A foreigner's journey

Chapter 284 Heartbeat X Stops

Feeling that the boots on his face were a little loose, Pariston continued to shout while the iron was hot:

"I never lied! Jin Fulis can completely see through other people's lies, you can ask him!"

Heather looked at Jin, who nodded with an ugly face: "He didn't lie."

Not far away, Kurapika, who had just woken up, heard Pariston's shouting, and his face became uncomfortable, and he subconsciously touched his chest and abdomen.

Izanabi pulled open his martial arts uniform and exposed his chest. The skin on his chest and abdomen was smooth, but there was a bulge inside, as if something had been transplanted into Izanabi's body.

Presumably Kurapika is the same.

"...Rose? Pariston, you are crazy!"

Jin could tell at a glance what was buried in their bodies - the dirtiest and most evil radioactive bomb in human history, [The Poor Man's Rose]. Even if the power is reduced because it is buried in the human body, it is still enough to turn a radius of several kilometers into scorched earth. Even if a master with enhanced telekinesis ability can barely survive the explosion by relying on his own telekinesis defense, he will be tortured by the terrible radioactive toxins until his whole body collapses and dies.

"Hehehe... Yes, I have placed the trigger in my heart. The moment my heart stops beating, the bombs in those two people will be detonated. Heather, I know that with your great strength You may not be afraid of Qiangwei's harm, but are you really capable of protecting your master and junior brother?"

Pariston's face was still being stepped on by Heather, but his laughter seemed unbridled.

On the other side, Jono Dike stroked his beard and looked at Heather: "Heather, you might as well leave this person to us. I can remove the trigger from his body without endangering his life. .”

This was a good opportunity to show his goodwill to Heather, and Jeno didn't mind using his special skills of beating up enemies to deal with Pariston.

Pariston's voice was still chattering: "Stop dreaming and beat up the enemy. One of my telekinesis abilities is called [One Hundred Ways for a Mouse to Die]. As long as I want, I can stop my heartbeat at any time. Yes. , Sheba, Beat the Dike, and Ilmi, Beat the Dike, stay away from those two people, I'm watching you with [circle]. As long as you dare to touch the bodies of those two people, I will stop your heart immediately beat."

Not far away, the figures of Shiba and Ilmi appeared next to Izanabi and Kurapika respectively, their palms just barely touching their bodies. With their enemy-beating assassination skills, they can quietly remove the target's heart without bleeding a drop. Naturally, they can also remove the bomb detonating devices in Izanabi and Kurapika's bodies.

But under the threat of Pariston, Siba and Ilmi had to stop their actions. Pariston can be called one of the top ten masters in the world. Naturally, he has his own merits. His rat-like acumen and flexibility, coupled with his ever-changing and bizarre ability to cope with various situations, they can't help but I'd bet on whether Pariston is really sure to be the first to stop his heartbeat on his own.

In just a split second, Pariston was in control of the situation.

Feeling that the strange force coming from above his head had weakened, Pariston broke free from the boots on his face. He bounced off the ground with just a flicker and stood firmly on the ground. The ropes on his body also broke silently. Several pieces fell to the ground.

He straightened his dusty and messy blond hair, looked around, and said in a confident tone as if he was the master of the world:

"From now on, no one is allowed to move, including you two hostages. I have triggered my telekinesis ability. As long as someone violates the rules, the suspended animation I set will be triggered - that is, cardiac arrest."

As he said that, Pariston looked at Heather, his eyes full of malice: "I can't believe that even if I told the new stranger about your weaknesses, she still didn't waver at all. She didn't even kill her. You, your compatriots, see you as a threat, what is wrong with you 'people'?"

"...That's all you want to say? I'm patiently waiting for you to perform. Don't waste the opportunity."

Heather put her hands in her pockets and looked at Pariston leisurely, like a rat yelling at the top of its lungs.

Pariston was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "Are you still holding on to your composure? I'm afraid you are thinking crazy about how to break the situation, Heather. It's no use, I know you have a way to turn others into The telekinesis ability of the living dead, Gryffindor and Mysis relied on this ability to survive the fire that burned down the S.S.A headquarters, right?"

"I can even guess what you are thinking. You hate me so much that you don't want to kill me directly. Are you planning to use the ability of the living dead to turn me into an immortal state and then torture me? It's useless. If you become a living dead, it will be mine. Your heart will still stop, and the last two people you care about in this world will be blown into powder and scattered in the wind at the same time. Don’t you dare do this, Heather. Whether you admit it or not, the situation is now changed by me. The weak are in my hands, not you, a super strong man who can single-handedly destroy a country, hahahaha!"

"So? Are you going to just stand and chat with me?"

There was no hint of anger or sadness in Heather's attitude, only blandness.

Pariston showed a hearty smile: "No, no, no, I just want to have a few words with you calmly and see the ridiculous look of frustration on your face, but your current performance makes me very dissatisfied. Let me Think about it... Kneel down, kneel on the ground and lick my shoes, so I can consider letting one of the hostages go first, maybe?"

On the side, Jin's fists were clenched and veins popped out on his forehead. He couldn't tolerate his friend being so humiliated, and at the same time, his mind was frantically thinking about any possibility of breaking the situation.

But the initiative is held by Pariston. Now Rose cannot be removed, the hostages cannot escape, and no one can take any action under the supervision of Pariston [Circle]. Pariston holds on tightly with his own life as a bargaining chip. The lifeblood of everyone present.

It seems that there is only one worst ending to choose from. This is indeed Pariston's favorite and best way of doing things.

At this time, Pariston's proud voice was still taunting Heather: "What's the answer? Heather, the great destroyer of nations, if you don't hurry up, you will have to lick the shoes of everyone present. My patience is very limited. You'd better hurry up..."


The only response Pariston received was Heather's impatient taunt. At the same time, a fleeting gold coin flew out from Heather's fingers and hit Pariston's chest.

"You've been talking for a long time without actually taking any action? Then let me help you stop your heartbeat."

Thanks to Long Xian for the 1,000 starting coins

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