A foreigner's journey

Chapter 622 Sharingan

The country of Waves is a small, poor island country. Since the country is made up of scattered small islands, it is not suitable for farming.

The scarcity of national resources has further resulted in a weak country, and the economy is so poor that it is unable to cultivate its own ninjas. The country of Waves can only survive in the cracks of various major powers, relying on the bridge-building technology passed down from generation to generation to prevent it from being completely annexed.

The citizens of this country place their hopes for national rejuvenation on the huge bridge that took many years to build. They believe that if the bridge connecting the island and the mainland is completed, it will bring prosperity to the country of Waves.

But Cardo, the president of Cardo Shipping Company, does not intend to let the bridge be built. One of the few tycoons in the world used his financial power and violence to control all maritime transportation on the island of Wave Country, and then controlled the country's wealth, politics, people and everything.

Kado wants to become the underground emperor who controls all power in this country.

Once the bridge construction in the Land of Waves is completed, his plans will be in vain. So Kado spent a lot of money to hire many powerful ninjas to assassinate the bridge's chief architect [Dazna].

And Tazuna was also very clever and went to the Fire Country [Konoha Village], which is the closest to the Country of Waves and the most powerful country, to seek help and issued a C-level escort mission.

The team that took over this task was a genin team led by a jounin, including the captain 'Hatake Kakashi' and the team members 'Uzumaki Naruto', 'Uchiha Sasuke', and 'Haruno Sakura'.

On Cardo's side, he hired one of the Seven Former Ninja Swordsmen, "Momochi Zabuza" and his subordinate "White".

The fierce battle for the future of the Kingdom of Waves begins on this bridge, which entrusts the hope of the Kingdom of Waves.


In the thick fog, the kunai and the decapitating sword were separated at the first touch, leaving only little bits of fire that quickly dissipated in the fog.

Kakashi Hatake held the kunai behind his back and quickly fell to the ground, looking to the opposite side: "Zabuza, your so-called 'silent killing technique' has no effect on me."

Momochi Zabuza opposite was holding a beheading sword in his hand and said in a cold tone: "As long as the killing technique is easy to use. What, aren't you going to help those two trashes you brought?"

The sound of fierce fighting and shouting came from the depths of the thick fog in the distance. Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke were surrounded by the magic mirror ice crystals summoned by Shiro. Will be killed in vain.

Although Kakashi Hatake was anxious, he did not show it. His attitude remained unhurried. He took the forehead protector covering his left eye with his left hand and slowly lifted it up: "Don't worry, I will deal with you immediately and then go to support them. Just use this Sharingan!"

As the forehead protector was lifted, Hatake Kakashi's distinctive left eye was revealed. It was an eyeball with a scarlet pupil. There were three black magatama in the center of the pupil, which was extremely evil.

"Sharingan... don't think you can defeat me again with this kind of trick!" Zabuza's figure gradually disappeared into the thick fog.

On the shore a few kilometers away from the bridge, Heather was standing on a branch, her thumb and index finger curled up in a circle in front of her eyes to act as a telescope, and she said:

"Good guy, it's really the [Sharingan]... Oh oh oh! Turn around, those three magatama can really rotate around! I thought it was the animation team adding a trick."

Unlike Heather, who was in full fun mode, Yan Qishi also curled up her white and slender thumb and index finger to stare at the battlefield, and said slowly:

"...I see, this is the [Sharingan]."

Heather turned her head and said with a smile: "What, it's a completely different style than your Jianji Gu, but it is the strongest path to the world..."

The words stopped abruptly, and Heather looked at Rong Qishi in shock.

The beautiful girl with waist-length black hair was looking back at Heather. Her eyes were no longer as black as the abyss, but instead had two scarlet single magatama Sharingan eyes!

Even if it's someone else's bloodline talent, you can learn it once you see it.

This is [Jianji Gu], the ultimate expression of Rong Qishi's extraordinary talent.

Qin Nanshi blinked his eyes. The magatama in the Sharingan was no longer just one, but a second one slowly appeared, followed by a third... The three magatama slowly rotated around the center. It is the Sharingan that belongs exclusively to Rin Nanmi.

"Extraordinary insight, as well as the ability to see through the 'energy flow', and even the ability to 'copy' other people's ninjutsu, can indeed be called the cornerstone of the strongest path."

Rong Qishi’s voice was unhurried:

"Moreover, I can feel that there is further power hidden in this eye power..."

She frowned slightly, and the three magatama in her eyes began to squirm and deform, as if it was about to evolve towards a higher level of Mangekyō Sharingan, but the magatama changed back to its original shape halfway through squirming.

"Sure enough, it is still difficult for people who do not have Uchiha blood to forcefully open the Mangekyo Sharingan, but I don't want to change my blood to Uchiha..."

Rong Qishi looked at Heather:

"Can you please give me some of the world's flames? I want to use the power of the flames to quickly break through the shackles."

Heather nodded and made a 'please' gesture: "The authority is given to you, please do as you please."

As the flames in the stranger's fire began to decrease, the three magatama in the eyes of the Sharingan began to condense and squirm again, and this time the process was particularly smooth.

The three magatama pieces melted and merged into the center of the pupil, and then the black cross emanated from the center of the pupil to form a new pattern and began to rotate rapidly.

【Mangekyo Sharingan】!

Heather glanced at the World Flame in the Stranger's Fire, and only one was consumed. It seems that what Rin Qishi needs is the flame to pry open the shackles of the Uchiha bloodline for her. The subsequent process of forming the Mangekyo Sharingan relies entirely on her own talents.

"How? Each type of Mangekyō Sharingan has completely different patterns, and its abilities are also different."

Heather looked at Rong Qishi expectantly:

"With your talent, you should be able to acquire more powerful eye skills than 'Amaterasu' and 'Tsukuyomi', right?"

Qi Qishi closed her eyes and was silent for a while, then opened her eyes and looked at Heather with her strange pair of Mangekyō Sharingan:

"I don't know if it's strong or not, so I ask you to taste it for the little girl."


At the same time, at the intersection of the Kingdom of Earth, the Kingdom of Wind, and the Kingdom of Fire, next to a swamp in Yuyin Village, a figure was watching the words that appeared out of thin air on the water turn into ripples again.

After a long time, the voice of talking to myself sounded——

"What are you doing? When did foreign wars start happening so frequently? The organizer's claim that 'it's extremely difficult for foreigners to meet' is all a lie."

The figure looked up at the sky. This place was close to Yuyin Village. The sky was shrouded in dark clouds, and the drizzle fell on the water, causing countless small ripples.

"Oh, the world of "Naruto"? It's interesting, let's start with the Hidden Rain Village."

PS: I assume that everyone has watched Naruto and knows something about the main characters, otherwise it would be too watery to introduce them one by one.

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