A foreigner's journey

Chapter 299 Rule Strengthening X Neither Life nor Death

The flames of the world are constantly being consumed, like firewood thrown into a furnace.

Compared with the previous [Weapon Type] rules that only required three flames to be modified, this time it encountered great resistance, and the difficulty of modification was completely different.

5 flowers, 7 flowers, 10 flowers, 15 flowers...

The speed at which the world's flames were being consumed made Heather feel a little frightened. What if he invested all his money but failed to modify it successfully? Wouldn't it be a big loss?

Finally, when there were four flames left in the stranger's fire, the flames stopped consuming.

The mental ability rules that consumed 25 flames seemed to be melted by the flames, and were about to completely dissipate before my eyes.

Before Heather could get excited, this rule seemed to have not melted thoroughly enough, and it condensed into a new rule again, but this time the rule restrictions were greatly relaxed——

[Up to three ‘weapons’ can be manifested at the same time]

After Heather saw this new rule on the cover page of the [Mythical Weapons Catalog] deep in her heart, she couldn't help but smile.

Although it is not the most perfect complete cancellation of the rules as expected...

laugh--! !

In the extremely dense sea of ​​black mist, a fierce golden flame suddenly shined!

The golden cross sword was raised high above Heather's head and stretched straight into the sky. The fierce flames burned around the blade like the purest and hottest torch, dispelling all darkness and evil.

The four light eggs still maintain the defense structure of [Return of the Four Heavenly Holy Spirits], firmly protecting Heather within them.

As long as in the world of full-time hunters, [Absolute Kingship] is the sharpest 'sword', and [Light Egg] is the strongest 'shield'.

"Come, let me see how powerful the [Black Mist] is that once made me humiliate myself and escape from this world!"

The flames that were released suddenly gathered on the surface of the sword blade. From a distance, what Heather was holding tightly in her hand was simply a light blade made entirely of golden flames! Then, chop it down!

The black mist struck by the light blade dissipated, just like spring snow melting into nothing when encountering the scorching sun. The black mist in the entire room was churning violently, as if it felt pain and threat.

Each volley slash would dissolve a large amount of black mist. The black mist in the room quickly decreased visibly to the naked eye, and soon Heather arrived in front of the huge black cocoon.

The black cocoon seemed to be sensing. The moment Heather approached, the black cocoon suddenly shrank and then expanded in all directions. Countless black tentacles stretched out from the surface of the black cocoon and attacked Heather from all directions!

[Insect Shield·Light Egg] represents the absolute defense against mental energy. As long as it is the effect of the full-time hunter world's mental ability, it can't be affected by it.

Countless black tentacles slammed into the defensive barrier of [Return of the Four Heavenly Holy Spirits], but they were unable to shake it at all, not even a slight shake.

"That's it? Haven't you eaten, brother?"

Heather struck the surface of the black cocoon with a sword. The cocoon coat failed to have any hindrance effect and immediately opened a huge gap, from which a large amount of substantial black mucus spewed out.

This mucus looks very much like a materialized black mist, which is extremely dangerous to any living thing. Just smelling it will make powerful telekinesis masters go crazy immediately. However, the Light Egg's [Return of the Four Heavenly Holy Essences] can filter out any harmful substances and thoughts, and the interior of the tetrahedral defense barrier is absolutely safe.

In the monitoring room, due to the large amount of black fog being cleared by the flames of the absolute royal power, the monitoring screen could barely see the situation inside the 'Dark Mist Cave'.

"He, he's not afraid of those black fogs!"

Jie Nuo almost pulled off his beard in excitement. God knows how many lives of housekeepers and tourists they took to deal with this weird black mist. Even Xiba almost fell on it, but fortunately Mahar rescued him in time so that the current head of the family who beat the enemies could not die in the dark mist cave.

Xiba narrowed his eyes slightly, for fear of missing any details: "...His [Nian] is different from before, and has become stronger!"

After Heather's death, his telekinesis information was deliberately circulated to the black market by Pariston, which was not a secret among telekinesis masters.

"Originally, Heather's telekinesis ability could only manifest one weapon at the same time, but now he can control two at the same time without any burden. It seems that the 'restrictions and limitations' of [nin] have been reworked or modified... It's really amazing. .”

Even the high-minded Ilmi has to sincerely praise him for continuing to improve the already formed and perfectly constructed telekinesis ability. This is rare in the history of telekinesis users, not to mention that the target of improvement is the sea. Sena has the strongest telekinesis ability in history.

Xiba suddenly opened his eyes wide: "Look! The black cocoon is going to be destroyed!"

In the dark mist cave, Heather kept raising and lowering the knife. The golden light blade easily broke through the black cocoon coat like a hot knife cutting butter. The black mucus washed outward but could not stay on the surface of [Four Days Holy Essence Return] at all. The bottom half is dirt.

Gradually, the black mucus was burned away by the golden flames, as if it had been completely evaporated.

With another stab, the riddled black cocoon could no longer hold up and exploded, and all the black cocoon clothes and black mist dissipated out of thin air.

At this time, the 'Dark Mist Cave' revealed its true colors. It was an empty and huge rectangular space. Both the roof and the walls were covered with yellow talisman papers. These talisman papers were exactly the same as the talisman papers posted on the door before. , are all [evil talismans] made with the help of telepathy abilities by the telepathy masters hired by the Hakkas who defeated the enemy at great cost.

It's just that these talismans have been corroded to pieces by the black mist. If Heather doesn't come, I'm afraid they will be completely corroded by the black mist in another week. By then, the enemy's mansion and even the entire Kulushan Mountain will be destroyed. Swallowed by the black mist, no living thing can escape.

In the center of the room, where the black cocoon was originally located, the extremely solid metal floor had been corroded to create a huge pit, with two small figures lying in the center of the pit.

Killua and Alluka, their clothes and postures still remain the same as when they died on February 15th, leaning against each other.

But both of them had stopped breathing. In other words, lying here are two well-preserved corpses.

Four months have passed, and their bodies show no signs of decay, not even body spots. If the light egg hadn't made the judgment of 'dead', Heather would have even thought that the two of them were just asleep.

Step, step, step...

After releasing [Return of the Four Heavenly Holy Spirits], Heather landed lightly on the ground and walked towards the huge pit step by step.

Everyone in the monitoring room held their breath and stared at the screen nervously.

Walking in front of the two of them, Heather lowered her head and looked down at Killua, frowning slightly. He somewhat understood what Zeno meant by neither life nor death. Theoretically, the vitality in Killua and Alluka's bodies had been completely cut off, but there was no decaying aura belonging to the dead coming out of their bodies, as if Their time is frozen in the moment of death.

I just don’t know whether this ‘moment’ is the moment before death or after death.

Tsk, Schrödinger’s Killua?

Heather shrugged her shoulders. A serious illness requires serious medical attention. She hoped that those in the monitoring room would not be frightened into having a heart attack. Thinking of this, he raised the golden cross sword in his hand to show absolute royal power, with the tip of the sword facing down.

Then he stabbed Killua hard in the chest.

Thanks to Tian Xing Sword for the 1500 starting coins

PS: The next chapter will end this article

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