A foreigner's journey

Chapter 330 New friends, new clothes, new ideas

In this way, Barrett took his daughter Marlene and moved into Room 203 of Tianwang Village.

Originally, the landlord Marley was a little reluctant at first, probably because Barrett's face and burly body looked more sinister after adding claw-like scars. But unable to resist Tifa's patient persuasion, and with Heather as military insurance, Mare reluctantly agreed to let Barrett move in first.

Well, a one-month observation period.

The rent issue was easy to solve. Heather quickly lost the battle under Tifa's coquettish attack and agreed to add a [Bar Bouncer] position to Seventh Heaven. In addition to basic cleaning, Barrett's daily job is to make good use of his fierce face to deter drunkards and bold guys who want to take advantage of Tifa. If anyone makes trouble, he will be thrown out directly.

The monthly salary is 3,000 GIL, including lunch and dinner.

Barrett patted his chest and promised that he would not betray everyone's trust. Little Marlene, who was just one year old, could not speak yet, but when she saw her father's cheerful smile, she couldn't help raising her chubby little hands and burst into laughter.

In the slums, due to timely notification, even a few scattered demon wolves sneaked into the Qifan Street slums, but no one was killed. The vigilante team and the young and middle-aged men from the slums who spontaneously participated in the slums killed all the demon wolves with weapons. Only A few unlucky ones suffered minor injuries.

As usual, Shinra Company still did not give any explanation for the invasion of demon wolves. It did not matter to them whether the residents of the slum lived or died.

Because Jesse performed well in the operation to eliminate the demon wolves, Helmer agreed to join the "Avalanche" organization after a period of investigation. Even though this [Avalanche] in the slums of Qifan Street is just a small branch that borrowed the name of the real [Avalanche]. But they firmly believe that one day the Shichiban Street Slums will become the first flag to overthrow the Shinra Corporation.

Soon, Jesse, who has a cheerful personality, formed an iron triangle with Biggs and Weggie. Although they are about the same age, they seem to be idle and wandering around all day long. In fact, they are secretly contacting like-minded friends who believe in astrology. As well as Avalanche Chapters scattered throughout other parts of Midgar.

Perhaps because of the astonishing amount of demon wolf meat and wolf skins transported from the slums of Seventh Street, Helmer's vigilante team of Seventh Street has become quite famous throughout the Midgar slums. Secretly, the [Avalanche] in Qifan Street is even called the 'General Assembly', attracting many Avalanche members from all over the world to visit.

But in contrast, Shinra Company seemed to have noticed something, and began to send helicopters and special forces troops from time to time to conduct raids on the Avalanche members who gathered in secret.

Sometimes it succeeds, sometimes it fails. When Avalanche members were captured, they either ran away or resisted desperately. The battle with Shinra Company sometimes affected the residents and buildings of the slums, causing considerable chaos.

In the slums, some people think that Avalanche is the hope of overthrowing the Shinra Corporation, while others hate this organization and feel that Avalanche has disrupted the originally quiet and peaceful Midgar, making everyone uneasy.

No matter what, the undercurrent of Midgar was insignificant to Heather, and he and Tifa lived quietly in the seventh heaven.

After the bold hug that night, Tifa's feelings for Heather also changed. She no longer regarded this ordinary-looking man with glasses as her most respected and trusted family member, but with a more...different emotion.

At the same time, she also made her first friend after coming to Midgar - Jesse.

Jesse has a lively and cheerful personality, and while she speaks straightforwardly, she also has her unique gentleness and thoughtfulness. She and Tifa soon became close best friends. The two went shopping together to relax. Tifa would teach Jesse some easy-to-learn fighting skills, while Jesse would take Tifa to a cheap store to pick out good-looking clothes. Clothes, in order to improve Tifa's aesthetic level.

With Jesse's efforts, Tifa gradually changed her dressing style. In line with the half-combat suit and half-casual style that she wanted to be both beautiful and easy to move, Jesse gave her a brand new outfit.

Wear a white sleeveless short T-shirt over a black close-fitting elastic short vest. Use black suspenders to fix the belt and black skirt, revealing the abdomen with a clear vest line. Of course, under Tifa's strong insistence, she still wore black safety pants under her short skirt, her long legs were wrapped in black knee-high socks, and her favorite red sneakers were on her feet. The arms were also wrapped in tight black sleeves, leaving only a small amount of skin on the upper arms and shoulders.

In terms of weapons, since the right hand glove is inlaid with magic crystals, only the left arm is equipped with elbow and arm guards. The style is as strong, beautiful and practical as possible.

Tifa was very shy when she first walked out of the fitting room, but Jesse saw through her thoughts and whispered in Tifa's ear: "Heather must really like seeing you dressed like this."

Then, Tifa obediently went to pay the money.

After returning to Seventh Heaven, Tifa put on this outfit and suppressed her shyness to show it to Heather, saying that she wanted her senior brother to help her with her dressing style.

Heather was dumbfounded. Isn't this the new look of Tifa in FF7RE?

"very nice."

Following her inner voice, Heather spoke truthfully.

He is not the type who wants his girlfriend to be wrapped tightly in a robe so that no one can see her. Tifa's outfit is even conservative and simple compared to the young ladies seen on the streets in the summer of the original Earth.

With a bright red face, Tifa added a superfluous sentence: "I am here to fight in combat and will not restrain my hands."

Heather nodded numbly. He had been single since birth and didn't know how to answer the next sentence.

Just as the atmosphere in the bar was awkwardly solidified, Barrett happily opened the bar door and strode in: "Listen to me! Helmer has agreed to let me join the Avalanche! The custom-made single-handed machine gun has also been... Eh? Tifa, your clothes look so beautiful!"

"Really, really?"

Barrett gave a thumbs up: "I have a feeling my workload will increase dramatically tonight."

Sure enough, the turnover of Seventh Heaven that night almost doubled compared to usual, and the number of drunks and troublemakers thrown out of the bar by Barrett also doubled.

The charm of the bartender and waitress in Seventh Heaven kills all men, women, old and young, and business becomes extremely hot. Because of the shortage of manpower, Heather hired a trio of Jesse Bigwigs as temporary workers, with wages paid on a daily basis. Jesse and Weggie serve as waiters, while Biggs uses his specialty - cleaning.

Jesse, who looks sweet and has a heroic spirit, is not much less popular than Tifa. Moreover, as a former actress, she has a sweet talk and can make a lot of money from tips alone.

Wei Ji was finally able to enjoy Heather's cooking and entertainment for free in an open and honest manner, and was also allowed to take some leftover food back to feed the stray cats he adopted, so he was very motivated to work.

Biggs cleans the inside and outside of 7th Heaven like new every day. He has had a special obsession with cleaning stains since he was a child. Now he can not only enjoy cleaning every day but also make money, and his life is simply wonderful.

Heather also has new ideas for Tifa's next stage of training.

He wanted to cheer for Tifa.

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