A foreigner's journey

Chapter 359 Crushing Game

Jesse was shooting at the Shinra soldiers with a specially modified submachine gun. She was an excellent weapons expert. She could modify or hack into bombs, grenades, firearms, or computer program systems. That is to say, she has no chance to come into contact with the large combat robots of the Shinra Company's weapons research and development department, otherwise she would probably hack one and use it as her own special vehicle.

Another grenade was thrown, and the explosion flames instantly engulfed several Shinra soldiers. The mermaid warriors who were also blown to pieces into blood filled the sky, re-condensed and glared at Jesse fiercely, then picked up the trident and went to find other Shinra soldiers. .

Jesse stuck out her tongue. She discovered that the mermaid warriors summoned by Heather had a certain degree of self-awareness and would not be destroyed by physical attacks at all, so she boldly used the mermaid warriors as MTs and dealt with them to her heart's content.

But she always catches a mermaid warrior gathering wool, no wonder he glares at Jesse. If Heather hadn't ordered the mermaid warriors not to harm their friends when summoned, Jesse would have turned into a skewer.

She had just replaced the magazine on her submachine gun when she suddenly saw with sharp eyes the black-haired man with a horse face wearing a Shinra special forces uniform rushing toward her. Even though the horse-faced man's momentum was slowed down by the scimitar thrown by Heather, the empty-handed Heather was immediately entangled by another black-haired man with a mustache and couldn't escape.

The horse-faced man used all his strength to knock away the scimitar and rolled on the ground to offset the impact. Seeing that Heather couldn't stop him, he laughed loudly and continued to charge towards Jesse.

Jesse's scalp was numb with fear, and he quickly picked up his submachine gun and shot at the horse-faced man. Benjamin, the horse-faced man, is a 2nd special soldier who has been soaked in magic. He has a crushing level of suppression against ordinary people. He quickly waved the long sword in his hand, and all the bullets were broken into pieces by the storm of the sword blade as the fire spread. .

Clang! A sharp vertical slash shattered the submachine gun that was not being held by anyone.

At the critical moment, Jesse threw away her submachine gun and used a sliding shovel to escape to the nearest bunker, escaping the fatal blow to the head.

"Jesse!" Tifa saw Jesse in danger from the corner of her eye and felt anxious. She violently waved her fist and smashed away the Shinra soldier in front of her, then suddenly exerted force on her feet and rushed toward the horse-faced man Benjamin. But several 3rd warriors brandished their swords and approached Tifa, blocking her way.

Benjamin was a little surprised when he missed the attack. These civilians really brought him a lot of 'surprises'. He slashed the metal bunker with a backhand sword, which was charred and full of craters. Jesse had just gotten up and looked at Benjamin in despair as he waved the sword in his hand towards her.

Are you going to die here? I haven't been able to date Claude yet... I still have a lot of things I want to say to him...

At the critical moment, a figure emerged from the stairs below. Amidst the violent clash of metals, this figure steadily held the long sword swung by Benjamin.

Claude's body was dirty and covered in burns and scratches. It was obvious that he had spent a lot of effort rushing to the second floor quickly. He held the huge metal sword 'Destruction Sword' in his hand to firmly block Benjamin's long sword. With a soft drink, he swung the sword violently and forced Benjamin to jump back.

"Claude, where is my idiot apprentice?" Heather even took the time to shout to Claude during the fierce battle with Kaji.

Claude took a few steps back to protect Jesse, maintaining a posture of holding a sword against the enemy, and shouted without looking back: "Alice asked me to come up to assist you first, and she will go to the slums below to help evacuate. the people."

Heather clicked her tongue and turned to fight with Kaji.

Claude took the opportunity to turn his head slightly and look at Jesse: "Jesse, are you okay?"

"Claude..." Jesse felt as if his heart was filled with happiness. He was here when she needed him most! Why don't I envy Tifa for having a [Hero] who will save her in times of crisis? Now, I also have my own [Hero]!

She wiped the corners of her eyes, struggled to get up and stood back-to-back with Claude, pulled out a pistol from her armed belt, and her tone was unprecedentedly brisk and encouraging: "I'm fine! Thank you for coming to save me, Claude. Wait until everything is over It’s over, I will entertain you well in the dormitory!”

"...Don't say stupid things, focus on it." Claude raised the corners of his mouth slightly, then looked at Benjamin seriously, and tightened his grip on the destroyer sword in his hand.

Judging from the fact that he is 2nd in subduing the opponent, he is not in good condition but he should be able to defeat the opponent. After all, he is 1st!

Claude exhaled and summoned up the remaining strength in his body: "We're going to do it, Jesse!"

"Well, leave your back to me!" Jesse looked at the Shinra soldiers gradually surrounding him, feeling no longer afraid and anxious.

Clang! The giant sword and the long sword collided hard again, causing violent sparks.

A vein popped up on Benjamin's forehead, and he pressed the sword hard: "Look at those eyes, you have also been soaked in magic...are you a former special soldier who betrayed the company? What class?"

"...It has nothing to do with you." Claude had been laughed at by Renault about the authenticity of the 1st class when he was competing with him. At this time, he was too lazy to talk to the horse-faced man in front of him. To determine the winner among the special forces, it really depends on the sword in their hand.

