A foreigner's journey

Chapter 600 One year later

The wind blew through the treetops, making the leaves rustle.

Gus looked up and looked between the empty branches of the trees, always feeling like something in the wind was peering at him.

Illusion? It's just the wind, how can it still have its own sanity? It seems that the past year of practicing in the mountains has made me a little nervous.

Gus shook his head mockingly, tightened the bag and heavy sword on his back, and continued to move north along the road. Occasionally, you can see some crudely carved statues of girl gods on the side of the road. Her long hair reached her waist and she pointed forward, as if announcing something.

When passing these statues, Gus would always stop briefly to show respect for the statues, waiting for a few seconds before continuing on his way.

The "miracle" that shocked the whole world a year ago allowed the King's Hall to completely take the initiative, spanning the vast plains and mountains, and including most of the foreigners in the Kusha Empire's territory into the religious beliefs of the King's Hall.

In fact, what these foreigners believe in is not the so-called Dharma King or the illusory angels in some doctrines, but the Qishi who actually used his personal power and charisma to surrender the Kusha Emperor, who was known as the 'Fearing Emperor', and The god behind her.

The grotesque clay figures of the beast gods were torn down and replaced by various statues of Yin Qishi. This is a divine messenger who has truly come to the world. Isn't it more worthy of belief than those strange beasts and gods that only exist in legends and don't even have specific appearance descriptions?

Within half a month, the Dharma King's Hall had replaced the original statue of the "Bird of Light" symbolizing the teachings with a statue of a girl, and the content of the teachings had also been significantly changed. The new doctrine advocates that believers should be united, have justice and mercy in their hearts, avoid sword fights, avoid national wars, and never succumb to the darkness in their hearts. To avoid the advent of the Dark Age as revealed in the original Book of Revelation, all human beings who obey the grace of the doctrine should be rewarded by the [Glory Age].

According to His Holiness, the new teachings were divine revelations he received in a dream. Not just him, every cardinal and king has received such a revelation, so that they dare not doubt it.

But in fact, the content of these unified dreams is a large-scale dream magic jointly created by the Fairy King [Hanabuki Snow King] and the Witch [Freya]. Because the magic is so sophisticated, these powerful people among mortals are convinced that this is what God has done to them. warning given.

Compared with the original teachings that were too strict and empty, the new teachings were extremely popular with the common people. Over the past year, the frequent and endless wars between the countries have almost ceased, and the people have been able to recuperate. More and more believers are praying devoutly to the statue of the girl of Qishi, believing that this is the beginning of the glorious era.

After all, even the Kusha Empire, which conquered most of the continent, has already embraced Qin Qishi as the true god they believe in. If any other country dares to violate the doctrine and send troops to fight with other countries, I am afraid that they will immediately be condemned by the King of France. Other ecclesiastical countries have been authorized by the King of France to attack legally.

By the way, the Terror Emperor abdicated on his own initiative after the Miracle War. The new Kusha Emperor was Schlatt, the prince of the Bakiraka clan. It is said that this new emperor was an extremely devout believer in the Divine Messenger.

On the other hand, within the realm of the King's teaching circle, without war, the profession of mercenaries has lost its survival ground in an instant. They must either submit to the great powers or return to the life of farmers.

The same goes for [Eagle Group].

After the war ended a year ago, the Eagle Group returned to the Kingdom of Mitlan and accepted the reward from the king. The leader of the regiment, Griffith, was named an earl for his meritorious service in rescuing the enemy and his outstanding military exploits. The Eagle Regiment was also formally organized by the Kingdom of Midland and was known as the "White Phoenix Army". Griffith was naturally the "White Phoenix General".

Unlike the high-spirited Griffith, Guts is lost in confusion. Without the war, Gus, who has been among mercenaries since he was a child and does not know how to live a normal life, is like a drowning man with nothing to rely on.

Although he was sleeping on a soft bed, Gus tossed and turned all night long. In his dream, he was still fighting side by side on the battlefield with his fellow Eagles. When he woke up, he could only sit in the corner of the reception and silently watch Griffith laugh and talk with the big shots.

[Young wolf, wait until you grow into a real wolf of darkness and fight me again. It will be a one-on-one duel then, and I will give it my all. 】

In a daze, Gus could always hear what the extremely brave knight on the lake said to him.

Finally, he made up his mind to escape from this comfortable life. Maybe other people are happy with such a peaceful life, but they understand that only [combat] is their best food.

On a winter morning one month after that miraculous war, Gus picked up his luggage and left without saying goodbye to anyone.

Griffith, who regarded Gus as his closest friend, had long discovered that something was wrong with Gus recently, and stopped Gus on his way out of the city.

Two proud people, unable to convince each other with words, finally had to draw swords at each other, just like when they first met.

But this time, it was Gus who came out on top. He cut off Griffith's knight sword, and the giant sword's blade stopped firmly in front of Griffith's shoulder. The strong wind pressure even tore the clothes on his shoulder.

"Goodbye, Griffith." With these words, Gus left without looking back.

Griffith was left sitting on the ground, covering his shoulders.

For a year, Gus visited various countries. Because of the new doctrine, all countries have officially banned war. Instead, there are various "Knight Competitions", which can be regarded as giving space for those knights who are itchy to play.

After easily winning several battles, Gus found that ordinary fighting could no longer allow him to continue to grow. He plunged himself into the deep mountains and forests, met a reclusive blacksmith, and used huge logs and waterfalls to practice his strength and sword skills, just like a tireless wolf.

Until recently, Gus felt that his strength had reached a bottleneck, so he went out to continue looking for strong players to fight against.

Just three days ago, after Gus won a duel, he heard shocking news from the noble who held the competition——

The Eagles rebelled against the Kingdom of Midland.

According to the noble, about a year ago, the Eagle Group tried to cause a rebellion in Wyndham City, the capital of the Kingdom of Mitland, but was suppressed by the army. The whereabouts of the leader Griffith, who was regarded as a hero of the war, is unknown. A female swordsman under his command led the remaining eagle group to break through the army blockade and escape. They have been fighting with the pursuers for a year. The knight competition organized by this nobleman was also to recruit strong men to form a crusade team to conquer the Eagle Group that had become a bandit gang, in order to obtain the reward from the Kingdom of Mitland.

Since the Eagle Group rebelled first, all conquests and pursuits against them are not protected by the new doctrine.

As for more information, the noble didn't know, so Gus had no choice but to head towards the place where the Eagle Group had recently appeared.

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