A foreigner's journey

Chapter 292 Ant

The ant king started eating unscrupulously in front of everyone present.

Of course he was not afraid of being disturbed, because Heather, the only one present who had the ability to threaten him, looked like she was just watching the show and had no intention of taking action.

The eating scene is extremely bloody.

The skin and flesh of Nephipido was torn apart by the ant king Meluem with his bare hands, his brains were eaten away, his bone marrow was sucked dry, and his flesh and blood was devoured. This loyal and powerful guard was used in the most barbaric way by the king she was loyal to. Devoured alive.

Even so, she didn't let out any screams until she died completely. For Nephibido, being able to offer herself to the Ant King as food is the ultimate gift. Her flesh, blood, and thoughts will be completely integrated with the Ant King.

In just a few minutes, Nephipeto was eaten by the ant king until only half of his white skeleton was left. Even his skull was smashed and all his brains were licked clean.

As the meal progresses, the burns on the king's back gradually heal. Not only that, his originally strong limbs also began to become as slender as Nepheid, but anyone could feel the great power contained within.

After eating Nifepido, the ant king's eyes were red and he turned his attention to Xiao Yapufu.

The latter bowed deeply to the ant king and showed the highest respect, then his body disintegrated into hundreds of tiny owl yapfu, and said respectfully in unison: "I am overjoyed to be able to be enjoyed by the king."

Without the ant king's own hands, all the little owl yapfu were dissolved into the most delicate liquid, and the whirlwind of fluid was sucked into the ant king's belly.

The ant king closed his eyes and raised his head slightly to feel the further supply of nutrients, and then his eyes suddenly opened.

I saw butterfly wings that resembled the owl Yapufu growing out of his back. After flapping a few times, they retracted back into his back muscles.

By eating the owl Yapufu, the ant king Meruem gained the ability to fly.

Although Meng Tu Tu Youpi, the strongest among the guards, was beaten until his flesh and blood collapsed, the Ant King believed that his current state was invincible and no further food was needed.

Doslonsip...Whether you run away to avoid the sharp edge, I will temporarily forgive you for retreating without a fight, and we will discuss the issue of your loyalty after I defeat the powerful enemy...

The Ant King clenched his fists and then released them. After repeating this a few times, he understood his now greatly enhanced strength, and then looked at Heather:

"Sorry for the waitting."

"It doesn't matter. Occasionally observing ants killing each other and then eating is also an interesting experience for humans."

Heather waved her hand: "Do I need to give you some more time to sleep and eat?"

Perhaps due to the surge in strength after eating the two guards, the Ant King no longer has the indescribable fear and fear in his heart. Faced with Heather's teasing and ridicule, he angrily laughed and said: "You have to have a way to be arrogant." Limit it, I will let you experience what it means to be truly [powerful]!"


The ground under the Ant King's feet suddenly exploded with terrifying radial cracks, and the whole person rushed towards Heather like a discharged cannonball.

Heather did not manifest any weapons, but simply covered her body with mental energy, holding her hands in the shape of dragon claws and moving forward and backward.

I learned the [Dragon Claw Fist] from Sabo, Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army. Let me experience the strength of the Ant King who is said to be individually invincible in the original game!

The ant king's right fist, covered with dark green skin, moved from far to near, carrying fierce wind pressure and slamming towards Heather's face, but was firmly held by the dragon's claw-like claws.


Violent air waves exploded immediately, and there was a faint thunder in the air.

Compared with his previous body shape, Ant King Meluem's current body shape is closer to that of Nephipeto. Although he looks slender, he can always expand his muscles at the moment of exerting force to exert terrifying power, and his speed is far faster than before. He was not surprised to see Heather take on this thunderous attack. The opponent was a powerful enemy that he recognized as rare in his life. It would be strange if he couldn't even take on this little strength.

The ant king's foot exerted force like a whip and struck at Heather's waist and abdomen. The latter simply raised his right knee, and the knee covered in thought energy accurately pressed against the ant king's whip leg joint, perfectly neutralizing the attack.


A blurry black shadow suddenly poked towards Heather from above her head. It was the huge tail of the Ant King! The top of the tail was as sharp as a needle, poking straight towards Heather Tianling Gai.

Heather seemed to have eyes on the top of her head. She just turned her body slightly to avoid the tail poke, and then twisted her shoulders and hit the ant king directly in the face, knocking the ant king backward and rolling several times.

With a fierce friction sound, the ant king plowed two ravines on the ground with his feet to stop the castration. He reached out and wiped a handful at the bottom of his nose and then put it in front of his eyes. It was green blood!

He twisted the blood with his fingers and said with a ferocious smile: "This is a good opponent worthy of my full strength!"

Heather took small steps on the ground with her feet and waved her hands easily: "It's time to start warming up. Hold on tight, don't get beaten to death by me during the warm-up phase."

The next moment, his figure disappeared from the place.

where? left!

The Ant King suddenly raised his left arm. Almost at the same time, he felt his left arm go numb, and a terrifying force was transmitted from the contact point of his left arm to his whole body.

The moment he was blown away, the ant king subconsciously raised his tail and whipped it towards Heather.

The moment the tail came into contact with Heather, the ant king only felt his tail being grabbed, and the momentum of his being blown away was suddenly stopped and then he was dragged back.

Just as he was about to fight back with a fist, the ant king received a heavy blow on the head!

Bang! The ant king was slammed to the ground, and a huge radial crack area was created where the back of his head came into contact with the ground.

The ant king felt that his whole head was about to explode. The severe pain aroused his ferocity. His tail wrapped around Heather's legs regardless, and his waist and abdomen bounced directly from the ground with force, and his palms formed into palm knives in the air. He swung out a blast of energy and vowed to cut off Heather's legs.

But before the palm sword could be fully swung, his wrist was pinched by a dragon claw as strong as steel.

In the eyes of the ant king, Heather's dragon claws were covered with a strange jet black metal color, and the thought energy that he was so proud of had no defensive effect at all. Even if he withstood a full blow from the guard, his body could remain unscathed in this dragon claw. The squeaking sound was constantly making teeth-breaking sounds, and the ant king could even hear the sound of bones cracking in his own wrist.

Click! The ant king's wrist twisted unnaturally into strange shapes.

Then the ant king received a heavy blow on the face, and the whole person flew backwards quickly, hitting the ground and bouncing nearly ten times before rolling into a ball, and a long deep pit was plowed out of the ground.

"A stronger ant plus two smaller ants will not become a lion, the ant will only remain an ant."

Heather walked slowly towards the Ant King with a joking tone:

"How do you want to die? Beat me to death? Or have your limbs chopped off, nerves cut off, and sliced ​​by researchers? Oh, if it's an insect, burning it to death is a good ending, right?"


For the first time, this desperate thought came to the ant king's mind.

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