A foreigner's journey

Chapter 65 Meeting, speculation, decision

As Chidor pressed the remote control, a close-up photo of Heather appeared on the projection screen.

"Heather claims to be 19 years old. Her place of birth is unknown. She has ruled out the possibility of coming from Meteor Street."

"In March 1999, one-star professional hunter Izanabi discovered him in Norimu City. With the consent of the president, he taught him the relevant knowledge of telekinesis and enlightened him."

"According to Izanabi's report, Heather is a natural telepathic user, but he is tight-lipped about Heather's specific telekinesis and abilities..."

While Chidor was explaining, Pariston suddenly raised his hand.

"Please speak." Chidor motioned for Pariston to speak.

"I have observed Mr. Heather's Nian Qi at close range. To be blunt, no one here can match his Nian Qi. If it is true as you said, it only took him Nine months, this is obviously impossible." Pariston said with a smile.

[Yin] Kongzhai crossed his arms and asked politely: "Pariston, are you saying that boy's [Nian] is stronger than the twelve earthly branches?"

Pariston seemed to be making a fuss: "That's it. Compared with him, everyone here is as weak as a beginner who is learning to read Qi."

"What do you mean, Mr. Vice President, if we compare with him, we are just rubbish?" [卯] Biyou was still lying on the table, tapping the screen of her phone, without raising her head.

Pariston smiled heartily and said: "Not only that, I'm afraid even the president can't compare with him. If the positions are ranked according to the power of thought, I'm afraid that Mr. Heather can immediately replace President Netero as the thirteenth The current president of the Hunter Association. Oh no, I can’t help it, the president is quite old after all..."


[Wei] Yinta slapped the table, stood up and looked at Pariston with a fierce expression: "You brat, if you dare to be disrespectful to the president... I'll kill you!"

"Silver Tower! Sit down!" [Chen] Potter sat firmly at the table with his arms folded: "Pariston, please don't interrupt, and listen to Chidor continue to explain."

Under the suppression of the strongest [Chen] Porter, the meeting that was instigated by Pariston and became increasingly chaotic finally managed to calm down.

"Is everyone quiet? Then I will continue to explain → everyone."

Chidor quietly waited for the conference room to quiet down before continuing to speak:

"Me, Chou and Zi have all observed Heather's telepathy on the spot. As Zi said, ordinary people with natural telepathy abilities simply cannot reach such a level. This is no longer a level that normal humans can achieve, and it is only so terrifying [ Only with the quality] and [quantity] of telekinesis can it be possible to complete his unique telekinesis ability - to restore the ancient artifact 'Absolute Kingship'."

"Restore ancient artifacts? What's the basis?" [You] Crook asked: "Everyone knows that this is impossible, right? Hey, Jin, this is your professional scope, say something!"

[Hai] Jin took out his ears and said lazily: "Let's not talk about anything else. I was at the scene when the 'Absolute King' was unearthed. From a technical point of view, it is impossible to repair it and there is no mental energy attached to it. There is no doubt that ordinary cultural relics remain.”

"When it comes to cultural relics and relics, there is no need to say much about Jin's professionalism. He concluded that it cannot be repaired, that is, it cannot be repaired."

[Chen] Potter White said: "So, if the rumors of the resurgence of the 'Absolute King' are true, then it can only be due to Heather's own telekinesis ability."

"That's right. Since the first ancient artifact, the Tide Mermaid Halberd, was unearthed in 1884, a total of four artifacts have been unearthed. It's not like no one has tried to repair these ancient artifacts, but they all failed without exception."

Chidor said:

"But Heather, as a fledgling telepathic person, has done something that no telepathic person in the world can do. At first, I inferred that his status as a 'natural telepathic person' played a role, but a natural telepathic person Although there are very few, Heather is not alone. It wasn’t until I witnessed Heather’s mental energy with my own eyes that I dared to assert that what was needed to restore the ancient artifact ‘Absolute Kingship’ was the purification and recasting of the mental energy from the outside world. , the requirements for thought energy are also very demanding, requiring extremely large [quantity] and extremely pure [quality]."

"According to what you said, the prerequisites for this telekinesis ability will be very stringent. There must be at least five prerequisites." The experienced [Chen] Porter Bai added.

"Ah, having said so much, does this have anything to do with our meeting? Am I listening to the background introduction of some RPG game?" [Shen] Xiyou yawned, put his hands behind his head and crossed his feet. on the table.

"Absolute kingship has many unique functions in mythology, but the most critical and famous one is always its title of 'Supernatural Nemesis.'"

Chidor pressed the remote control, and the picture on the screen switched to a comparison between the imaginary restoration of absolute kingship and the actual unearthed state:

"If Heather really restores Absolute King's special ability of 'killing mind energy and its effects', he will be the most powerful mind-killing master in history. I don't need to say more about the rarity of mind-bending masters." →All?"

[巳] Gale put his slender hand on his chin and muttered: "Even the Hunter Association only has two mind-killing masters. Putting aside the alternative that is too harsh and has unsatisfactory results, there is actually only one mind-killing master." division."

