A foreigner's journey

Chapter 3 The Deported

Something must be clarified in advance.

Heather didn't travel to the Hunter World casually after picking up some strange old object from a street stall or clicking on something she shouldn't have clicked with her mouse.

He was driven out of the world he was in, which is called [expulsion].

Ever since she was a child, Heather has felt like she didn't fit in with the people around her.

His strength is getting stronger and stronger, his agility and explosive power are stronger than those of adults, he has never been sick, his skin seems delicate but is extremely tough and not easily injured, his dynamic vision is ridiculously good, he can basically learn anything at once, and he can still Has a face that can easily get into trouble.

And all of this continues to get stronger with age.

Before she was 10 years old, when reading Superman comics, Heather wondered more than once if she was an alien left on Earth, with an alien name like Joe Hale.

Thinking about it again, isn't there a secret base or a Superman suit waiting for him?

I excitedly took the comic to ask my parents, but all I got was a blank stare - can you fly? Do you have heat vision? Are you invulnerable? Don't be silly, baby, you are our biological son, but your development is a little better than that of a normal child.

Having said that, Heather's parents knew very well that if a tree is beautiful in the forest, it will be destroyed by the wind. Their son's tree is not just an ordinary good tree, it is simply a General Sherman tree in the bushes! So they taught Heather to learn to hide herself and disguise herself from an early age.

Isolated personality, very few friends, a nerd in the eyes, a loser in sports, poor academic performance, looks pretty good but has an ugly haircut, aesthetics needs to be improved...

This is the inherent impression of Heather from the people around her.

And Heather pretended to be an otaku for so long that she really turned into a partial otaku.

I have absolutely no interest in the second dimension of useless cuteness. I love old-school comics such as Dragon Ball Saint. I can name every Gundam model and weapon configuration. I am an avid fan of the mecha series, and I am a fan of superheroes from both DC and Marvel series (especially Heroines) are all treasured at home, both camps in World of Warcraft have all professions at full level, and internet memes are becoming popular...

If there is any difference between Heather and other nerds, it's that he can kill a rhinoceros with one punch, while other nerds can only rely on sliding shovels and extreme anger.

In recent years, Heather began to feel something wasn't right.

First of all, it was himself. His luck was getting worse and worse. If he hadn't been in good physical condition, he would have died in various accidents long ago.

Then there are his parents, who started to have bad luck a few months ago. If this trend continues, it won't be long before they are hit by cars and hit by objects thrown from high altitudes while walking.

Just when Heather was wondering if she was the evil star in the novel, the accident finally happened.

It was a Saturday morning.

After getting up, Heather drowsily slipped into the bathroom with her slippers on, humming a song and brushing her teeth in front of the mirror while thinking about what birthday gift she wanted to give her dad.

Suddenly he froze.

A line of writing made of white frost appeared on the surface of the mirror in front of me.

[Sorry to disturb your good mood, but you have to leave. 】


What the hell, I have lived as a hidden superman for eighteen years, and today I finally came into contact with the mysterious power of this world?

Heather enthusiastically took toothpaste and smeared a few words under the white frost writing - God? monster? Superpower organization? Justice League?

[Can you please stop using toothpaste? It damages the mirror surface and is difficult to clean! ! Just speak directly! ! ! 】

Five exclamation points indicate that the mysterious man hidden behind the mirror is a bit of a germaphobe. Immediately afterwards, another line of white frost writing appeared, and it appeared very quickly.

[You really should go, otherwise your parents may not survive this Sunday. 】

Heather frowned, not because he was easy to deceive, but because he had already understood in his heart that it was his bad luck that had caused his parents to suffer. But he has never found a good way to solve it. Yesterday, he decided to leave the city next week after celebrating his father's birthday and go to the southernmost part of the motherland to make a living.

"Why? Why is my luck getting worse and worse and even affecting my parents?"

Heather asked her biggest question of all time.

[How can one be born as a lion and curl up in a rabbit's nest? No matter how hard you try to hide it, the world begins to reject your existence. 】

I also want to be an ordinary person! Heather felt a little unwilling: "What if I leave my parents on my own initiative? Leave now, stay away from them!"

[As long as you still exist in this world, everyone close to you will slowly be ostracized until death, which is inevitable. 】

"...If you have anything to say, just say it." Heather also saw that this 'mirror' was guiding her in a roundabout way.

[Leaving this world is the best choice for you and your loved ones. 】

Heather looked annoyed: "It's easy to say, how can we go! Are you planning to give me a small boat to row into outer space?"

