A foreigner's journey

Summary at the end of the volume

How to put it this way, the writing state of this article is extremely poor. Part of the reason is indirectly caused by physical problems, and the other part of the reason is that this article is far less interesting than I imagined.

The dimensionality reduction strike and revenge scenes are a bit boring. I prefer the travelogue style, but the fixed route through the world at the beginning locks up the possibilities, so the writing is rigid and boring for you to watch.

But the Ant King Chapter is the last time travel world that I have locked in advance, and I can play with it as I please. Then, in the next world, I will write a long travelogue style and be happy.

Anyway, I no longer look at the background data. It looks so miserable and heartbreaking.

So, as usual, I will revise my work until Thursday, go through the outline again, clear my mind and change my writing mentality, and publish a new chapter on Thursday——

Outlander and Final Fantasy.

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