A foreigner's journey

Chapter 630 Anger

Hearing Uchiha Suzan's heroic words, Sasuke was in a daze, and Itachi's evaluation of Suzan seemed to ring in his ears again——

He is the man who may push the Uchiha clan back to the top of glory, and may also completely drag the Uchiha clan into the abyss.

Sasuke came back to his senses, his eyes dark: "The only person who can kill Itachi is me. Didn't you also escape from the night when the clan was exterminated? What qualifications do you have to talk nonsense here!"

That man killed all the Uchiha people in one night, including his father, whom he regarded as a god! There are also those strong men in the clan who serve in the Konoha Guards. Even they can't resist Itachi's power. Where does this deserter in front of him get the confidence to claim to restore Uchiha? That's ridiculous.

Su Zhan was not angry, but smiled:

"It seems that because you were still young at that time, you didn't know much about the situation on the night of the genocide. Then I will explain it to you. Are you interested in hearing it?"

After hesitating for a moment, Sasuke nodded slowly.

Su Zhan folded his arms and leaned on the iron frame of the water tower on the roof. He looked up at the starry sky above his head and said in a low voice:

"At that time, because I failed to compete with Namikaze Minato for the Fourth Hokage, I began to stay away from the village's political power circle due to frustration. Sasuke, you must understand that it is not that our Uchiha's abilities are not insufficient to serve as high-level officials in the village. Position, but we are not [allowed] to hold it. Starting from the first and second generation Hokage, the village has always targeted us Uchiha. And the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, as the disciple of the second generation Hokage, has perfectly inherited this The idea is just not revealed openly.

After I saw all this clearly, I decided to spend more time on developing ninjutsu and training the Sharingan. Even missions were rarely given out. This situation lasted for several years until the night of the genocide. Two months ago.

The Third Hokage and Hokage Assistant Shimura Danzo came to me and told me that there was an S-level mission that I was asked to take on. At that time, I had not been on a mission for a long time, so I took on this mission just to change my mood. The task is not difficult for me, but the journey is very long, and I have reached the northern border of the Kingdom of Thunder. When I completed the task easily and returned to the village without disturbing anyone, what I saw was rows of corpses of Uchiha clansmen covered with white cloth.

Among them are your father Uchiha Fugaku and mother Uchiha Mikoto. "

Hearing this, Sasuke's fists clenched so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

Su Zhan continued as if he didn't see it:

"I didn't let anyone discover me, and immediately found the Sandaime Hokage and Shimura Danzo, and learned from them the cause of the tragedy. Uchiha Itachi, the child I watched grow up, actually did such an inhumane thing Behavior. The Sandaime asked me to stay in the village, on the one hand to guard against Uchiha Itachi, and on the other hand he wanted me to take care of you when you grow up. Of course, I refused. At that time, I only wanted to avenge my clan, and I didn’t He thinks Uchiha Itachi has the ability to kill me, otherwise why would he anonymously release a mission just to transfer me away from Konoha Village? He is afraid of me.

Seeing that they couldn't stop me, the Sandaime and Danzo Shimura made new demands. They thought the same as me, thinking that Itachi Uchiha alone could not kill all the Uchiha clan members in one night. There must be someone assisting him, and there must be more than one person. They asked me to track down Itachi and the gang behind him, and promise to take good care of the property left behind by you and the Uchiha. So, I embarked on the road of revenge to pursue Uchiha Itachi, which lasted five years.

In the past five years, I almost caught Uchiha Itachi several times, but your brother is very cunning and managed to escape in time every time. During this period, I also found out a lot of information about the organization behind Uchiha Itachi. "

"Wait, Itachi really has an accomplice?" Sasuke suddenly asked.

Su Zhan glanced at him: "Do you still have some hope in your heart, hoping that your brother was coerced by his accomplices to do such a thing? You even hope that your brother did not commit that terrible crime, It was all done by his accomplices and framed on him."


Sasuke shrank back. He felt that he had no secrets in front of Uchiha Speedy Slayer, and everything in his heart had been seen through.

"It is a pity that Uchiha Itachi relied on his own will and hands to slaughter all the Uchiha clan members, as well as you and his biological parents, one by one like livestock."

The voice of Uchiha's quick slash was bone-chilling, freezing Sasuke's heart like a cold wind.

Sasuke shook twice, sat down on the ground, and said dejectedly: "...You came back just to tell me these things? If you want to see what my lost dog looks like, then you succeeded. If you have seen enough, disappear as soon as possible. .”


There was a sharp pain in his chest, and Sasuke was kicked away and hit the iron frame of the rooftop with a muffled sound.

"Don't think too highly of yourself, Uchiha Sasuke. My return to the village has nothing to do with you, but I have other things to do. Indeed, I do want to see how far you can grow, carrying the anger and sorrow of the Uchiha clan. kind of situation."

Su Zhan crossed his arms, and his scarlet Sharingan looked very evil in the night:

"But you disappoint me so much. I'm not just referring to your ridiculous, rubbish strength that seems to be playing house, but also your self-destructive giant baby way of thinking. Why, you are trying to make fun of me. Are you comforted? Be a little more mature, Uchiha Sasuke. In my opinion, that boy named Uzumaki Naruto is more reliable than you."

Naruto's name seemed to stimulate Sasuke, and he instantly opened his Sharingan, with a single magatama in his left eye and double magatama in his right eye, roaring and rushing towards Kuzan.

Then, he was hit hard again.

Bang! Sasuke was grabbed by the neck and slammed against the iron frame, with four Sharingan eyes looking at each other:

"Too weak. You don't even understand the basic use of the Sharingan. What on earth is Hatake Kakashi teaching you? Are you just spending your precious time looking for the old lady's lost cat? As you see it With such speed, it is impossible to catch up with Uchiha Itachi in a lifetime."

Throwing Sasuke to the ground casually, Su Zhan looked down at him with disappointment: "Trash, let me tell you good news, I don't need your help anymore. Just continue to stay in that trash team looking for cats and dogs every day, I will I will bear the blood and hatred of the Uchiha clan alone and revitalize the glory of Uchiha."

"shut up……"

"What are you mumbling? Can't you even speak clearly? Louder!"

"I let you! Shut up!"

Sasuke raised his head suddenly, with two magatama spinning rapidly in each of his two sharingan eyes.

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