A foreigner's journey

Chapter 605 The End of Immortality


The sword edge and sharp claws separated at the first touch, exploding with violent sparks.

The skeleton horse carried the skeleton knight and jumped to the side lightly. The sword in the skeleton knight's hand was pointed directly at the opposite side.

The strong wind formed an extremely huge black tornado, and what stood between the skeleton knight and the tornado was a monster.

It is extremely tall and strong, and its appearance looks like a mixture of [Lion] and [Ox]. It has a ferocious lion's face, with two huge horns on its head. It stands upright, its muscles are swollen to the limit, and its shiny brown-black fur is constantly rippled in the wind.

The horse's hooves jumped, and the skeletal war horse carrying the skeleton knight was as light as a leaf in the strong wind. It instantly spanned a distance of more than ten meters at an incredible speed and slashed at the huge lion and bull apostle with a sharp blade.

The opponent's speed was no less than that of the Skeleton Knight. His claws, teeth, and horns all seemed to have turned into weapons and were constantly colliding with the sharp blades wielded by the Skeleton Knight. Violent sparks and crisp metal collisions continued to burst out in the dim and boundless storm field. Voice.

Glancing in the direction of the roaring black tornado, the skeleton knight's eyes glowed red, and he flew high with the help of the opponent's strength. The sharp blade in his hand chopped off the opponent's left arm at the elbow, and blood spattered everywhere in an instant.

But the Skeleton Knight did not show any signs of relaxation. Before he even landed, he swung his sword horizontally and hit the opponent's right fist hard.

Creak, creak... The sword blade couldn't break the skin of the opponent's fist for a while. Instead, the lion and bull monster pushed the skeleton knight and his horse back continuously, and the horse's hoofs carved deep marks on the ground.

Bang! Knowing that being in a state of wrestling with each other was not good for him, the skeleton knight immediately jumped back on his horse and quickly swung his sword to repel the pursuit of the lion and cow monster.

The horse's hooves clattered to the ground, and the skeleton knight was once again forced back by the lion-cow monster to a position a hundred meters away from the black tornado.

The monster let out a deep laugh, as low as rolling thunder: "Hmph, hum... you have indeed appeared. You have been our enemy for thousands of years. I wonder how you could have missed such a great opportunity."

"Are you ordered to guard the door, undead?" The cloak behind the skeleton knight danced wildly in the wind, making a hunting sound.

This monster is one of Heather's B-level mission targets, [Immortal Zord]. In the organizer's evaluation, he is even on par with the Thunder Cloud Apostle 'Terror Emperor', who is known as the strongest apostle, which shows how powerful he is.

Zod, who is known as the 'immortal', picked up the severed left arm from the ground and pressed it back to the fracture. He immediately opened and clenched his left claw several times to regain its mobility. He opened his mouth and revealed his sharp white teeth: "I have no interest in that kind of noisy banquet that makes you lose your mind. You know this, right, my old enemy."

He lowered his body and assumed a fanatical fighting stance.


The Skeleton Knight has been fighting with the immortal Zod for such a long time, so he naturally knows that the other party is an out-and-out fighting maniac. Knowing that he would not be able to go to the space of the Eclipse without defeating the opponent, the Skeleton Knight raised the water-calling sword in his hand and assumed an assault stance.

Just when the two sides were about to fight, they suddenly raised their heads and looked at the sky.

I saw a red meteor piercing the darkness in the dim sky.

The flaming meteor was getting closer and closer, and in an instant it bombarded the ground not far from Zod and the Skeleton Knight.

Unexpectedly, the shock wave and fire produced by the impact were not strong, as if the meteor greatly slowed down its momentum at the last moment before impact.

Looking at the smoke-filled impact crater, Zod suddenly turned around and faced the crater completely. The lion's face was ferocious, and a low purring sound came from his throat:

"This, this kind of violent murderous intent makes the fur on the back of my neck stand up with joy!"

The Skeleton Knight felt a familiar feeling coming from the impact crater. It was the armor of the Mad God that he had once worn... It was the black-haired man who made a pact with him!

Click! Click! The sound of metal colliding with the ground was heard, and a figure appeared in the thick smoke.

The berserker's armor, which was completely black and showed no cracks, was seen walking out of the impact crater step by step, with red light flashing in the cracks around the eyes.

Soon, the figures of Rong Qishi and the twelve Knights of the Round Table also appeared nearby, surrounding Heather in a guarding posture.

