A foreigner's journey

Chapter 59 NO.2

Passing through the underground parking lot that was currently involved in a huge chaos, we swept up the floors until we reached the control room of the shopping mall 'DISK SAKURA'.

The guards who were originally on duty here had all fallen asleep and were neatly stacked in the corner to lie down in a row, even thoughtfully cushioning their heads with folded jackets.

Several people stood in front of the surveillance screen. All the images had been cut to the underground parking lot, staring at Heather from all directions.

"How? Can you tell how strong he is?"

The speaker was a handsome young man with a well-proportioned figure and blond hair wearing a black suit with a gentle smile.

Pariston Hill, a three-star hunter, the vice president of the Hunter Association, the son of the [Twelve Earthly Branches].

"Using surveillance videos to judge the strength of others... Pariston, do you have any misunderstandings about my abilities?"

A tall and thin man with long gray hair hanging casually, a long and narrow face, and a careless drawl in his voice.

Solino Fandor is a professional hunter nicknamed the 'Associate Expert'.

Generally speaking, most of the work contracted by the hunter association from the government or enterprises will be entrusted to the professional hunters belonging to the association. For hunters who accept commissions under such circumstances, regardless of whether the work is successful or not, the association will ensure that they receive a certain amount of remuneration based on risk and difficulty. Therefore, some hunters only choose this kind of job, and are ridiculed by those professional hunters with real skills as specializing in mediation by the association, referred to as "Associate Specialist".

People who are co-experts often give people the impression that they are weak, but in fact, some co-experts are specially placed in the co-expert team by Pariston in order to balance the power within the association. The purpose is to keep Pariston firmly in the position of vice president. At the same time, it is also to tie Nitro to the position and obligations of the president and not be able to escape, so that Pariston can truly grasp the real power. In fact, even among the associate experts, there are many people with powerful telekinesis abilities like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Solino Fandor is one of them.

He is a rare person with dual abilities and special telekinesis abilities. One of his telekinesis abilities is the special telekinesis ability [objective rating]. Solino can visually determine the target's telekinesis strength and telekinesis ability system, and automatically generate scores using a scoring standard known only to him to measure the opponent's potential kiness (POP) and apparent kiness (AOP). At the same time, this The ability to read can see through 'invisibility' and 'absolute', as well as the 'invisibility' effect caused by the effect of the ability to read.

Solino looked at the monitor screen and shook his head: "No, the monitor screen is too blurry to see their mouth movements, and it's impossible to read 'lip reading'. I have to meet him in person to see clearly his telekinesis ability." system."

Pariston asked with a smile: "What if a telepathic person is allowed to use special techniques to create a videotape? Just like the telepathy video tape that leaked out of the Sky Arena before."

"I've watched that videotape, but it's useless." Solino scratched the stubble on his chin: "My ability must be to actually see the other party's thoughts through the naked eye before I can make a conclusion, even with a telescope."

"Then let's wait until the first test is over to meet Mr. Heather in person." Pariston didn't care, and the smile on his face remained like a solidified mask.

Solino glanced at him: "Is this what Biyande meant?"

"Yes, Biyande wants us to get rid of Mr. Heather before President Netero."

Pariston shrugged his shoulders: "Oh my, you actually said it in front of me [He is a more indispensable key figure than you, and he is also my default No. 2 in the Dark Continent Expedition]. It's really sad. Woolen cloth."

"Sad? Are you so happy that you found a new toy? How perverted." Solino seemed to be very familiar with Pariston: "Biyande is still waiting?"

Pariston's smile faded slightly: "As long as President Netero is alive, Biande will not be able to escape the 'imprisonment' prohibiting traveling to the Dark Continent. You and I both know this."

Bjornde Nitro, the son of Isaac Nitro, the current president of the Hunter Association, was killed by Isaac before he re-entered the Dark Continent because he went on an expedition to the Dark Continent and brought back an unimaginable disaster, the 'Sickness of Immortality'. K. Nitro forcibly stopped and imposed 'imprisonment'. It is not about personal freedom, but above all, about the imprisonment of ‘faith’.

Unlike Isaac Nitro, who is more obsessed with "deciding the winner", Biyande pursues "strength" for the tenacity to stand in adversity. It has nothing to do with personal victory or defeat, only a fight against the harsh nature. All his life, he has longed to return to the Dark Continent and conquer that vast land.

Solino still remembers what Byande said to him——

"I want to go where others have not! Encounter things that others have not seen! Collect treasures that others have not touched! I will not be restricted by anyone! I will do whatever I want with dignity! I will trample on foreign lands! I will not reject those who come, and those who go, I will not pursue them, and those who hinder me... …Destroy them all!”

Only such a person is worthy of being followed, and only such a person can lead mankind back to the dark continent and conquer that extremely dangerous unknown land!

After being 'shackled' by President Netero, Byande found another way. On the one hand, he contacted the Cajun Kingdom, which is the most powerful country except V5. On the other hand, he began to collect various kinds of people who were suitable for being useful in harsh environments and even adversity. A person who displays special telekinesis abilities.

Pariston was the expedition team's No. 2 as identified by Byande. Of course, this was only a decision made before Beyond knew about Heather.

Not only did he have a firm grasp of the fact that Heather had obtained the 'absolute royal power', Beyonder even obtained information about Heather's cooperation with Batra from some secret channels. Combined with the information that Batra had a 'light egg', Biyangde boldly guessed that Heather not only brought the Fire Sword back to the world, but even obtained the light egg!

According to the secret myths and data investigated by Byande, the 'Absolute Kingship' was one of the most powerful weapons used by ancient humans to fight against the horrific disasters in the Dark Continent. However, due to some reasons, it was completely destroyed and sealed in the tomb. .

If the absolute kingship is a lethal weapon, then the light egg is the most powerful auxiliary artifact.

As long as you have it, you can greatly relieve the medical pressure. The 'curses' and 'attacks' that the dark continent creatures are good at are useless in front of the light eggs.

Heather, who holds two artifacts, suddenly became the most suitable candidate for the Dark Continent Expedition Team in Byande's mind. To put it bluntly, Heather alone can support an expedition team of dozens or even hundreds of people.

Pariston and Solino were sent by Beyond to contact Heather and make sure to bring her into the team. Of course, Biyande did not tell the two of them the information about the 'Light Egg'.

Some things are better hidden.

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