The steel blades in the hands of the two men turned into metal storms, constantly making tooth-piercing metal collision sounds and sparks filling the sky.

On the other side, Heather elbowed away the dagger blade thrust from her waist, and her elbow was vaguely covered in jet black metal.

Kaki immediately escaped into the darkness as soon as he missed a hit. The fierce gunfire and smoke provided him with a perfect cover. He was good at 'silent combat' and 'assassination', and his skills were indeed very superb. If Heather hadn't always activated [Circle] and [Visual Color Haki], she would have almost got into the opponent's way a few times.

After moving her arms, Heather opened her posture and clasped her hands into claws, and the astonishing Qi began to flow within her body. He wants to use Zanganliu fighting skills to defeat this 1st warrior.

As mentioned before, if the Zangan-ryu fighting technique is practiced to an extremely advanced level, it will evolve into a unique style that is most suitable for the user.

Zangan is good at crushing opponents with majestic and thunderous fists and kicks, often using fist bones and whip kicks; Tifa is good at moving at high speeds and flexibly using the powerful impact brought by her high speed, often using palm soles and kicks.

But Heather is very different from them. All his attack methods will be the optimal solutions chosen by his instinct. Cruel, quick, and ruthless, Heather is good at using claw strikes, elbow strikes, and foot knives. When necessary, she will release the energy in her body and turn it into a weapon against the enemy.

[Fighting Magic Light Ball]!

This move was once a question for Tifa's graduation exam. As long as she mastered this move, it means that Tifa can freely use the Zangan style fighting technique in any battle. The principle is to extract one's own energy and release it to the outside, in order to achieve the effect of assisting the enemy.

If this move is used in Zangan's hands, it will be a close range and violent bombardment like a Rasengan, and its power is comparable to a grenade or a bomb.

If used by Tifa, it will release a phantom light sphere with a diameter of about one meter in front of the body. The sphere will slowly float off the ground and continue to cause internal damage to the enemy caught in it. At the same time, it will pull and slow down the enemy's movements. auxiliary effect.

Now used by Heather, it has a completely different effect.

He leaned forward and pressed one paw on the ground, his fingers dug deeply into the metal floor. He turned his body sideways just in time to avoid the black dagger that quietly protruded from behind. At the same time, he arched his instep and transformed into a blade, quickly kicking in the direction of the dagger. Kaki crossed his arms in front of him and barely blocked the blow. The metal arm guards on his arms cracked into pieces. There was a crack, and his whole body was kicked backwards.

Tear... Accompanied by the heart-wrenching sound of metal tearing, Heather grabbed the entire metal plate on the ground, pulled it up, and threw it like a playing card in the direction where the card flew backwards. The huge metal plate rotating at high speed brought with it the sound of roaring wind and chased Kaji directly.

The X-shaped knife flashed, and the iron plate was neatly cut into four pieces. Kaji turned around in the air and landed firmly on the ground.

Before he could take a breath, he suddenly noticed a large number of translucent balls glowing with psychedelic light in front of him.

In the distance, Heather kept her arms stretched forward, and her hands that were clenched into claws suddenly opened.

[Fighting Magic Light Ball·Dharma Fire]!

All the phantom light spheres near Kaji were detonated at the same time. [Qi] had a substantial impact on the material world, and the air was shaking violently! Kaki only felt as if countless grenades were detonated near his body, and the violent impact of the explosion continuously shook his internal organs, muscles, and flesh.

There was only endless sharp ringing in his ears, he was so dizzy that he couldn't see anything clearly, his limbs were paralyzed, and his internal organs were in severe pain. Kaji knew that he was in an unprecedented crisis. Instinctively, he reluctantly held the dagger and slashed and swung around wildly, hoping to push back the enemy and buy himself some recovery time.

Then he fell into eternal darkness.

The golden cross sword swept across the battlefield at a terrifying speed that exceeded the speed of sound, directly smashing Kaki's head. In the blood mist that exploded in the sky, the golden cross sword turned into flames and dissipated invisible.

In the distance, Heather put away her throwing posture and curled her lips. Too bad, is this 1st? Then Claude is really not bragging, he does have 1st level strength.

He glanced around and saw that the situation had been reversed, and Xue Beng had the absolute upper hand.

Tifa was one against three, each punch was filled with mental energy, and even a 3rd level warrior could not withstand her offensive.

Claude gradually suppressed Benjamin regardless of his strength or skill.

Barrett was using his machine gun to shoot at the Shinra soldiers who were fighting the mermaid warriors, while Jesse was protecting Claude's back from other Shinra soldiers.

Not to mention those mermaid warriors who are not afraid of death. The tridents in their hands are full of blood today!

Heather did not take back the scimitar Mermaid Prince but let it be inserted upside down into the steel plate on the ground. She stepped up the stairs step by step and walked towards the top of the steel pillar.

The top floor of the steel pillar is a huge and empty platform. At the end of the platform is a large screen and an operating console. Behind the operating console is a huge pipe connecting the steel disc and the pillar, which contains a large amount of Mako.

With the night breeze blowing, Heather stepped onto the top platform. When he saw the figure in the center of the platform, his pupils shrank slightly.

He saw someone he didn't expect.

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