A foreigner's journey

Chapter 597 War, Light

It's not so much a war as a one-sided massacre.

The rain of arrows was overwhelming, and soldiers from the French King's Hall Union Army fell to the ground. Three rounds of volleys of arrows had disrupted the formation of the French King's Hall coalition forces. The soldiers were cowering and the generals were at a loss.

Griffith swung his sword to split several arrows flying towards him and said loudly:

"If we continue to be fired at like this, the French King's Hall Union Army will collapse sooner or later. Gus, you lead the stormtroopers to try to open a passage from the flank."

"No problem, leave it to me. Gaston, Gillikas, take the people with me!" Gus pulled down the steel helmet without saying a word, and led the most elite stormtroopers of the Eagle Regiment towards Griffith. Rushed in the direction Si pointed.

"Griffith, what should we do?"

"Others, follow me and protect King Dignity!" Griffith weighed the pros and cons and decided to give priority to protecting his employer, King Dignity, the king of the Kingdom of Mitland. After so many years of business, he has finally created an excellent image in the heart of King Dignity. He is about to be knighted, and he must not let King Dignity die here.

Just as the Eagle Regiment began to take action, Kusha's army stopped firing salvos, and under the command of the unified flag, the second round of offensive began.

A total of one hundred and fifty giant elephants formed the Elephant Cavalry Regiment, which stretched into a long line and rushed towards the French King's Hall Union Army with unstoppable momentum.

Each war elephant was covered with thick and tough rattan armor. They were extremely fast. The Union soldiers were horrified to find that the ground beneath their feet was shaking, and the horses galloped in panic without obeying orders.

Like flying huge rocks slamming into the weeds, the Giant Elephant Cavalry did not even encounter any hindrance when they rushed into the Union Army's hastily constructed gun and shield formation. The thick metal shield was twisted and deformed, and the horses were directly trampled into flesh. The soldiers had no time to escape before they were smashed into pieces of flesh and iron, including their armor.

Broken limbs were flying all over the sky, and there were miserable screams and wails everywhere.

The commanders of the various coalition forces tried to regroup, but the cavalry regiment was hit by the giant elephant before it was ready, causing the formation to collapse. The wooden towers on the backs of those giant elephants continued to shoot precise arrows, and continued to harvest those Union soldiers who were lucky enough to escape from the giant elephant's proboscis and trample.

This is just the beginning. Following closely behind the Mammoth Cavalry is the Kusha elite cavalry regiment in neat formation. They are fully armed and holding spears and halberds. They will kill the unprepared coalition soldiers as soon as they meet. .

The erect spears and halberds were like sharp jungles, so dense that the edges could not be seen.

Kusha's army surrounded them in front and behind, constantly compressing and invading the formation of the Allied Forces of the King's Hall and the Religious Circle.

In the panic, the crown on King Dignity's head was tilted and about to fall off. His face was pale and he looked at the giant elephant in the distance in disbelief:

"You bastard! You just ordered the army to move forward, but the 120,000 Dharma King's Hall coalition army collapsed at the first touch?"

He particularly regretted not recalling the Black Dog Knights who had been assigned to the frontier to garrison. Although that Knights had many problems, their strength was undeniable. It would be unwise to bring only the Knights of the White Dog and the Knights of the White Dragon with me this time.

Soon, a thousand Kusha troops charged towards the King of Mitlan, and no one dared to stop them wherever they passed. This frightened the King of Dignity. He hurriedly called to protect him, but found that the White Dragon Knights had fled at the first opportunity. Although the remaining White Dog Knights were sincere, they were not strong enough and could not stop the Kusha Cavalry. Team impact.

Damn it, am I going to die here today? King Dignity looked at the approaching Kusha cavalry, filled with despair.

At this moment, a brave and unparalleled cavalry team crossed over and broke up the Kusha cavalry team's formation.

The leader wore white armor and an eagle-beaked helmet, and rode a white horse like the shining star. He led many knights to kill the Kusha cavalry, which made everyone stand on their backs.

The King of Dignity took a closer look and found that it was the Eagle Group that he had brought with him this time against all the opinions! He was overjoyed and saw how pleasing Griffith was in his white armor. He had already made up his mind that if he could return home safely, he would give Griffith the title of earl and integrate the Eagle Regiment into the regular army of the Kingdom of Midland!

Although the Eagle Regiment is brave, this is just an accidental phenomenon among the King Hall coalition forces. Most of the coalition forces are still crushed by the Kusha army. The Union Army suffered heavy casualties, and some of the Kusha cavalry units that went too deep into the enemy's lines even began to attack the King of France's Holy Chariot in the center of the Union Army in the King's Hall.

Compared with the brave regular army, most of the troops in the King's Hall are just show-offs. They can usually bully ordinary people. If they don't pee their pants in the face of Kusha's army, they are considered brave among them.

The leader of the Knights of the Holy Cross rode his horse to the luxurious carriage where the King of France was sitting, and tried his best to suppress the panic in his voice: "My Lord, King of France, it's time to escort you to evacuate."

"No, just stay here." His Majesty's voice came from the window: "I want to advance and retreat together with these warriors of His Majesty's Hall."

"Huh?" The leader of the Knights of the Holy Cross was shocked. This is not the character of the King of France.

The shouts of killing are getting stronger and stronger. Sitting in the mobile holy city, His Holiness can already feel the carriage shaking. Is that the sound of the horse's hooves colliding with the ground? Maybe there was also the shock caused by the body hitting the ground.

Several young monks serving the Dharma King finally couldn't restrain their fear, opened the door of the carriage and fled. The door closed with a clang, and the Dharma King was the only one left in the carriage, which became increasingly dark and deserted.

The current Karmapa of the Karmapa is a short old man with age spots on his face. If I were to use one word to describe him, it would probably be "moderate".

Compared with previous Dharma kings, although he had no outstanding achievements, he was not impeached due to policy mistakes. He was a "no topic" person. In fact, even His Holiness himself considered himself a boring person.

Born into a noble family and loved by his parents, he has never shown intense anger or strong emotions since he was a child. He was able to obtain the holy crown of the Dharma King only because the big shots who were eager to stand out criticized each other and dug their own graves. After losing all their wisdom, they gave this power to a man who had never done anything, even though this was not what the Dharma King longed for.

A boring world, a boring life, where there has never been love or hatred, and fate has never reached out to him. Everything is just killing time. If today is really the day of my death, I might as well have sex before I die and experience what it means to "die on the battlefield." It is better than rolling around in pain between soft beds, and finally breathing your last breath in the eyes of people expectantly.

For the first time, His Holiness began to have random thoughts. But when the shouting outside reached its highest point, it suddenly stopped.

It seems that the battlefield has been pressed to a standstill.

The Karmapa felt a little strange, so he opened the curtains of the carriage and looked outside. Then, he saw a scene he would never forget—

Light falls from the sky.

PS: Get ready to speed up this chapter. The first time I wrote a book, I was so bored that I didn’t want to type words for several days. On the one hand, it may have been caused by the work unit being too busy and never taking a break. On the other hand, it was also because my poor writing skills just couldn’t write the flavor of the branded warrior in my mind. Moreover, in the early and mid-term, Heather couldn't let go and fight, which made me feel very depressed in writing. After this chapter is over, I will find a world to write in which has a relatively high combat power level and allows Heather to enjoy playing. Which one is better, One Punch or Naruto?

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