A foreigner's journey

Chapter 272 Catastrophe

One of V5, the ancient Ganyu Kingdom and its capital, Yulong City.

Si Tianjian, Star Observation Tower.

"A strong earthquake was detected, it's Efidel! Chief, do you need to report to His Majesty?"

The old man in ancient robes put his hands behind his back and listened to the report of his subordinates. He did not look back but looked up at the starry night sky above his head. He sighed longly: "The stars have changed, and a disaster is coming."

"A big disaster?" His subordinates expressed confusion.

"Fifty years ago, in order to harvest the alchemy plant 'Metalion' from the Black Kingdom, the Ancient Ganyu Kingdom paid a heavy price. Even with a master like Biyang De sitting on the scene, there were still only 6 survivors who returned, and Metalion also Wither and die on the way.”

The old man turned around slowly and spoke softly:

"That time, the horrific A-level disaster of the 'Immortal Disease, Zorba AIDS' was brought back. In order to prevent this disaster, V5 united and made the Black Country a taboo. I thought that human society would develop peacefully. , I didn’t expect that a disaster would come to this world.”

"You mean..."

"Yes, go report to His Majesty and say..."

The old man looked like he had aged a lot:

"The most terrible [disaster] in human history is coming!"



The United States of Sahelta has been completely destroyed.

The capital Ephidel was completely shattered, an extremely huge crater was directly blasted out of the northern part of the Urubian continent, and huge dents were punched out on the surface of the planet.

The raging waves rushed into the huge pit and quickly formed the largest giant whirlpool in the history of human observation.

With just one strike, the ‘Dalan Divine Strike’ destroyed one-eighth of the landmass of the Urubian continent, permanently changing the structure of the continent.

Instead of dissipating, the giant typhoon that swept across the continent became more violent.

The terrifying shock naturally spread to the border area of ​​the United States of Sahelta. The Jin and Dadi Hakka families who were fighting fiercely were all shocked by the violent shock without exception.

Both the fleeing people and the powerful telepathic users all set their sights on the horizon in the direction of Efidel.

The dark red color of hell can be faintly seen in that direction. Just by looking at the cracked earth under your feet, you can understand what kind of hell on earth Alfidel has become.

That madman named ‘Heather’ is not crazy, he really has the power to destroy the United States of Sahelta!

"Can this... really be called 'nian'?"

For the first time, Jason felt so powerless. Even when faced with Isaac Nitro, who had dominated the world for decades with the title of the strongest telepathic user, Jason was confident of escaping. But the power to destroy a country... Even in his dream, Jie Nuo could not imagine the harsh conditions and the huge amount of energy required for such a terrifying thought.

Jin, who had several scars on his body, spat out bloody phlegm and wiped the blood under his nose: "Do you understand now? It's useless to restrain me. After Heather was completely angered, no one could stop him, only to finish him Only by meeting our demands can we quell this unprecedented disaster.”

Ilmi, whose left arm was unnaturally twisted, suddenly said to Siba Pha Di Ke: "Dad, according to the sixth rule of Pha Di Ke's family rules, when the task is affected by non-human irresistible factors and takes things in an unpredictable direction, When the situation develops, the enemy guest has the right to terminate the mission."

Xiba's body was full of concentrated thoughts and muscles, as if he were a lion in a predatory state. After hearing Yi Mi's words, he looked around silently. The storm became more violent and began to spread towards the territory of the Montgomery Federation.

Obviously, Heather will not let this storm stop until he kills Defense Minister Hastings.


"Is it really too late?"

Siba asked with a deep and powerful voice: "Has the 'person' named Heather gone completely crazy? Even if he kills Hasting, it is very likely that he will not be able to stop the spread of this storm."

"But it's at least worth a try." Jin said categorically: "If this storm is allowed to continue to develop, it will become the most terrible disaster in human history. At that time, all human settlements will be engulfed by the storm, and the world will be destroyed forever. The earth is caught in the storm forever and ever.”

"You mean... beyond level A danger?"

Xie Nuo obviously also knew about the Five Catastrophes. After all, his father, Jaeger Beatnik, once set foot on the Dark Continent with Isaac Nitro and Linnie Oldberg and successfully returned alive.

"Real S-class."

Without any room for maneuver, Jin nodded. If it cannot be stopped, not only the human world, but also the Dark Continent may be completely swallowed up by the storm.

This is Jin's inference based on the increasing frequency of storms and the trajectory of the flow of mind energy in the clouds in the sky.

Siba was silent for a while and nodded.

The hostility disappeared. Although the thoughts of the three enemies were still sharp, they were no longer full of deadly killing intent.

"Dad, you and Ilmi go after Yoder and Hasting." Xiba gave the order as the master of the Hakkas who beat the enemy. Jienuo and Ilmi immediately disappeared from the place and chased into the distance.

Then, Siba turned to look at Jin: "Long time no see, Jin Fulis."

"We met again after fourteen years. Your thoughts have become much more 'mellow' than before, Xiba." Jin grinned, but the wound at the corner of his mouth caused him to grin.

Xi Ba, who had already been soaked by the storm, gathered up her wet long silver curly hair and looked sharply: "I'm afraid this disaster will not end with Hasting's death. What on earth is Heather waiting for?"

"The mastermind behind everything."

Jin inevitably frowned: "...the original twelve earthly branches, 'son' Pariston. He uses all mankind as pawns to play a life-and-death game with Heather, with the purpose of using killing to continuously destroy Heather. His humanity finally drove him crazy, and Heather was also using the storm to force Pariston to show up. The question is, how did Pariston know that Heather would definitely come back from the resurrection? He must know some secrets about Heather."

To some extent, King was right.

After carefully studying the past of Miki Shintaro and Heather, Pariston came to a surprising conclusion - neither Heather nor Miki Shintaro are from this world.

Not visitors from the Dark Continent, but more dangerous ‘alien invaders’.

The black mist is just a self-defense mechanism produced by this world to expel foreign matter, just like the white blood cells in the body. Shintaro Miki died, but Killua, the closest to Miki at the time, died in the black mist a month later. It must be that this kind of 'alien invader' can still possess other people after death. , Killua is the victim.

At the same time, Heather was also attacked by the black mist and disappeared completely. With Miki Shintaro's lesson learned from the past, Pariston did not believe that Heather was really dead, and was either possessed by other people or dormant and preparing to make a comeback.

It needs to be forced out.

As a result, Pariston began a series of operations, secretly guiding S.S.A to continuously hunt down people close to Heather, in order to provoke Heather into showing up.

No matter how strong a person is, he will never be stronger than V5. This is Pariston's inference.

Now, the chessboard has expanded to include the entire world. Either Heather dies or all of humanity is extinct. The two sides are completely on opposite sides.

The only possibility of reconciliation is to kill all the remaining murderers, namely Hasting and Pariston.

It's just that the world is so big, how easy is it to find a telekinesis master like Pariston who is proficient in 'hidden' and 'absolute'?

Just when Jin and others were frowning, a group of black mist was condensing and taking shape in a dwelling somewhere in the Ochima Federation, which was also V5.

Then, the black mist scattered on the ground and melted into a black shadow, and the black shadow floated up from the ground and turned into a specific human shape again.

This is a humanoid figure whose whole body is wrapped in a black cloak, and its appearance and figure are completely indistinguishable.

He looked around, his eyes rested on the glass window for a while, and then he chuckled:

"Huh...the world of full-time hunters?"

Thanks to Zhenxing Rabbit for the 1,500 starting coins

Thanks to Du JiⅡ for the 200 starting coins

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