A foreigner's journey

Chapter 476 Killing the Snake

Daron is a useless magician who is not popular, and he is very self-aware of this.

He was born in a declining magician family in Germany. His father was killed during an underground expedition, and his mother was living a hard life with him.

With the last bit of family connections, 16-year-old Daron was able to join the Clock Tower.

Young Daron has his own ambition. He wants to be the most outstanding magician. He wants to be on par with the great heroes of the past and present and leave his name in history.

I thought I could unleash my talents after entering the Clock Tower, but the Clock Tower full of talented people made Daron completely understand his true nature - a waste without the qualifications to become a first-class magician.

Ten years of suffering in the Clock Tower and ten years of ridicule.

Waste Dalon, this is his title, how appropriate.

How many times have I wanted to leave the Clock Tower and become an ordinary person. But every time he returned home, looking at his mother's gray temples and looking around at the increasingly rare antique furniture in the house, Dalon fell silent, smiled and told his mother that he lived a good life in the Clock Tower, and that his teachers and classmates valued him, and then he returned in embarrassment. After arriving at the Clock Tower, study and practice harder.

It’s useless. If you have no qualifications, you have no qualifications. A mentor who couldn't bear it said this to Dalon.

In the tenth year after entering the Clock Tower, Daron was completely crushed by his mother's death. He left the Clock Tower, held the funeral for his mother, and became a wandering free magician.

Perhaps in the eyes of the elites of the Clock Tower, a so-called freedom-seeking magician like himself is no different from a wild dog, right?

Life will not be dark forever. Dalon met the love of his life at the age of twenty-nine, even though the other person was just an ordinary woman. After getting married and having children, every time he holds his infant daughter in his arms and caressing her softly, the "unwillingness" in Dalong's heart will disappear.

It might not be bad to just spend your life like this.

His wife and daughter died in a ridiculous accident.

Thirty-two-year-old Dalon became addicted to cigarettes and alcohol, and lived in a muddle all day long. Yes, what else can I do? The goals in life are either unachievable or completely separated from oneself. Delving into magic? It's better to drink two more glasses.

It wasn't until an old friend came to visit that Dalon's decadence ended.

The old friend came here to ask Dalon if he would like to go to Albion, the spiritual tomb, to become a digger. The other party has no worries and wants to try the possibility of miracles in Albion, a spiritual tomb known as ‘anything can happen’.

Maybe a ‘miracle’ really can happen? Just for such an illusory slogan, Dalon returned to the clock tower again.

Only this time, he did not come here as a student, but came to Magisfia, the ruling city under the clock tower, and registered as an 'extractor'.

And he stayed underground for thirteen years. No one knows how a low-class waste like Daron survived in the crisis-ridden spiritual tomb of Albion. But he finally got the goddess of fate's curtain. During an excavation, he accidentally found the corpse of the ancient monster "Black Beast", and successfully collected a large amount of the super rare curse body "Black Beast Fat" from the corpse.

With luck, he escaped from the spiritual tomb Albion by illegal means and became an illegal 'survivor'. A small amount of black animal fat was sold on the black market, in exchange for a large amount of money, resources, and the holy relics of the powerful servants who influenced the Holy Grail War.

He wants to participate in the Holy Grail War and seize the omnipotent wishing machine to realize his illusory dream.

At that time, Daron bought three holy relics on the black market, corresponding to [Roland], [Siegfried] and [Karna] respectively. The three of them are all top heroes in the world. After much deliberation, Daron finally chose Karna. This is tantamount to a big gamble, but Daron firmly believes that holding the 'Black Beast Fat' can allow Karna to use the Noble Phantasm to the maximum extent without having to worry about magic power.

Standing in the tetrahedral light shield, Dalon shouted at the top of his lungs to the struggling 'charity hero' in the distance:

"Come on! LANCER! Don't worry about me, release the Noble Phantasm to your heart's content, and win the victory!"

At least, at this moment, I won't hold anyone back anymore, I'm no longer that good-for-nothing Dalon!

In the distance, LANCER was fighting fiercely with Yamata no Orochi, with a faint smile on his face, and the golden spear in his hand shone with the brilliance of the sun.

"...As long as it's your order."

The golden spear was thrown violently, drawing a red trajectory in the sky and shattering a snake's neck in an instant. Although the 'decapitation' condition was met, the scattered flesh and blood in the air condensed again, and a snake head grew again, and it opened its mouth to spit out frost breath full of bright green poison at Karna.

The flames circled and climbed around Karna, and then exploded with a bang. The blooming red lotus flower repelled all the incoming green frost breath.

