A foreigner's journey

Chapter 351 Found you

Along the way, ghosts kept coming to attack the two of them, but after all, the scale was not as large as the previous wave, and they were easily dismissed by the two.

I don’t know if it’s a characteristic of this world, but the ghost can be attacked by physical means after turning into a sack of evil spirits. Claude’s sword danced like a tiger, and every sword strike made the sack ghost wail and fall backwards. Or dissipate directly.

Alice kept dancing her long staff behind Claude, casting magic to accurately shoot the ghosts that were farther away. Blue-white electric arcs flashed continuously in the huge dark warehouse, and all ghosts swept by the lightning were instantly annihilated.

After repelling another wave of ghost attacks, the two took advantage of the rare free opportunity to recover their strength while looking around.

The train warehouse has a three-story steel frame structure and covers a very large area. After all, it used to be an important place for storing train carriages and mobilizing vehicles. It's just that the inside of the warehouse is as shabby as the outside and is covered with thick dust. It's obvious that no one has been here for a long time.

At this time, the two of them were on the second-floor platform, and their target location was the central control room on the third floor, because Alice's [thoughts] sensed that there were extremely strong evil thoughts gathering there.

Claude was severely grabbed on the arm by a ghost in the battle just now. Now he took the time to take out the ointment he carried and applied it to the wound. At the same time, he looked at Alice: "What's wrong?"

As a spell caster, Alice was well protected by Claude and was not seriously injured. She stood on the open space on the second floor platform and clasped her hands together, frowning slightly: "I didn't feel those ghosts returning to the flow of life. They were just defeated and dissipated. Maybe they will regain their shape if they continue. Attack again."

"Maybe it's bound by something?"

This was also the first time for Claude to deal with something like a ghost. Unlike the game that has pure gameplay magic crystals like [Insight], enemy information can only be guessed.

Alice shook her head and looked up at the rusty steel plate above her head in confusion: "I don't know, and have you felt... a cold wind?"

Hearing what Alice said, Claude also felt that the entire train storage warehouse should have been closed, but at this moment, a strange wind was surging, and the wind was gradually getting stronger.

Crash, clatter... The tiny discarded parts scattered around on the ground were rolled forward by the wind. The old newspapers were blown by the wind and turned into fine scraps of paper. The steel frames all around and even under the feet were making clanking noises. .

Claude barely maintained his balance, while Alice grabbed the surrounding railings to keep from falling. The entire steel frame structure seemed to be impacted by some huge force and kept shaking.

Suddenly, the shaking stopped, and the strange sinister wind disappeared without a trace.

Alice and Claude looked at each other, seeing surprise in each other's eyes, and then each jumped to the side.

The next second, the steel plate above his head exploded to pieces!

The thick steel plate and iron sheet exploded into debris all over the sky. These iron debris sputtered downwards at super high speeds, and the power of each particle was as terrifying as a bullet!

Claude only had time to raise the huge destroying sword in front of him and try to block the impact of those fatal iron filings, while running towards Alice.

He watched helplessly as at least dozens of iron filings slammed into Alice with high-speed impact, and Alice had no way to resist except holding her head and curling up. He suddenly yelled with splitting eyes. Make a sound.

After being together for such a long time and experiencing so many things, Claude has long recognized Alice as a trustworthy friend and partner, and for some reason he wants to protect this girl from the bottom of his heart, as if there is an inexplicable Emotions were swaying him, but he didn't hate them.

Now, is this girl going to be killed in front of her eyes? Claude's eyes were red, and for a moment he just hated himself for being so far away from her and couldn't use his body as a shield to block these attacks for her.

But something strange happened. Those iron filings hit Alice hard, without any blood spattering or horrific wounds. The iron filings just bounced to the side and fell to the ground, making a series of noises. Slight noise.

Looking at Alice again, she still maintained a crouching posture with her head in her arms. Not only was she not injured, her clothes showed no signs of damage, as if those deadly iron filings just now were just soft cotton balls disguised.

Ignoring the huge hole that exploded in the ceiling above his head, Claude rushed to Alice, looked at her nervously, and after a while he asked hesitantly: "Are you okay?"

"Oh, it scared me to death..."

Alice secretly raised her head and found that the rain of iron filings had stopped. Then she stood up and stamped her feet to shake off the remaining rust chips on her body:

"Don't worry, I won't be hurt by [Steel] today."


Hearing Alice's inexplicable answer, Claude was confused, but she was fine.

As soon as Alice knelt down to pick up the long metal staff, the steel frame under her feet began to shake violently again. She couldn't help shouting angrily: "Is it over yet? Guys who can only play tricks behind their backs are the lowest and most annoying!"

