A foreigner's journey

Chapter 46 Spider Extermination War (3)

Violent roars resounded throughout Youkexin City.

The citizens have been panicked by gangsters for the past two days. At this time, many people did not even have the courage to look out of the window.

And those who were still on the streets watched in horror as explosions and fires broke out on the top floor of the cemetery building in the city center. From a distance, they looked like a blazing torch in the dark night.

The explosion and collapse of the eighth and ninth floors of the cemetery building caused Chiyu to be affected on the seventh floor, and even the sixth floor was affected. However, under the arrangements of Roda Jindom and Batra, the irrelevant personnel on these floors had already been evacuated in advance.

Burning flames, suffocating smoke, dust that obscures vision, falling gravel, and red-hot and broken steel bars.

Finks, with blood dripping from his forehead, shook his head vigorously, trying to wake himself up.

Before...explosion! That Nianzhan Dao bastard actually blew up the rooftop of the building! Everyone was caught off guard and fell down... Is this why he chose the rooftop as the battlefield? Keep all of us from escaping from the rooftop, vicious guy!

How is everyone doing? To help them.

No, that’s not right, defeating your opponent first is the key! We don't feel comfortable, but so do the Nian Zhan Blade and the Chain Hand. As an enhancement type, I will definitely regain my ability to move one step ahead of the two of them, so I will be stronger if I strike first!

But at this moment, Chrollo's roar came from the smoke——

"Everyone evacuate to the lower level! Don't let yourself be in the smoke and dust!"

Smoke...smoke! Finks' eyes widened slightly, and he immediately thought of the reason. The Zhan Nian Dao will exert extremely powerful combat effectiveness in the smoke and dust. This is the intelligence collected by the group leader before.

Phinks immediately turned his arm, and the amazing energy of thought continued to gather on the arm and became stronger as the number of turns of the arm increased.


His right fist, which was filled with terrifying strengthening telepathy energy, hit the gravel beneath his feet. A strong wave of air exploded instantly, and the whole building trembled again. But the smoke and fog were so great that even the storm winds generated by the impact could not disperse them.

All the gravel underfoot turned into dust, and cracks could be seen on the floor, but they were not enough to be used as an escape route.

Finks was extremely annoyed at this time as to why he was so incompetent in the number of rotations of his arm. If five rotations didn't work, then ten rotations! He turned his arm again, but just after two turns, there was a sudden sound of breaking through the smoke.

The previous noise had given away his location.

The chains that were as agile as a python broke through the smoke and wrapped directly around Finks's rotating right arm. Finks suddenly felt that his mental energy was not flowing smoothly. This chain could block his opponent's mental energy! ?

The chain wrapped around Finks several times in an instant, and then a huge force came. Finks was pulled away directly, quickly shuttled through the smoke, and fell hard at Kurapika's feet.

The damn chains were getting tighter and tighter on him as if they were alive, and Finks struggled to look up.

I saw that although Kurapika's clothes were covered with dust and charred black, his body was completely unscathed. Even his left arm, which had been pierced by Feitan before, was restored to its original state without leaving any scars.

Not only does it have the chains of the manifestation system, the sword of regulation of the release and operation systems, the defense of the strengthening system, and even the healing ability of the transformation system? The chain hand is so omnipotent, which does not conform to the telekinesis system at all!

Phinks thought of this and immediately yelled: "The Chain Hand is here!! Don't worry about me, just attack!"

Kurapika had no intention of stopping him from yelling, but just glanced at him coldly, his blood-red eyes as bright as blood without any warmth, as if he was looking at a dead corpse:

"Who are you expecting to save you? Now that they can't save themselves, you'd better think about your last words."

The chains were twisted and tightened like a python, and Finks felt that he could not extract any mental energy or use his mental abilities. The bones in his body kept making muffled and creaking friction sounds, and even the remaining air in his lungs was gradually being squeezed. go out.

Kurapika was right, because Heather's hunting operation had already begun.

In the ruins, Maggie clutched her left arm and struggled to crawl out of the rubble. Her left arm was broken by the cracked cement blocks and steel bars during the explosion. Although it can be sutured back with [Thread of Thought], this requires time. What the brigade lacks most now is time.

She had just heard the regimental leader's order, but the surroundings were full of dust and smoke. She could not identify the escape route in a short time, let alone support other people.


An object was suddenly thrown not far in front of Maggie, and she subconsciously jumped back to see what it was.

Pikenotan's head.

Pike! ? Just as Maggie was about to roar, she saw the smoke in front of her eyes suddenly twisting and deforming, and several transparent sharp blades slashed through the air, targeting her neck!

Beng Beng Beng Beng Beng Beng Beng Beng Beng -

A series of dense threads broke, and the thought threads Maggie arranged around her turned into dense spider webs, constantly attenuating the speed and strength of the blade.

Change the telekinesis ability [Spider Spin Live Killing Array]! Weave high-strength thought threads into a defensive network array to cut everything that tries to enter the net. At the same time, the net will transmit information to Maggie about the enemy's size, height, weight, strength of thought energy, etc. If Maggie is willing, she can even control enemies whose mental strength is much lower than her own through the entanglement of mind threads, turning them into puppet guardians in the net.

The strength of her thread is inversely proportional to its length. If the Qi is as strong as cotton thread, it can be stretched to the length of a circle around the world. If the thread is less than one meter long, it can carry a ton of weight. When she regained consciousness, she had laid out high-strength lines around her body as a defensive array, and it really worked.

The transparent sword blade cut off dozens of thought threads and completely dissipated when they were still about 1 meter away from Maggie. And those thought threads immediately reconnected after being severed, making the entire defensive formation impregnable.

There are no teammates around, so this is the best time to use the [Spider Spin Live Killing Formation]. Now it seems that even the Nian Zhan Dao and the Chain Hand can't break through my defensive formation. I just hold them back while healing myself!

Just as Maggie was about to rejoin her broken left arm, a golden light suddenly flashed from the corner of her eyes, and a sword flashed!

It's Heather! He used his telekinesis ability [Five-Guan Leech] to find the best route, and wielded the 'Absolute King's Power' to strike at Maggie's blind spot.

In Maggie's perception, all the thought threads laid out were like real spider threads being caught in the flames, and immediately turned into fly ash and dissipated without any resistance.

It turns out that this is ‘Zhan Nian’… These words flashed through Maggie’s mind for the last time, and then she fell into eternal darkness.

Snapped! The head fell to the ground, and then the headless body shook and collapsed to the ground, its fingers still twitching unconsciously.

Heather's figure flashed through the smoke and then disappeared into the blazing flames.

Four left.

Thanks to book friend 20180519135147235 for the reward of 1,000 starting coins

Thanks to the monocle tax evader for the 1,000 starting coins reward

Thanks to Miku Ku for the 1,000 starting coins

Thanks to the crossdresser Xiaoxin and the Lord of Hueco Mundo Aizen for the starting point coins.

PS: There is a second update at 5pm.

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