A foreigner's journey

Chapter 35 Kurapika VS Wojin

September 2, 19:15 in the evening, Zundo Hotel.

There was silence in the luxurious guest room. Only Kurapika stood in the center of the foyer, waiting quietly with his arms folded.

When he returned to the hotel this morning, he immediately organized everyone to move to a hiding place. During this period, Melody, a female psychopath who was also a new bodyguard, proposed that Kurapika be the new bodyguard captain. Everyone who was afraid of facing the gold again immediately agreed. And their boss, the princess of the Nosla gang, Nion Nosla, doesn't care who becomes the bodyguard captain or who dies. She only cares about whether the auction can be held as usual, which is related to her favorite collection of human organs. Taste.

With the consent of Nosla, the leader of the Nosla Gang, Kurapika asked the bodyguards to take Nyong Nosla out of the original hiding place and changed it to the Summer Flower, a large hotel in Youkexin City. Melody is responsible for check-in information.

And he himself stayed in the guest room of the Zundo Hotel, which was originally his hiding place, recharging his energy and waiting for the powerful enemy to come.


The guest room door slowly opened, and Wo Jin stood at the door holding a can of beer, his expression cold and full of confidence: "Going to an appointment alone... is really admirable. Where do you want to die? I can make it happen for you."

Kurapika's expression was indifferent: "It's better to go to the wilderness over the Goud Desert. That way you won't disturb others. After all, you should be yelling when you die."

Wo Jin had no objection. Even with the help of knights, they still spent most of the day looking for traces of the Chain Man. It has to be said that they were really unlucky. They didn't find it until they filtered to the second to last Nosla Gang stronghold. Kurapika.

At this time, the knight used [Ze] to hide in the dark and carefully looked at Kurapika.

The energy flowing throughout his body is very smooth and solid, with no flaws visible. He is an unexpected master! Moreover, after witnessing Wo Jin's fighting ability, he still dared to go to the meeting alone. This chainman was very confident in his own strength, or was it... that he had helpers ambushing him?

No matter what, with me secretly taking care of you, Wo Jin will never lose!

Kurapika and Wojin moved extremely fast. They immediately put their feet on the ground after leaving the hotel. They quickly avoided the crowds and patrolling gangs and ran towards the Gode Desert.

It's just hard for the knight to hide his aura while chasing after him desperately. Tears are streaming down his face. Are you two rushing to the cafeteria to start dinner?


On the streets of Youkexin City, Xiaogang and Killua had already met up with their companion Leorio. The three of them had just walked out of a bounty auction controlled by a ten-year-old man.

This time, the ten old men really spent a lot of money. Not only did they obtain photos of the seven Phantom Troupe members who attacked the underground auction, they also offered a high reward - as long as the target is captured and handed over to the ten old men, every time they are caught, One person can exchange a check for 2 billion ghats!

No time limit! The goal is regardless of life or death! The way of arrest is completely free!

Anyone who is confident in their skills can join this hunting operation by paying a participation fee of five million.

This made everyone present ready to move, including Killua's companion Leorio.

As soon as he came out of the venue, Leorio was eager to set off to find the Phantom Troupe, because Xiaogang wanted to buy a GI game console worth tens of billions from the auction, and they were in urgent need of making money.

But Killua poured cold water on Leorio.

"Don't worry, those people haven't even caught the gangsters. It's not that easy."

"how do I say this?"

"The bounty auction just now was ostensibly a conditional auction, but it was actually looking for help. The gang seemed to have thought that they could not catch the target. Moreover, wasn't there a special arena at the venue just now? It should have been originally We were planning to hold a fighting event, but later we had to change our plans and instead capture the seven members of the Phantom Troupe.”

"You mean, no expense spared in time and money?"

"Yes, charging a five million participation fee is in line with the format of the auction, but the auction items do not have any physical objects and use checks. Don't you think it's strange?"

Facing Killua's question, Xiaogang and Leorio shook their heads slowly with dull expressions.

"Stupid, that's because all the auction items were stolen by those seven people, so we had to offer a reward for their capture in the form of an auction!"