Zod was stunned for a moment, then laughed crazily:

"Hahahaha! I know you, the woman disguised as an 'angel', and the brave knight! Not being able to fight with you has been the most worrying thing in my heart in the past few years. Good, very good, they all come to my door one after another. Hahahaha!"

With that said, Zod turned his eyes to Heather again and said in a playful tone:

"I thought that the legendary black-haired wizard died in some unknown battle, but it turned out that he was still alive, and even wore the armor worn by my old enemy. Very good, very good! It saved me The desire to fight will kill you all in one fell swoop. Come on, let us fight to our heart’s content! None of you can enter the Moment of Eclipse until I fall!”

Zod opened his arms, his muscles expanded to the limit, and his huge bat wings suddenly spread out from behind. Not only is he extremely powerful and extremely experienced in combat, he also possesses the ability to regenerate at an unreasonable speed, and now it seems that he even has the ability to fly, worthy of the difficulty level of a B-level mission.

Heather, whose whole body was covered by berserker armor, did not take action directly. First, she nodded slightly to Rong Qishi and the twelve Knights of the Round Table: "Thank you for your hard work, well done."

Yan Qishi gracefully held the corner of her skirt and made a ladylike salute: "Welcome back, my master."

The twelve knights put their gauntlets on their chests and bowed one after another: "You are very grateful, Lord Heather."

Then Heather turned to look at the Skeleton Knight: "Can't you see those four freaks?"

The Skeleton Knight nodded slowly: "The Eclipse is the singularity of cause and effect. Their attention is all focused on the 'eagle' at this time, and they have no time to care about others."

Um? The immortal Zod sensed something was wrong. These powerful enemies seemed to be targeting the four guardian angels. The black-haired girl was supposed to be the leader of this group of people, and wasn't the wizard not able to deal with that group of knights? Why are they all acting like servants at this time, but the wizard wearing the armor of his old enemy is acting like a master.

Hearing the Skeleton Knight's answer, a slightly dull chuckle came from behind the Berserker's armor:

"Haha, that's good. I'm also planning to give them a big surprise. As for you, the undead..."

Before he finished speaking, a huge golden wolf shadow suddenly appeared behind Heather!

Zod only felt his eyes blurred, and then his whole body was severely beaten to the ground. The huge lion-ox body, which was eight meters tall, had no resistance, and its head was smashed deep into the ground. The entire land instantly exploded with countless cracks centered on Zod.

The nearly thirty-meter-long Thunder Wolf Dragon directly entered the form of Golden Thunder Lord. Its whole body was glowing with golden lightning, and its giant claws firmly grasped Zod's head and pushed it into the ground.

Zod's head was pinned firmly into the underground rubble, and he kept roaring angrily. Veins popped up in his arms and he scratched frantically in an attempt to free himself from the hand that tightly held his head. His claws were so sharp that they could only surpass steel. In vain, a series of sparks burst out on the surface of the golden carapace of the Thunder Wolf Dragon, but it was unable to leave even a scratch. For the first time, he experienced the feeling of being powerless to resist, just like the mortals who had been slaughtered by him as easily as livestock for hundreds of years.

"I heard that you have the title of 'immortal'. It's quite interesting. I happen to have a whole set of tricks to deal with the undead like you. Can you try it?"

While speaking, Heather curled her thumb and popped out a skull gold coin in the direction of Zod, who was struggling. The gold coins swirled in the air and sank into Zod's body silently.

[Immortality] immediately covers [Immortality], and the immortality of Skeleton Gold Coin has weaknesses - Holy and Thunder.

As soon as Zod noticed something was wrong with his body, the next second he was engulfed by the overwhelming golden lightning. Along with Zod's furious roar, extremely violent thunder and lightning continued to damage his body, but this time immortality could no longer repair his body.

The golden thunder light shone for more than ten seconds and then gradually stopped. Zod's strong body had become scorched, and he twitched slightly and stopped struggling.

Thunder Wolf Dragon returned to its normal state, pulled Zod's body out of the pit and threw it into the sky. He turned around suddenly and hit the body hard with its spiked tail, exploding the sky into charred pieces.

Seeing that five more World Flames had been added to her Outlander Fire, Heather nodded and confirmed that Zod was completely dead.

He turned to look at the Skeleton Knight and his loyal men, the ferocity in his tone no longer suppressed:

"So, ladies and gentlemen, are you ready to make a scene at these freaks' banquet?"

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