"So you and Milton lowered the difficulty of the hunter test and lowered your profile just to get Heather to join the Hunter Association?" [Yin] Kongzai pretended to understand and nodded.

"Hey, stupid tiger, are you accusing Mr. Niu of practicing favoritism and malpractice?" Biyou, the girl with rabbit ears, was still playing with her mobile phone, but her mouth was not idle.

"No, Heather's ability can completely eliminate Killua and become the only survivor of the test, thus automatically passing it."

[Ugly] Milton folded his arms and said in a calm voice:

"But he still chose to cooperate with Killua and advance to the competition together. For a powerful telepathic person with strong telepathy abilities and good intentions, it is the best choice for him to join the Hunter Association."

[Shen] Xiyou said slowly: "Have good intentions? Don't be ridiculous. Everyone has listened to the mouse's explanation. He cuts off the stranger's arm and crushes his neck when he disagrees with him. There's also that feeling that even Paris Stone would be afraid of. How dare you say that a guy like this has kind intentions even though he has lingering fear in his heart?"

Pariston immediately raised his hand to brush his presence: "Yes, I can testify! That thought is extremely aggressive and full of murderous intent. I believe Mr. Milton and Ms. Chidor have also experienced it. ?”

"I believe in the judgment of Chidor and Milton. The problem is..." [Noon] Kobayakawa Sahara said in a gentle tone: "Why does he give others such two extreme impressions?"

"Tsk, it's a split personality." [You] Crook said boredly, dragging his cheeks: "It's such an old-fashioned setting."

"I think I've found the reason for this → all."

Chidor zoomed in on Heather's photo and pointed to the pair of glasses Heather was wearing: "Those [glasses] are the key."

Everyone looked at each other: "Glasses?"

"Although it is impossible to truly explore Heather's origins, I judge from his words, deeds, and many rumors that he comes from a peaceful and law-abiding country. There, anything beyond the norm will be regarded as against the norm. Common sense.”

Chidor said slowly:

"Going further, we speculate that Heather's 'guardian' has taught him to hide his uniqueness since he was a child, and used something to achieve psychological suggestion, which is the [glasses] Heather wears."

"Wow, what a cruel guardian. Are you using psychological suggestions on your own children?" [卯] Biyou clicked her cute little rabbit teeth with a look of disgust on her face.

"On the contrary, it is Heather herself who sets the psychological suggestion→Mao."

Chidor told everyone his guess:

"I guess this psychological suggestion is a valve that Heather set for himself, a switch to restrain his powerful thoughts. When wearing glasses, he has common sense and conscience, and follows the moral principles in his heart; once he takes them off Glasses, because the accumulated stress, irritability and anger that usually suppresses oneself will come out all at once. Although it does not change the personality, it will have an impact on his behavior style. "

After listening to Chidor's words, Pariston fell into deep thought, and the smile on his face faded a lot: "So that's the case. This can explain why his thoughts were so aggressive at the beginning. He was struck by the president's words. After I was trapped in the trap and put on my glasses again, both the intensity of my thoughts and the degree of danger were reduced a lot."

"No, I don't understand what you are talking about at all..." [Yin] Kongzhai's head was already filled with smoke.

"If explained this way, Mr. Heather's self-restraint and psychological hints are probably more to protect the close people he loves, that is, his parents. This [love] is both protection and shackles, and will be born differently. Mortal Heather is imprisoned in a cage called [love]."

Kobayakawa Satoshi, who is world-renowned as a psychotherapist and detective, thought for a while and said:

"But for some unknown reason, he was forced to leave his hometown and relatives, and the 'shackles' were loosened. Xu, tell me, what do you want us to do?"

"Re-strengthen Mr. Heather's 'shackles' and create an inseparable bond between him and the Hunter Association."

Chidor smiled and said:

"Of course, it's not about using tricks or underhanded tactics, but using your sincerity to influence him, be his friend, become his life-and-death partner, and re-establish an [unbreakable coordinate] for him in the Hunter Association. In this way, the Hunter Association We will have the most powerful mind-killer in history, and President Netero will also get a strong supporter. For this reason, I can even withdraw from the twelve earthly branches and give him the position of [Xu]. "

Not good...

"Is this already a plot against him?" [卯] Biyou pointedly complained.

"It's a well-intentioned plan. Is it wrong to want to make friends?" Pariston immediately understood Chidor's meaning and said with a smile.

Very bad...

"I hope that everyone can work together to help the president regain a sense of fighting on the one hand, and on the other hand, be prepared to contact Heather in a month. Next, I will make some plans..."

Chidor's voice echoed in the conference hall, but Jin lowered his head slightly, his mind drifting far away.

Things are not going well for you, Heather. [Twelve Earthly Branches] All mobilized, plus President Netero, can you follow this move of attacking head-on under the guise of [for your own good]?

Even though Chidor and the others had good intentions, this was ultimately a disguised restraint on their will... Jin frowned subconsciously, he hated this feeling.

For the sake of his future companions traveling in the Dark Continent, Jin Fulis, the prodigal son of the twelve earthly branches, secretly decided to do something.

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