A foreigner's journey

Chapter 632 Stalker

There were more than a dozen Jounin and Special Jounin standing in the Hokage's office. They looked at the Sandaime Hokage sitting behind the desk.

The Sandaime Hokage chuckled and said: "I summoned everyone here to announce the [Chūnin Selection Examination]. Haha, you must already know it when you see my expression, right?"

"When will it be held?" Shiranui Genma asked, holding a thousand books in his mouth.

"In half a month, it will be officially held on July 1st. Messenger birds have been sent to various ninja villages. It will definitely be a grand event."

The Sandaime looked at the many jounin: "Then, please take a step forward for the jounin who is responsible for leading the new genin."

Hatake Kakashi, Yuhi Kurenai and Sarutobi Asuma stepped forward. Kakashi still looked carefree, Yuhi Kurenai put her hands behind her back with a serious look on her face, and Asuma put one hand on her hip and looked casual.

Glancing at his son Asuma, the Sandaime asked the three of them: "How about it? Among the genin you lead, do you want to recommend anyone to take this exam? Although I don't need to say more, but Formally, they must be genin who have completed at least eight missions, and they must be recommended by you leading jounin. Kakashi, you come first."

"The seventh team led by me, Kakashi, will recommend three genin, Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto, and Haruno Sakura, to accept the chunin selection exam."

Kakashi's eyes became unusually serious.

Yuhi Kurenai followed closely: "The Eighth Class led by Kurenai will recommend three genin, Hyuga Hinata, Inuzuka Kiba, and Aburame Shino, to accept the chunin selection exam."

"The Tenth Class, led by Asuma, will recommend three genin including Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara, and Choji Akimichi to take the chuunin selection exam." Sarutobi Asuma said calmly, holding a cigarette in his mouth.

The Sandaime touched his goatee: "Oh, I remember these nine people are all genin who have just graduated from the ninja school. You have so much confidence in them, so I won't refute them. Okay!"

He slapped the table and announced in a loud voice: "Then, plus the three genin recommended to me by Kai before, there will be a total of 12 genin in Konoha Village participating in the chunin selection exam this time. Please lead the team of genin Notify each team member. Of course, whether to participate depends on their personal wishes and cannot be forced."

"Understood." The three of them responded in unison.

Coming out of the office, Kakashi who was walking in front was suddenly stopped: "Wait a minute Kakashi, we have something to ask you."

Kakashi looked back and saw Kurenai and Asuma. He sighed and looked like he was in trouble: "Okay, don't take too long."

Arriving in a secluded alley, Hong first made sure there was no one nearby, and then asked in a low voice: "Senior Suzhan is back?"

"Isn't this a secret? How come everyone knows it..." Kakashi lamented in his heart and scratched the back of his head: "Yes, the name has been erased from the 'Uchiha Death List'. It should not take long. Will it be officially announced to the village?"

"I won't ask how he was resurrected. Are you sure he won't have any trouble after meeting Uchiha Sasuke?" Asuma asked, holding a cigarette in his mouth: "You all know his style and methods. As Itachi, As his biological brother and a survivor who was specially spared, Sasuke will not reap any good fruits if he falls into his hands."

Kakashi shook his head: "Although Suzan treats the enemy cruelly, Sasuke is the only clan member he has left. He will not do anything bad to Sasuke. On the contrary, if Sasuke can learn his true skills from Suzan, he will be able to face him in the future." You can also have the power to protect yourself against Itachi."

"Learned real skills? Are you talking about Uchiha Speed ​​Slash?"

Asuma couldn't help but laugh: "He is a more solitary weirdo than you. He claims that he never accepts disciples and never forms a team. Anyone can teach disciples, except Uchiha Speed ​​Slayer. impossible."

Kakashi couldn't help but frowned: "Asuma, you still hold grudges for the original Quick Slash..."

