A foreigner's journey

Chapter 381 Old acquaintance

"The monster of the earthly swamp? You mean the [Midgar Python]?"

Heather said strangely: "Didn't that thing exist a long time ago? I remember that the roads paved by Shinra Company had to be abandoned because of the rampage of the Midgar Python."

Old Bill waved his hand: "No, no, the Midgar Python is scary, but you can avoid it depending on your luck if you ride a highly concealed chocobo or a fast enough vehicle. I'm talking about a recent one. The monster that just appeared, it appeared near the swamps of the world about half a year ago, and my son and daughter-in-law were killed by this monster."

Recalling what Billy and Ale had said before, Heather frowned: "What kind of monster?"

"It was a very huge demonic wolf. It had two blood-red eyes on each side of its cheek. It had no right ear, and its tail was cut off at the root. Instead, it had a twelve-section whip-like whip made entirely of metal. It has a long tail and is covered with a hard red carapace.”

Old Bill recalled the tragedy, obviously still fresh in his memory:

"This demonic wolf is very cunning and knows how to decoy and outflank. He leads a large group of demonic wolves to continuously attack the passing beasts and pedestrians. Even cars will be knocked over by it, let alone chocobos. After half a year, Fewer and fewer travelers are willing to take the route of the Earthly Swamp. Even if a traveler rides a chocobo through this place and successfully escapes from the Earthly Swamp alive, he or she will leave the chocobo with me and spend a lot of money to buy a ride through the Zhu. The qualification certificate for the exclusive Shinra passage on the border between Nong and Midgar. Yes, compared to money and life, the latter is definitely more important. Over time, all my chocobos have become unsaleable, and only these are left here. The chocobo..."

The old man was immersed in his own chatter and did not notice the strange expressions of Heather and others in front of him.

Heather, Barret and Tifa looked at each other with doubts in their eyes. The demon wolf that Old Bill mentioned feels so much like the demon wolf king that invaded the slums on Qifan Street?

Tifa approached Heather and asked quietly: "Senior brother, is it really that Demonic Wolf King?"

Heather was also a little unsure: "I did tear off the ears and tail of the demon wolf king, and the eyes on both sides of the cheeks were aligned. But I had obviously taken the demon wolf king to Shinra The company has changed the Summoning Stone. With Hojo’s character, shouldn’t it have been sliced ​​into pieces and made into specimens?”

Claude shook his head: "No, with Hojo's character, he prefers to release test subjects into the wild, either to survive in extreme environments or to attack other creatures wantonly, in order to observe their various abilities and make appropriate decisions. evaluation of."

Alice stuck out her tongue and looked disgusted.

"If it's that guy, it's true that ordinary people can't handle it." Heather nodded and turned to look at Old Bill: "Okay, leave this matter to us."


Old Bill was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly dissuaded him: "I'm not telling you this to make you act like a hero! Even the mercenary team hired by Cam Town was wiped out. There were more than thirty people there. A large mercenary group! Get rid of this dangerous idea. If you want to pass through the earthly swamp, I will help you think of a way. I know a few officials at the Junun border crossing, maybe..."

"I tore off the ears and tail of that thing in the first place. In fact, if I had no worries and could kill it directly, I wouldn't even be able to deal with it for 30 seconds."

Heather interrupted Old Bill in a relaxed tone:

"This guy killed your son and daughter-in-law. Don't you want to witness how he was killed? Come with us tomorrow and let you sit in the VIP audience."

If someone else had said that, Old Bill would have scoffed. But Heather is the strongest disciple who is recognized by Zangan personally, and these companions of Heather must be recognized by the arrogant Heather, who is above the top, and they must have their own merits. If there is a real possibility of victory, not only can the Chocobo House regain its vitality, but it can also avenge his son and daughter-in-law...

I have to say that Old Bill was moved.

Billy, who was eavesdropping on the side, suddenly ran over and said loudly: "I want to go too! I want to see with my own eyes that monster that ate my parents is killed by Brother Heather!"

Ale followed him, although she didn't speak but her firm eyes showed her thoughts.

Now she knows how to call her big brother... The corner of Heather's eyes twitched slightly, and she felt Old Bill's inquiring gaze on her. She shrugged indifferently: "No problem, I can guarantee your safety. Take Ale with you." Well, it wouldn't be safe if she were left alone on the farm."

Old Bill sighed: "...then I'll trouble you. So, what do I need to do?"

Even after seven years, he still clearly remembers Heather's temper and character. This guy is a real profit-oriented person who must get something in return for everything he does.

"Help us clear out a few rooms. We want to rest on the farm for a night, preferably with a hot meal."

Heather looked around at the bird stables: "You really don't have any spare chocobos here?"

Old Bill shook his head: "I will definitely try my best to provide you with the best food and accommodation, but there is really nothing I can do about the chocobos. These children are all kept here by those travelers and have paid enough for feed. Any extra I just sent those chocobos to Mr. Sam at the chocobo dealership in the Midgar Wall Shopping Street yesterday, and there is nothing left. Speaking of which, Midgar seemed to have made a big fuss last night. Is there any movement?"

"This is troublesome. Looking at the Eastern Continent, only your chocobos are of the highest quality." Heather frowned.

"Are you eager to use Chocobo to participate in the Chocobo Competition at the Kingdee Playground?" Old Bill was very perceptive: "Well, you go do your business first, and I will get the best Chocobo for you within a week. Use Chocobo to help you get to the Golden Butterfly Playground."

Heather nodded: "In addition to the racing chocobos, I also need a few black chocobos."

"Black Chocobo? Do you want to go to the sky?" Old Bill blew his beard and glared in anger: "There are [a few] more. Do you know how difficult it is to get black chocobos?"

Chocobos are giant birds with a slender neck and a wide beak. Their two slender legs are good at running and are often used for riding. Some adult chocobos can even carry several people because of their large size, but they are all unable to fly because their wings have degraded. Only a special family of black chocobos have the ability to fly.

"Of course I know it's difficult, that's why I came to you." Heather said confidently: "Okay, that's it, where are we going to eat?"

Ale raised his hand cheerfully: "I'll lead the way! Does Brother Heather like to eat cream stew?"

Just when everyone was chatting and laughing and preparing to leave the breeding farm, there was a sudden commotion outside.

Among the noise, there were constant chirpings of chocobos, mixed with the exclamations of strange girls.

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