After hearing Killua's answer, Xiaogang and Leorio immediately looked enlightened.

The three of them chatted as they walked along the street with the street lights on.

Killua put his hands in his pockets: "These lunatics dared to steal the gang's treasures. They are really out of their minds. In fact, my father once killed a member of the Phantom Troupe because of his work."


"Well, he rarely complained and said, 'This job is really not worthwhile.' The implication was that he felt that the prey was difficult to deal with. At that time, he said to us, [Don't touch the brigade]. And that was about three years ago It’s over.”

Leorio was shocked: "Then have you told Kurapika?"

Killua shook his head: "No, there is no point in saying it. Do you think he will listen to others' advice?"

"Call him?" Xiaogang took out his cell phone and dialed. After listening for a few seconds, he shook his head and said, "His cell phone is turned off."

"He said before that he was working as a bodyguard for distinguished guests." Leorio scratched his head:

"It should be...at work, right?"


The temperature dropped sharply in the Gode Desert at night, and the cold wind raised clouds of dust.

In the wilderness lined with rocky walls, Wojin and Kurapika were more than ten meters apart, and the momentum of the two people facing each other was rising steadily.

"Before we start the fight, I want to ask you something. Who are you?"

Wojin easily crushed the empty beer can in his hand into a small ball of waste and twisted his shoulders: "You are not like an ordinary bodyguard. I can feel a special will from your thoughts."

"Before I answer your question, I want to ask you a question."

Kurapika unbuttoned his large ethnic coat and threw it aside, revealing the activity-friendly clothes underneath. His neutral and charming face was full of sternness:

"Do you remember those people you killed?"

Wo Jin tilted his head: "An opponent who has an impression can remember some of it, so you are here for revenge? Let's hear who you want to avenge."

"Kuluta tribe."

"Huh? Never heard of it."

"They are a minority living in the Kuluta area and have flaming eyes. About five years ago, you massacred them."

"Fiery Eyes? What is this? Is it the name of the treasure? Sorry, I don't remember, even though I joined the brigade five years ago."

Wo Jin's tone was calm, and there was no trace of guilt or remorse on his face.

Kurapika's thoughts became stronger and stronger, and his tone became colder: "...When you slaughter innocent people, what are you thinking about? How do you feel?"

Wo Jin smiled, showing his white teeth: "I don't feel anything. You know? It's because I always meet idiots like you, so I can't stop killing! Let me tell you what I like to do most... "

"That means beating the shit out of a guy like you who comes for revenge, and you will never be able to stand up again hahaha!!!"

The energy all over his body suddenly burst out and exploded, like a bright fireball in the dark night! Then the muscles all over his body swelled, and the veins twisted like wriggling earthworms. He swung his right fist full of thought energy towards Kurapika who was charging towards him!

"Drink ah ah ah ah!!! Look at my rock-breaking bullets!!"

The violent mental energy blasted the ground in front of him, and the rubble in the sky flew towards Kurapika in the shape of bullets at the terrifying speed of flying bullets!

But the compact Kurapika had already jumped into the air the moment Wojin waved his fist. While avoiding it perfectly, he waved his right hand towards Wojin. The chain on his middle finger immediately flew out. It was his telekinesis ability [Binding Middle Finger Chain] ]!

Once this embodied chain locks the enemy, it can force the opponent into an [absolute] state, making the enemy unable to use telekinesis. It also has extremely strong binding power and toughness.

However, Wojin, who had suffered a lot, was always on guard against this move. With his powerful dynamic vision, he saw the chain being thrown out and immediately moved aside to avoid it.

The thrown chains whistled in the wind like ghosts, and with just one blow, the ground cracked and exploded, and the entire canyon reverberated with terrifying vibrations.

The fight to the death begins!

Thanks to Erhuo Danqing for the 500 starting coin reward

Thank you, the thoughts in my heart turned into rain and fruit tree 123 reward starting coins

PS: Is there a world of reincarnation that you particularly want to see the protagonist go to? You can leave a message in the book review or chapter review. If it is a well-received work and I am familiar with it, I can arrange it~

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