Lancer sprayed flames at his feet to avoid the bite of a snake head coming from below, and looked at King Arthur not far away: "Rider's men, it seems that the eight heads of this monster need to meet the 'decapitation' conditions at the same time to be destroyed. "

"So?" The Knights of the Round Table were still fighting fiercely with the snakeheads. King Arthur was holding the holy sword and looking at Karna from a distance.

"Let's take action together." Karna raised the golden spear, and fire began to ignite on the spear blade.


King Arthur did not speak, but he had obviously received Heather's permission from his heart. He raised the huge holy sword in his hand and shouted loudly: "My lords, follow me to kill this enemy!"

"Yes, your Majesty!"

The twelve Knights of the Round Table waved their weapons and rushed towards the snake's head.

Jin Lei Gong, who had a lot of injuries on his body, was once again filled with golden lightning, howling wildly and pounced on the snake head closest to him.

The three snake heads alternated to bite Karna, but the opponent avoided it with a flexible posture. Instead, they found the most suitable throwing angle.

Karna was seen raising the golden spear above his shoulders, twisting his whole body into a charged throwing posture, and the golden spear in his hand ignited with a roar of flames and turned into a spear of fire made entirely of energy.

Different from the previous anti-country level Noble Phantasm, the Fire Spear at this time is more condensed and more dazzling, as if all the brilliance of the Sun God has been compressed onto the small gun blade.

"Since you expect it, you must respond."

Karna twisted his whole body and threw the spear of fire in the locked direction:

"[Brahmastra Kundala, curse my body]!!"

The flame spear turned into a flame clustered light cannon across the battlefield, accurately bombarding the position where the three snake necks overlapped. Without even the slightest sound, the three snake necks were melted through in an instant, and then the snake's head turned into ashes as it roared.

In the distance, Jin Lei Gong turned on the 'true electrified mode' and turned into golden lightning to cut off the two snake necks with his sharp claws.

【Thunder Gossip】!

King Arthur led the Knights of the Round Table to wave their weapons one after another, and the dense rays of weapon swings converged in one place, forming a violent flow of light, which chopped the last three snake necks into pieces.

[Wanchuanjihai·Final Reunion]!

Eight snake heads were cut off at the same time. The Yamata no Orochi, which was as huge as a mountainous area, could no longer hold up. It swayed and fell to the ground, leaving countless cracks and deep pits on the ground, filling the air with smoke and dust.

Immediately afterwards, the snake's body first bulged violently, and then exploded, turning into infinite poisonous mist and spreading around.

Shuten Doji's demon body was also looming in the poisonous mist, but this time he looked languid, and the mace in his hand was missing.

The king of ghosts is at the end of his battle.


Name: Shuten-douji

Source: "Yujiacaozi"

Region: Japan

Attribute: Chaos·Evil

Class: Berserker

Ability value:

Strength A/Durability A+/Agility B/Magic A/Lucky B/Noble Phantasm A

Class skills:

[Crazy transformation [Rashomon]]: Level A, usually will not receive the benefits of mad transformation. On the contrary, normal thinking ability will be maintained. The ability to independently control madness is like a switch. When entering the madness mode, it will transform into a huge evil ghost with a height of 5 meters, with a red face, razor-sharp teeth, five large horns, fifteen eyes, and long hair. At this time, all attributes except luck and magic power are increased by one level, and rationality in the conventional sense is lost.

Inherent skills:

[Crazy Demon Scroll]: Level A, Shuten Douji possesses B-level 'monster power' when in human form. Entering the madness mode and transforming into an evil spirit will upgrade it to A-level, and at this time, his fighting ability will be greatly improved. . Shuten Doji is not subject to mental interference such as coercion, confusion, and confusion, and is almost immune to curses. But as a price, he has no resistance to treasure phantoms or abilities that have both the concepts of 'poison' and 'wine', and it is also difficult to resist damage of a magical nature.

[A Thousand Bowls of Blood Wine Will Not Get Drunk]: Level D, the Jiudun boy is addicted to drinking blood wine. High-quality wine or blood with high magic power can quickly heal Shuten Doji's injuries and restore his magic power. As long as Shuten Doji is willing, he can even obtain the personal information of the blood owner through the blood.

[Kaidan Ranshenden]: Level C, Shuten Doji is good at using demonic magic, burning enemies with will-o'-the-wisps, flying in the sky, and summoning demonic winds to sweep away girls or treasures are his specialties. Shuten Doji can transform into various forms. He loved to transform into a handsome young man to seduce women, and he also transformed into a beautiful girl to seduce General Lai Guang, Jin Toki, and fall in love. As long as the evil spirit's true form is not revealed, his true name and numerical skills will be hidden and cannot be detected.

However, this skill cannot be used in madness mode.

