A foreigner's journey

Chapter 48 Spider Extermination War (5)

Although Feitan was furious in his heart, unexpectedly his consciousness was very calm.

He has many types of transformation abilities, but [Blazing Sun], which is originally the most suitable for dealing with such high-speed opponents, is completely ineffective due to the opponent's fire immunity. The time required from activation to effect of [Frozen Blood Origin] is too slow, and the range of [Lei Zun Mingzhan] is too small and it is easy for the opponent to escape...

Tsk, I still have to use [frozen blood source].

But first, the opponent must be lured away from here, otherwise Nobunaga will die.

Uh-huh! Feitan retreated quickly, while Heather pursued him with a cross sword in hand. The two of them traveled hundreds of meters in the smoke and poisonous fog in an instant.

Both of them have excellent dynamic vision. Even if the visibility of the surrounding environment is extremely low, they can still quickly pursue and dodge while easily avoiding the sudden appearance of sharp steel bars and broken walls.

If Heather were asked to rank the strength of the Phantom Troupe members they had fought against, Feitan would undoubtedly be in the top three, and could even be ranked second in terms of difficulty.

If you really want to talk about Feitan's weakness, it is probably his relatively weak physique, but his super speed, which ranks first in the brigade, can greatly make up for this flaw.

The two of them ran a few hundred meters, and Heather suddenly stopped, grinning slightly with a mocking smile:

"Hey, where do you want to take me? I'm a good boy and I won't run around with a bad guy like you."

"Oh, don't you dare to chase? Or are you simply unable to catch up?" Feitan also stopped, and his narrow golden pupils narrowed even more.

"NONONO, you misunderstood me."

Heather shook her finger: "What I mean is - it's too boring to play with you, I'd better go back and find that loser with the samurai sword."

Uh-huh! Heather's figure immediately disappeared into the smoke.

Feitan cursed secretly, immediately opened [Circle] and chased after Heather.

After chasing after him, Feitan's terrifying dynamic vision suddenly noticed some unnatural fluctuations in the smoke and dust in front of him. He immediately focused his thoughts on his eyes, [Condensation]!

I saw a long and narrow chain with [Hidden] cast, waiting quietly for its only path, like a python waiting for prey.

At the critical moment, Feitan suddenly bent back and the chain brushed against his chin and the tip of his nose. He slid to his knees a few meters away and immediately turned over and jumped to the side, avoiding another chain attack. Raid.

At this time, the smoke and dust had begun to disperse, and Feitan could see the scene in front of him.

Phinks, whose bones had been crushed to pieces, lay quietly on the ground, like a soft leather bag filled with water, with blood and internal organs slowly flowing out from his half-open mouth and nostrils.

Kurapika, standing directly in front of Feitan, had a stern look on his face, and the middle finger restraint chain slowly coiled in front of him into a vortex shape, surrounding him in the center.

Heather appeared quietly at the left rear of Feitan, carrying the cross sword and whistled: "Little Kuku, you are not yet proficient in [hiding], this dwarf saw the flaw."

The two of them were at each other's throat, and Feitan's escape route had been blocked.

Feitan no longer looked at Finks' body, but focused on the situation in front of him.

The speed of the Zhan Nian Dao is too fast, and as long as it is hit by him, it will directly game over. The speed of the chain hand is slightly slower, but the chain that can be traced is very troublesome. Judging from the death of Finks, he should have been strangled to death by the chain. . Finks is the master of enhanced telekinesis ability in the brigade whose pure strength is second only to Wojin. Even with his strength, he cannot break free from the chain, which means that the opponent has a way to restrict the enemy's movement, or there is something wrong with the chain itself.

I can't escape, but I will at least have a backrest before I die!

The mental energy of the three of them is rising steadily, and the battle is about to break out.

But before they could take action, there was suddenly a violent tremor under everyone's feet, and a huge roar came from downstairs!

downstairs? Is he the group leader?

Before Feitan could continue to think, he subconsciously disappeared from the spot. Almost at the same time, the golden cross sword struck hard at the position where he was before, causing gravel to fly!

Kurapika waved his right hand, his middle finger and ring finger stretched out together, [Middle Finger Binding Chain] and [Ring Finger Soul Chasing Chain] entangled together to form a [Thunder Wave], drawing sharp right angles like lightning patterns in the sky, attacking sharply towards Chase after the blurry black shadow transformed by Feitan!

Suddenly, Kurapika's position trembled violently again, and the entire floor tilted up under his feet. Kurapika's body, which was unstable under his feet, also tilted. The chain that was about to catch up with Feitan suddenly lost control. force.

The sword suddenly appeared!

