A foreigner's journey

Chapter 297 Release X Seal

Ignoring the tourists behind them, Heather and Ilmi walked straight into the dense sea of ​​trees behind the [Trial Gate].

The tourists were stunned for a long time. It was not until the door closed again that they suddenly woke up and wanted to pick up their mobile phones and cameras to take pictures.

Are you kidding me? The guy just now was definitely a member of the enemy family who beat up the enemy! If you take a picture of their appearance, you can immediately get a reward of 100 million renunciation!

Only a few passengers and the beautiful tour guide were slightly sober. Instead of approaching to take pictures, they all ran towards the tour bus.

How brave do you have to be to take a photo in front of the world's most notorious killer family and peek into its secrets, or in front of someone else's doorman?

Soon, the tour bus made a big turn and fled the place in a hurry, leaving only a group of tourists surrounding the guard room trying to get information.

Then, some huge wolf-dog-like figures gradually appeared in the surrounding dense forest...


Behind the [Trial Gate] was an open space surrounded by a sea of ​​trees. After Yi Mi and Heather took a few steps, the trees in front of them started to tremble violently.

A huge bulldog that was ten meters long and covered in muscles walked out of the woods. His indifferent eyes swept past Ilmi and finally fell on Heather.

"This is 'Sanmao', a hunting dog bred by Hakkas. It will remember the appearance and smell of the human it meets for the first time. Other than that, it has no other emotions, just like a machine. As long as it does not comply with the regulations, it will be removed from the guard. If I enter through the side door of the room, even I will be attacked without hesitation... huh?"

Yi Mi was just acting as a guide conscientiously, but before he finished speaking, San Mao, who was praised by him, suddenly lowered his body nervously and growled threateningly at Heather.

Obviously he came in through the front door, why was 'Sanmao' still hostile?

Yi Mi looked back and was shocked to find that a giant beast appeared behind Heather, a phantom beast that was even larger in size and extremely violent.

The golden carapace all over the body is bathed in lightning, the bulging muscles are visible under the blue scales, the face that resembles a giant wolf shows the light of wisdom, and the long white mane is flying in the wind like a flame.

Every time the 25-meter-long Thunder Wolf Dragon took a step, the ground trembled slightly, and Sanmao also winced subconsciously.

It didn't dare to continue roaring, nor did it dare to run away. It didn't even dare to look directly at the Thunder Wolf Dragon. It just lowered its body and lowered its head as much as possible in fear, showing its submission. If it hadn't been for the rigorous training of beating the enemy family, it would probably have fallen to the ground and exposed its belly to please the Thunder Wolf Dragon, right?

As soon as Yi Mi took out the needle, he was swept by the Thunder Wolf Dragon's gaze. Even though there was no direct contact, Yi Mi's whole body still felt stiff and paralyzed as if he had been electrocuted. What level of creature is this? Just one look can be so powerful! ?

The thunder light lingering on the surface of the Thunder Wolf Dragon became more and more dazzling, and the sense of oppression brought to Yi Mi and Sanmao became more and more intense.

"Okay, old wolf, I let you come out to play, not to bully the children."

Heather's voice sounded, and the thunder wolf dragon's momentum suddenly dropped. He lay back next to Heather and looked at the surrounding environment curiously.

However, Yi Mi's heart was filled with turmoil. This terrifying phantom beast actually obeyed Heather? You must know that the sense of oppression brought by the Thunder Wolf Dragon to Ilmi is even more than that of the Ant King who is going all out! To put it bluntly, even if the chimera ants were united together, they might not be able to defeat this thunder wolf dragon.

In other words, the single strength of this thunder phantom beast has a danger level of at least B+ level!

Heather didn't mean to let the Thunder Wolf out to show off its power to the enemy Hakka. It was simply that the environment here was very similar to the stream area where Lao Lang used to live. It happened that this guy was yelling out of boredom every day in the [Directory], so he let it out to show off. Breathable.

"As promised, don't eat randomly and don't hurt others easily."

Heather stroked the white mane of the old wolf lying in front of her: "Let's go play."


The old wolf, who had been given a chance to relax, immediately jumped up from the ground, leaped a few times with a vigorous posture that was not suitable for his huge size, and disappeared into the depths of the sea of ​​trees.

Heather watched the Thunder Wolf Dragon go away, then smiled at Yi Mi: "Shall we lead the way?"

Yi Mi nodded silently and led Heather deeper into the mountains. He also didn't know if Zeno and Sheba's deliberate invitation of Heather into the Killua Mountains was considered to be 'leading the wolf into the house', but Killua's condition was already... Heather was the last hope, and they had to convince Heather to be Killua's wife no matter what. Except Nian!

The next journey was smooth, and I have to say that the scenery of the forest and sea in the Dead Mountains was truly spectacular, and it was not much better than the primeval forests of Monster Hunter World.

Both of them were top telekinesis users and moved extremely fast. They arrived at the Hakka mansion of Beaten Enemy in less than ten minutes.

Siba and Xie Nuo changed into grand traditional dresses and stood at the door to greet Heather.

Accompanying him were Jiju Dadike (Siba's wife) who was wearing a kimono and an electronic eye mask, Miji Dadike (Siba's second son) who was sweating profusely and was wearing a dark purple dress. Curt Dike (Siba's fifth son) in kimono.

Behind him stood two rows of butlers in smart suits, all of whom bowed respectfully to Heather.

"The afternoon banquet has been prepared at home, please move to the living room." Xiba spread his arms, and the expression on his face was already quite 'kind' to him.

Heather waved her hand: "There's no rush to eat, let's see Killua first."

Siba and Xie Nuo looked at each other with surprise on their faces. They were also preparing to communicate their feelings with Heather and try to get Heather to help eliminate Killua's thoughts, but they didn't expect things to develop so smoothly.

"Thank you very much. Killua is sealed in the 'Dark Mist Cave' on the seventh floor underground. I'm here to lead you."

Along the spiral staircase, the lower you go down, the colder you feel. This has nothing to do with the building structure or the lighting, it is simply the oppressive feeling caused by the 'evil energy' emanating from below.

"Killua was 'cursed' on February 15th this year. Please forgive me that I can only use the superficial word 'curse' to describe the suffering he suffered."

In the empty corridor on the seventh floor underground, the old voice of Jie Nuo Da Di Ke brought out waves of echoes:

"Neither life nor death, Killua seems to be in a deep sleep, but his vitality has been completely cut off and there is no sign of recovery."

The further they walked, the more strange fluctuations they could feel coming from the end of the corridor. Heather raised her head and looked at the lighting above her head. The light flickered on and off, as if the wiring was not in good contact.

Finally, the group of them came to the end of the corridor. The huge password door with three floors inside and three outside was airtight. The outside was covered with yellow talisman paper with flying dragons and phoenixes, but it still couldn't stop the black mist from seeping out.

"Killua...right inside."

Xeno turned to look at Heather and said seriously:

"Mr. Heather, please."

Heather felt the familiar black fog, and a smile appeared on her lips:

"Open the door."

PS: There will be another chapter in the afternoon (probably)

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