of Efidel has been completely razed to the ground, and the suburbs and mountains have been completely destroyed!"

"All communication facilities were destroyed and contact with the outside world was lost!"

The sweat on Hoffman's face gathered on his plump nose and continued to drip down. His face was as pale as a corpse: "...Where is the army we contacted before?"

"Ten minutes ago, Admiral Hodel has received an order to allow the use of all available strike methods to attack the unknown creature in the eye of the typhoon."

"The pride of mankind... the crystallization of human science and technology... the status that countless pioneers of the United States of Sahelta have earned through hard work for hundreds of years... how could it be destroyed by you, a little telepathic person?"

Hoffmann clasped his hands in front of him, as if praying to an unknown god:

"Kill him! Whoever it is, kill this monster!"

On the outskirts of Efidel, hundreds of black airships were heading towards the eye area of ​​the typhoon, but just by being close to the spiral rainband area, the terrifying storm had already caused dozens of airships to explode and crash.

This is just the spiral rainband area. If it enters the cloud wall area, I am afraid that no airship or cargo can break through the storm.

At this time, the missile carrying the 'Rose' warhead flew away from the launch bay of the airship, trailing bright flames from its tail, and flew towards the Cloud Wall area carrying Sahel Tower's hope.

As long as we can break through the cloud wall area, we can bombard the most powerful and cruel weapon in human history against the [Dragon] that caused all the disasters.

However, these crystallizations of human technology were torn to pieces by the ruthless storm as soon as they arrived at the Cloud Wall Zone.

Watching each 'Rose' warhead explode into violent flames in the sky, only to be ruthlessly annihilated by the storm that followed. Humanity's most powerful weapon did not pose any threat to nature, but instead further accelerated the wind.

In the eye of the storm at the center of the vortex, there was a faint white dragon that was hundreds of meters long soaring in the clouds.

The dragon of destruction that carries the storm, the god of disaster.

Pray to the gods? The gods are right before your eyes!

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