A foreigner's journey

Chapter 366 The pursuit is in progress

One runs away, the other chases.

Those researchers who were conducting cruel human experiments or adjusting data on experimental subjects only felt a white shadow flashing past their eyes. Before they could react, who dared to run around in Hojo's laboratory, and then there was a shadow in front of them. Once dark and then unconscious.

Wherever Heather passed, there was bloodshed.

Along the way, many Shinra soldiers wearing heavy, full-coverage external armor tried to stop Heather, but they were all cut in half by the armored men.

Claude and others could not freely pass through the hole in the floor where hot steam was flowing and red molten iron flowed, so they had to take a detour to chase Heather and Hojo. Since Hesser drew most of the firepower from the front, they encountered little resistance.

Along the way there were cold operating tables with strange human figures lying on them or culture tanks soaked in strange creatures. It seemed like this was one of the warehouses where Hojo stored test subjects.

Barrett frowned as he ran: "Wow! That guy named Bao Jiao is too perverted! What has he done to these poor people?"

Jesse, who had just read Shinra's confidential information, explained: "Hojo is the leader of the science department. Because of his outstanding talents, he is valued by the president of Shinra Company and constantly allocates resources to him. In fact, he can win the battle against Wutai In the war, Hojo played an indispensable role.”

"Such a person will definitely have a lot of cards left. If Heather pursues him so rashly, he may fall into a trap."

Claude knocked over the Shinra soldier who was trying to sneak attack from the side with one sword, then turned to look at Alice: "Which way?"

Alice closed her eyes tightly and seemed to be searching for traces of Heather, then suddenly opened her eyes and pointed to one side of the fork in the road: "There!"

Thanks to Alice's powerful talent, she is better at using [Circle] than Tifa, with a larger range and more accurate accuracy.

In the distance, Hojo is still running away desperately. He has transformed himself long ago, so that his body can turn into countless flesh threads. He is not afraid of physical slashing or bullet shooting, but the huge flaming magic sword used by Heather before Bao Tiao felt very scared.

After his calculations, once he was hit by a flame slash of that scale, 83% of his body would be lost immediately, and it would be difficult for the remaining body to escape to the spare body. In other words, there is a possibility of [death]!

As he ran wildly, he kept calling out to the terrifying monsters sleeping in the culture tank. These monsters whose consciousness had been tampered with all obeyed Hojo's command and broke through the glass of the culture tank one after another, carrying with them nutrient solution and food that had not all been removed. The pipe rushed towards Heather.

Hojo didn't expect these monsters to defeat Heather at all, but it would be great to delay them for at least half a minute. As long as you let yourself escape to the deepest part of the laboratory on the 68th floor, where you have your absolute trump card, you can definitely defeat Heather!

When the time comes, I will slowly and carefully study Heather and explore the secret of its power.


Heather slashed open the huge monster blocking the road with one sword. The other monsters and weird humanoids didn't show any fear at all, but just rushed towards Heather more and more crazily.

What trouble, these guys!

Heather frowned. In fact, he didn't particularly want to use the combination of [Burning Fruit] and [Absolute King Power]. This is the Shinra Company building. Once it is burned through the steel structure or the Mako pipeline is affected, it is very likely It would cause a large-scale explosion and cause the building to collapse. Tifa and the others would be in danger if they were still in the building.

However, the current form does not wait for anyone.

A huge flaming cross sword with blazing fire appeared in Heather's hand again. After so many years, [Planet] still refused to let him use the high-level weapons of 'Narachuan', so he could only hold back and take his time.

Many monsters roared and rushed over, and they were greeted by overwhelming fire.

Heather swung the flame magic sword and slashed horizontally. Fan-shaped flames suddenly swept through the entire laboratory and surrounding corridors. All the experimenters and Shinra soldiers who had no time to escape were turned into charcoal without even having time to scream. The monsters that bore the brunt of the attack were directly annihilated, leaving only the 'spotted shadows' left on the wall.

Along with this slash, the entire 64th floor also trembled violently, and the steel bars on the surrounding walls could be heard making a heart-breaking creaking sound.

Claude and others behind him were unsteady on their feet and almost fell to the ground. Barrett shouted in panic: "What's wrong? Is it because Shinra Company detonated a bomb and wanted to kill us all?"

"It's the teacher. His attack almost destroyed the laboratory on this floor."

Alice felt the flow of life around her and immediately knew what was happening ahead. She looked up at the ceiling above her: "We can't stay here any longer, let's go up!"

"There are no roads around. We can't run back to the elevator, right?" Jesse felt the increasingly hot air around him and panicked.

"I'll do it! You guys stand back."

Claude raised the Destruction Sword and swung it several times above his head. Each time it turned, a large amount of 'qi' was condensed on the sword, and then he slashed two fierce blades of light towards the ceiling above his head!

The ceiling above the head was immediately split into deep criss-crossing cracks, but not enough.


Tifa assumed the power-charging posture of the 'Rising Dragon Fist', and Alice, who is also a telepathic user, could feel a large amount of telekinesis converging on Tifa's right fist. She suddenly jumped up high, and struck hard next to the crack where Claude had struck with a powerful Shenglong Fist. With a dull loud noise, everyone immediately felt the ground beneath their feet shaking again.

Click! Click! The cracks in the ceiling above the head expanded rapidly, and finally fell downwards. One end fell diagonally to the ground, and the other end was barely connected by steel bars. This piece of ceiling that fell diagonally became a temporary passage to the upper floor.

Barrett's mouth widened in a daze, feeling that things were becoming more and more magical. Is this still the Tifa he knew? Good guy, all the good friends around him hide their secrets, but he is just an ordinary person, right?

Jesse was not too surprised. On the one hand, it was because Heather's previous performance had greatly raised her 'fright line', and on the other hand, she had learned from Heather's special training that Tifa had been mysteriously refusing to reveal. I guessed something. It seems that both Tifa and Heather use the same 'ability'... It's so interesting. Let's ask Heather if she can learn from it?

On the other side, Heather smashed the ceiling with a sword and jumped up to the upper floor. He could vaguely feel Hojo's voice moving towards the upper floors using [Seeing Color], but the voice was very weak and messy. It seemed that he had turned into that disgusting fleshy figure and shuttled through the pipes between floors.

It’s useless, you can’t escape!


Another heavy blow penetrated the ceiling. Heather jumped lightly to the floor of the upper floor and found that the style here was completely different from that of the lower laboratory.

The laboratory on this floor is extremely huge, with spiral stairs spiraling upward one after another.

There is no light around. There are thousands of egg-shaped dormant cabins on the ground at the bottom, densely arranged like insect eggs. The cold light shines through the small round glass cover on the surface of the dormant cabin and falls on the spirally arranged cells. On the steel stairs.

Countless pipelines are more like blood vessels than worms, stacked and extended in an irregular manner. All large and small pipelines finally converge in one place, which is the top of the central platform of the laboratory, which seems to be the heart of the laboratory.

Heather exerted strength with her feet and jumped along the spiral staircase to the uppermost passage in a few leaps.

At the end of the passage is a ring-shaped platform. The center is connected by countless pipelines and extends to the surroundings and below. In the middle is a huge egg-shaped culture tank filled with tubes, and a mutilated human figure can be vaguely seen inside.

But what Heather paid attention to was not what was in the culture tank, but the figure standing in front of the culture tank.

At some point, dark feathers began to fall from the sky.

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