[I have my own solution, the problem is yours. Are you sure you want to leave this world, or stay here and wait for your destined death with your loved ones? 】

"As long as you have a way to send me away, I choose to leave." For the sake of her parents, Heather did not hesitate.

[Then... I wish you a pleasant journey! 】

"Wait a minute, who are you..." Before Heather could finish her words, she was swallowed up by a sudden black mist, and the white frost writing on the mirror and the line of toothpaste smeared words were all invisible. I wiped it off with my hands, and the mirror surface became clean.

The toilet was empty except for a toothbrush that fell into the sink.





Nothing could be seen, pure and utter darkness.

What follows is a feeling of suffocation, a feeling of suffocation coming from the depths of the soul.

As if naked and diving deep into the icy seabed, Heather's soul and body were tortured by the biting cold and the squeezing feeling from all directions.

Unable to move even a finger, all Heather could do was endure the extreme cold and suffocation that soaked her body and mind.

As if a hundred years had passed, a point of light suddenly appeared in the endless darkness. Almost instantly, the light spot quickly enlarged into an ocean of light. Heather's whole body was pushed by the 'tide' and was thrown into the ocean of light.

The soul without any protection suddenly returned to the protection of [World]. The soul no longer felt suffocated and depressed, and warmth permeated Heather's body again.

Then, Heather felt herself falling into the grass.

The dew on the leaves was stained all over his face, but he couldn't even move a finger, so he could only lie down in the grass.

My consciousness gradually blurred...

When Heather woke up again, she saw an unfamiliar ceiling. She sat up and found that she was lying on a slightly worn but clean bed.

Beside the bed was a short, fat old man sitting on a chair with his arms folded, his head drooping and dozing off.

This is how Heather and Jack's father met.

Although the lingua franca of this world does not belong to any language in the original world, somehow I can understand and speak it, but I can't read the words, that is, I am "illiterate".

If this is my golden finger, that would be too bad, right? Does Monkey understand language? Every time she thought of this, Heather couldn't help but despise the 'mirror' that was sent to her.

In addition to lingua franca, there are also pure English, Arabic numerals, Roman numerals and even Chinese characters in this world. However, the application areas of Chinese characters are very rare, which is quite strange when you think about it.

But Heather never expected that she would travel to the world of hunters.

I originally thought it was a farming story about traveling through another world, starting out in a supermarket, and eventually becoming the richest man in the world, but it turned out to be a fan fiction about traveling through the hunter world and fighting for life and death. It's a bit different. If it were put on a novel website, there would be a difference between the average order of 10,000 and the average order of 100!

Moreover, I am an Earthling, but my development is a little better than others. How come Izanabi has turned me into a person with natural telekinesis ability? As a foreigner, I have followed the local customs after entering the hunter world?

Standing at the door of the grocery store, Heather waved goodbye to Jack's father with a canvas duffel bag in hand, and then followed Izanaby's footsteps towards the train station.

It doesn't matter, at least now someone is willing to teach me the ability to read, which means that as long as I don't waste it in the early stage, I can basically obtain the minimum self-preservation ability.

In the hunter world, ordinary people are notoriously devoid of human rights. The strong can crush civilians to death at will, and hunters even have a license to kill. To survive in this world, the ability to read is essential.

As for how to return to the original world, Heather also had some ideas.

Heather just walked and chatted with Izanabi, listening and sharing some common sense about the hunter world. Izanabi also answered all questions, and the relationship between the two was quite harmonious.

When approaching the train station, Izenabi took Heather and turned into a roadside restaurant.

Eating and waiting for someone.

"All new hunters must learn telekinesis before they can truly complete the hunter test. This is also the so-called 'final test'."

The two of them sat at the dining table by the window. Izanabi took a spoonful of seafood fried rice and stuffed it into his mouth. While chewing, he said vaguely: "After all, this is a cruel world where [strength] is the mainstay. Without thought, If you don’t have the ability, you can’t move forward in the world of hunters. This applies to you as well, Heather.”

Sitting opposite, Heather was using a fork to roll up the red tomato meat sauce pasta in circles: "Because I can only be considered a half-hearted person with telekinesis?"

"You're not even half-assed, kid."

Izanabi pinched the prawns in the paella again, squeezed some lemon on them, and stuffed the prawns into his mouth, chewing them loudly:

"Although your physical fitness is very good, the real telekinesis abilities are all kinds of weird, and the effects of many telekinesis abilities are weird and completely unreasonable. Regarding this point, I will explain it to you in detail during the formal practice... Ah, here it comes."

Following Izenabi's gaze, Heather saw the target walking on the street outside through the glass window of the restaurant.

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