[Monster Time]: Level C, dusk (17:00-19:00), midnight (23:00-1:00), dawn (3:00-5:00), these three periods are the most likely to be haunted by ghosts and gods called Onmyodo in Japan. when. During this period of time, Shuten Doji's luck and magic power increase by one level. But it seems to be divided into two different situations: indoor and outdoor.

[Yinshan Wild Corner]: Level EX,

‘The Shuten boy cannot be harmed by swords, Lai Guangzhong and his party can only outwit him. ---The Legend of Shuten Doji’s Retreat’

Shuten-douji will only die if the 'decapitation' requirement is satisfied. Otherwise, no matter what kind of injury, Shuten-douji will not die. When Shuten Doji transforms into an evil spirit, the damage he takes is reduced to 1/5, damage below C level is directly exempted, and he has the ability of 'high-speed regeneration'.

Noble Phantasm:

[Gourd liquor container]

Level: B++/Type: --/Attack range: --/Maximum capture: --

As one of the three most ferocious, evil and crazy monsters in Japan, if the Nine-tailed Hagoromo represents 'evil' and the Supreme Tengu represents 'fierce', then Shuten Doji, the King of One Hundred Demons, represents 'madness'. '. This mad devil's appearance is now a weapon-like treasure. There is a strong evil spirit lingering on it, which is a portrayal of the crazy legend of the King of Ghosts.

Different stages have different forms. In its normal state, it is a blue wine gourd. The wine pulp sprayed from the mouth of the gourd can be condensed into a high-pressure water sword that is constantly flowing. In its ghost state, it is a huge mace. After releasing its true name, its ghost body will transform into the giant Yamata-no-Orochi. The eight heads spit out endless poisonous flames to devour the enemy.

[Dajiangshan Night Post invites hundreds of ghosts to have a feast] (Devils night):

Grade: A/Type: --/Attack range: --/Maximum capture: --

As the King of Hundred Demons who commands the demons, Shuten Doji can summon his Hundred Demons from the great rivers and mountains to help him fight. Each time you can call up to three monsters to help out, and you can change the monsters every time you encounter a monster.

The Ghost of Rashomon, Ibaraki Doji - Shuten Douji's most capable subordinate, can even be called the 'shadow leader' of the Oeyama Hundred Demon Legion. She is a gorgeous woman who looks like an oiran. The ghost wrist on her left arm is extremely lethal and she is good at controlling the evil wind.

Wood Demon and Sophora Weng - A giant locust tree monster that moves slowly with its roots and uses miasma and poisonous gas to carry out large-scale attacks.

Peng Hou Sang - a dog-shaped monster that usually hides in the Sophora japonica tree, has the power of five elements in its five tails.

Noderabou Kaibu Lord - looks like an old monk, has teeth as sharp as a Noble Phantasm, and loves to bite the enemy's throat.

Jie Yue enters the road·Tongbo - a huge monster that can grow in size at will, but has no brains.

Naked Eye Ghost - a giant cat demon that can see through the opponent's name, origin, and abilities at a glance.

Tiannimi·Tourous Tongue - The ugly, long-tongued imp who stands on his shoulders and keeps talking, possesses the magic power of lies.

The first chapter of "The Way of Wheels·Fire and Fire" - There is a bald and bearded male head in the center of a huge wheel that is burning with fire, and it moves very fast.

Onmaraki Jirobo - an evil ghost with the head of an old man, capable of breathing blue flames.

Itsuzhinten Moraki - a bird with a human-like face, a snake body, a curved beak and jagged teeth, sharp claws like a sword, and a wingspan of 10 meters long. There is only one golden feather on his body. The beak is filled with black oil and black fire can be spit out from its mouth.

Yun Wai Mirror·Raccoon Monk--it looks like a raccoon dog. When the raccoon monster's belly swells and glows like a picture tube on a TV, it can freely display distant scenes and sounds.

Bai Zangzhu Qingqiuyuan - the temple abbot who transformed from a fox, and his body is a white-haired fox demon. Good at confusing others with words.

Earth Spider·King of Limbs and Horns—A spider monster of unusually large size. The silk it spits out is so tough that it can rival a Noble Phantasm. Moreover, he is extremely powerful, with his body covered with indestructible bristles, eight legs, fangs and venom that can easily kill people.

Iron Rat·Red-Toothed Rat - They are a total of 8,400 red rats with teeth as sharp as steel.

Guhuo Bird·Mourning Wu - Guhuo Bird is also known as "Night Wandering Girl", "Emperor Girl" or "Ghost Bird". It can absorb people's souls. When it is put on its feathers, it turns into a noble and elegant black-feathered giant bird. When it takes off its feathers, it turns into a gentle and beautiful woman with long black hair and a kimono.

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