"I no longer have any grudge against him. In fact, I was quite sad when I saw his name on the list of Uchiha's dead. But Uchiha's acting style is too fierce, and my view of him has never changed——

He will bring unnecessary trouble to the village. "


Naruto put his hands behind his head and lay with his legs crossed in the grass by the river, watching the white clouds floating above his head in boredom.

Ever since he met that weird uncle, Sasuke never came to participate in mission activities again. Sasuke wasn't around, and Sakura seemed distracted.

Even Kakashi-sensei has been disappearing recently, and even canceled the mission activity today, saying it was to give everyone a holiday.

"What the hell, I don't need a holiday!"

Naruto suddenly sat up from the grass, angrily picked up a stone from his side and threw it to the river.

The stone flew three times on the water and floated on the water. The fourth time it fell into the water, it made a small splash and sank into the river.

The feeling of loneliness once again haunted Naruto. You clearly have partners and family members that you value, but why do you feel like they have all disappeared from you?

Just when Naruto was secretly feeling sad, he suddenly noticed a familiar figure passing by in the distance.

Is it Sasuke?

Naruto followed curiously, using his ninja skills to follow Sasuke from a distance.

It was obvious that Sasuke was not in a good condition, he looked tired and bruised, and his clothes were dirty. Originally, Naruto would definitely be discovered by Sasuke with his ability to track and hide, but now that Sasuke was in such a bad state that he almost fell to the ground, how could he be aware of Naruto's tracking?

Naruto found Sasuke running along the road to the south of the village with a large bag of food and drink. He could no longer suppress his curiosity and followed Sasuke all the way to the southernmost part of the village.

This is the edge of the village, and Naruto remembers that it used to be the home of the Uchiha family. It is now abandoned, dilapidated and uninhabited.

Sasuke ran into the Uchiha clan's main entrance with a large bag of food and drink, and Naruto followed him in secretly.

The surrounding buildings all looked dilapidated and abandoned. Sasuke walked all the way to the training ground where there were dart boards and wooden figures. The venue had obviously been renovated, and it was the only tidy place in the Uchiha clan's land.

Naruto huddled behind the wall not far from the training ground and carefully stuck out half of his head. He saw not only Sasuke at the training ground, but also that strange uncle.

Sasuke took the bag of food and trotted up to the uncle named Kuzan and handed him the food in the bag, but Kuzan refused and said something to Sasuke.

Due to the distance, Naruto didn't hear what Uncle Quick Slash said. He could only see Sasuke showing an unconvinced expression, placing the plastic bag in front of Uncle Quick Slash, and then walked towards the center of the training ground.

Swish, swish, swish! Sasuke formed the seals as fast as four seals per second, and then summoned two thunder balls shining with bluish-white electric light beside him. Even at this distance, Naruto could still feel the terrifying power emanating from the thunder ball.

Bastard Sasuke! Are you actually hiding here for secret training? Are you so afraid of being surpassed by me?

Thinking of this, Naruto suddenly became very angry. He wanted to jump out and yell at Sasuke, but he held it back. Because even though he was as reckless as he was, he discovered how unreliable his actions at this moment were.

In the ninja world, family ninjutsu has always been a secret that is not passed down. Some powerful families will even take the initiative to destroy the bodies of their clan members in order to protect their ninjutsu and blood inheritance from being taken away by outsiders. Once a person who secretly learns ninjutsu is discovered, it will often turn into an endless and terrifying pursuit.

The Uchiha clan was once a wealthy family that dominated the ninja world. The uncle of Quick Slash was obviously here to teach Sasuke the secret ninjutsu of the Uchiha clan. What is going on with him now? Hiding here to secretly learn Uchiha secrets?

When Naruto thought about the disdainful looks that Sasuke and Sakura would look at him in the future, and when he thought that they would call him 'the thief who peeked at the Uchiha family's ninjutsu', when he thought about being alone again, he thought Started to tremble all over.

He was just trying to sneak away from here, but he was horrified to find that Uncle Kuazhan, who was instructing Sasuke in the distance, suddenly stopped and turned to look at Naruto.

Broken, discovered!

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