The thick concrete under Kurapika's feet and the steel bars in it were split into two by a sharp blade. The bright blade flashed across his legs, and the part below the knees was immediately separated from Kurapika's body and fell. into the sea of ​​fire next to him.

Nobunaga Khachama!

This unattractive-looking man was now bare-chested, with a large, terrifying dent in his chest and abdomen, and blood was constantly bleeding from the sutures on his neck. However, his arms holding the katana were steady and strong, and all his energy was focused on On top of the katana, strong mental energy lingered on the surface of the katana blade, and it amplified into a four-meter-long giant sword of mental energy!

Change the telekinesis ability [Power·Power Slash]! By concentrating all the energy of the whole body into the weapon, the energy of the whole body can be condensed into an 'air blade' of about 2 to 3 meters (Nobunaga's previous limit was 3 meters), which is extremely powerful! Three conditions are required to use this ability - first, the weapon must be an edged sword, and it must be equipped with a scabbard; second, when condensing the mind energy, the weapon must be put into the scabbard and the sword must be drawn. ; Thirdly, you need to maintain the drawing posture in a stationary state to charge up to complete the ability display. It takes at least 4 seconds to charge up. The longer the charging time, the more powerful it will be. Once you move or make a large movement, the charging will be interrupted immediately.

Kurapika, who had lost his legs, was in mid-air, his eyes were confused for a moment, but he came back to his senses immediately, completely ignoring his injuries and waving the chain in his hand towards Nobunaga!


The four-meter-long giant sword of mental energy was swung again, hitting the chains at an incredibly high speed. The [ring finger soul-chasing chain] and [middle finger binding chain] only lasted for half a second before breaking, and the chain fragments in the sky collapsed and fell apart. It turns into thought energy and dissipates again.

Kurapika's face turned pale, and blood spurted out of his mouth. The destructive power of the opponent's sword was so amazing!

Nobunaga swung his giant sword for the third time and struck at Kurapika who was in mid-air. But this time, the golden flames also turned into meteors and struck towards this side.

After all, Feitan was too seriously injured to continue to pester Heather.

The mythical sword of fire collided with the giant sword of mind energy that condensed all the physical and mental energy of Nobunaga Hatsama. The surface of the latter flashed with noise like a TV with poor signal, and then turned into a lick of flames. The straw paper he ate was instantly reduced to nothing.

Although the katana in Nobunaga's hand was a rare and good sword, it could no longer withstand Nobunaga's telekinesis output beyond Nobunaga's limit and the destructive backlash from the sword of fire, and it also turned into fly ash.

Nobunaga, with his long black hair disheveled, spat out a large mouthful of blood and staggered to the ground.

Heather caught Kurapika and landed lightly on the ground.

The injury is a bit serious, and even the little cool [Thumb Healing Chain] can't regenerate the severed limb.

"Don't worry about me...brother, kill them!" Cold sweat broke out on Kurapika's forehead, but losing his legs and being defeated by telekinesis could not stop his burning fire of revenge. Before he saw the brigade destroyed with his own eyes, he It will definitely not die!

Heather looked up and saw Feitan standing on the ruins of a wall with slanting branches in the distance. At some point, a full-covering dress covered with awl nails appeared on the surface of his body, only his eyes were exposed.

A cold voice sounded——

"Both of you will be buried with the dead members of the brigade!"

Thanks to the 30-year-old otaku Ai Lingbo for the 1,000 starting coins

Thanks to the bloody bitter melon for the 1,000 starting coins

Thanks to Moyu for being my ideal reward for the 1,000 starting coins

Thanks to Fuyi Ranyue for the 500 starting coins

Thanks to saiqd for the 500 starting coin reward

Thanks to Ten Years of Mengyuan for the Qidian Coin reward

PS: In my opinion, Nobunaga should not be a strengthening type, but a releasing type or a changing type, because he was partnered with Wojin before, and Chrollo would not let the two strengthening types act together. Just like Feitan of the transformation type and Finks of the strengthening type, these two are also partners.

In addition, Nobunaga has a loose personality and is ranked last among the brigade in terms of strength, which is obviously inconsistent with the image of the enhanced-type Wojin and Finks. So to sum up, I set Nobunaga as a change type in the article.

Anyway, I'm not afraid of being stabbed in the face by the old thief. If he has the ability, he will update it!

PS: The setting direction of Feitan's abilities is taken from Chapter 229 of the comic. The conversation between Finks and Curt revealed that Feitan has multiple destructive telekinesis abilities and they are all very powerful.

Third PS: I’m taking my wife and kids out to play on the weekend, so there’s only one more update!

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