Just as he was about to complain about how Alice could succeed in reasoning with the ghost, Claude found that the steel frame under his feet stopped shaking again after Alice yelled.

Um? Is it really useful? Claude began to search hard and wanted to help Alice criticize the mastermind behind the scenes, but as an honest boy since he was a child, he didn't know how to trash talk tactics. He probably didn't have as much vocabulary in this area as Alice.

Before he could continue to compose words, a fierce wind suddenly rolled up in the huge hole above his head and formed a huge whirlpool. Countless ghosts screamed and howled and were sucked into the whirlpool. Even Claude could feel the whirlpool. The malicious intent poured out of the hole.

The big guy is coming!

Claude raised his Destruction Sword and stood ready, while Alice on the side also held a long metal staff, ready to activate magic at any time.

A burst of weird laughter came from the hole, and the vortex formed by the dark wind suddenly shrank to a point and then expanded, forming a black tornado!

"It's a black whirlwind! Ah——!" As soon as Alice reminded Claude, she was swept up by the black whirlwind, and the whole person disappeared together with the black whirlwind.


Claude was in a panic. He just rushed forward a few steps and subconsciously rolled to the side to avoid it. A huge black withered claw slammed into the position where he was just now, followed by two, three, four... feet. Eight sharp claws poked out from the hole in the ceiling, and the arm was connected to a very huge ghost sack. The surface was covered with eyeballs, exuding a strange evil aura.

Claude raised his huge destruction sword and rushed towards the large evil spirit, shouting:

"Don't get in the way!"


In a daze, Alice found herself falling to the hard ground.

The surroundings were covered by black mist, and nothing could be seen or heard clearly. Only [Nian] could barely sense that a huge and extremely evil gaze was staring at him.

It was a one-eyed evil god with scarlet light, wearing a tattered linen cloak, and his armor-covered hands were wrapped with countless rusty chains. The other end of the chains extended into the mist, and vague screams continued to come from it.

"Did you... restrain those children?" Alice felt countless evil thoughts frantically attacking her brain, and she couldn't help but cover her head in pain.

Gradually, the headache stopped, and the scarlet gaze disappeared, but the surrounding fog continued to roll.


Suddenly, a familiar child's voice sounded in her ears. Alice looked back suddenly and saw a shadowy boy with a faint blue light running past her, shouting happily as he ran:


That's... Alice looked aside, and saw another illusory girl's shadow sitting in the corner hugging her knees, smiling and shouting:



The boy's shadow ran to the girl's side, and a cheerful voice echoed in the void: "I found you!"

The girl also responded happily: "Ah, I was found!"

Then the two of them ran happily into the distance, and their figures gradually disappeared.

Alice's eyes showed uncontrollable sadness, and then another voice sounded behind her: "I found you!"

Looking back, she saw another pair of teenagers meeting each other: "Ah, they were found!"

"By the way, where's Alice?" one of the boy's shadows asked.

"I don't know, let's start the hide-and-seek game again? I'll come find you." Another young man responded, and the two nodded and ran away happily.

Alice knelt on the ground and looked sadly into the distance. In the distance of her sight, a brown-haired girl wearing a bow was sitting on the ground with her knees in her arms. Her childish voice was so familiar——


That was Alice in her childhood. Little Alice shouted: "Okay--" again and again, but no one responded to her.

The girl stood up, looked around, and shouted "Okay--" with all her strength, but she still didn't get a response. The children had already left or even forgotten her, so how could anyone respond to her, a strange child who behaved strangely?

The grown-up Alice sat far away, showing a sad and bitter smile, and murmured to herself: "...Stop shouting, no one will respond."

The little Alice still kept shouting, but her voice gradually became more crying.

She shouted that she was tired, and finally stood there crying alone, and slowly squatted down:


In the sad cry of little Alice, Alice only felt the same sadness pouring into her heart, and at the same time she had a severe headache, which made her cover her head and curl up in pain.

On the other side of the fog that she didn't see, the strange dark carriage was speeding towards her, with black spikes made of non-steel pointing directly at the girl's back.

Getting closer, getting closer!

At the critical moment, Alice only felt someone hugging her around the waist, and then she was lifted up high. Almost at the same time, a huge black carriage rolled past his previous location with a mournful roar, and the surrounding black mist immediately dissipated.

The headache is gone! Alice looked in surprise at the black carriage that was turning around and circling below, and heard a familiar voice in her ears——

"Got you."

She suddenly looked back and saw Heather, wearing a windbreaker, hugging her.

Now that I think about it, when did I stop feeling lonely and afraid?

At that time, I had teachers I could trust and rely on, friends I could confide my secrets and troubles to, heroes I longed for in my heart, and...

In the cool night breeze, Alice put her arms around Heather's neck and lay in his arms, and responded softly:

"Well, it was found."

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