A foreigner's journey

Chapter 634 The truth

The Fourth Hokage?

Naruto's first reaction was that the uncle opposite him was trying to make him happy or making fun of himself. How could a great ninja like the Fourth Hokage be his father?

He pursed his lips and asked: "Uncle, you...are you not making fun of me? How could my father be..."

"The Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze. It is absolutely true, he is your biological father."

Uchiha Suzan crossed his arms in front of him and said in a deep voice:

"He was the man I regarded as my lifelong enemy, and he was the only Hokage I recognized. And you are his only son, Uzumaki Naruto."

Hearing Suzhan's words, Naruto was shaking with excitement. The person he admired the most since childhood was the Fourth Hokage, but he didn't expect that he was actually his biological father! This made Naruto, who had always felt inferior because of his lack of parents, overjoyed.

Sasuke, who was eating melon on the other side, couldn't help but ask: "Then why is Naruto's surname not 'Namikaze' but 'Uzumaki'?"

Naruto came back to his senses at this time and quickly looked at Suzan.

"That's because you inherited your mother's last name. Uzumaki Kushina, this is your mother's name."

"my mom?"

Tears welled up in Naruto's eyes. The word "Mom" had appeared countless times in his dreams. Uzumaki Kushina, this is the first time Naruto knows his mother's name.

When Kushina was mentioned, Suzan's expression became much softer:

"Kushina is a good girl with a straightforward personality. She graduated from the Ninja Academy in the same class as Namikaze Minato, one year later than me. Speaking of which, although your appearance is very similar to your father, your personality is exactly the same as your mother. Your mother seems to be careless, but she is actually very careful. She will risk her life to protect the companions she recognizes. I am... very sorry for her death. "

Sasuke on the side couldn't help but glance sideways at Suzan. How could this cold-faced and cold-hearted clan uncle show such a gentle expression? Is it possible that Uncle Kuzhan and the Fourth Hokage were once love rivals?

Naruto didn't think too much, he just raised his arm and wiped his eyes vigorously, and said to Suzhan with red eyes: "Uncle, tell me more about my father and my mother?"

Suzan wanted to refuse, but looking at Naruto's pleading eyes, he obviously thought of Uzumaki Kushina, so he could only sigh and said slowly:

"Namikaze Minato has been outstanding since he was a student. No, he should be said to be very outstanding. He has superb ninjutsu and clear thinking. He is extremely popular among civilians and even wealthy ninjas. It can be said that, Namikaze Minato is the Hokage with the most ninja qualities in history, and he is also the only ninja I admire. As for Kushina..."

Looking at the white clouds floating in the sky, Su Zhan fell into memories:

"She is from Uzushio Hidden Village in the Country of Uzumaki. She has very beautiful red hair. She is always very optimistic and cheerful. Some people think she is reckless and strong, but I think she is lively and cute. By the way, Kushina is The previous [Jinchuuriki] was also a master of sealing techniques."

Ignoring Kuzan's young love story, Sasuke noticed an unfamiliar word in Kuzan's words: "[Jinchuuriki]? What is that?"

Seeing Naruto also looking confused, Kuzan frowned slightly: "No one has ever told you about the [Jinchuuriki]?"

Naruto shook his head. When the villagers saw him, they either hurriedly avoided or insulted and beat him. No one had ever told him these things.

Su Zhan let out a 'tsk' sound, and when he was about to speak, he suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance. Sasuke and Naruto also followed his gaze and found nothing.

When he looked at Suzan again, he found that he had turned around and said in a low voice: "It's really stupid. The more you hide it, the easier it is to cause problems. Don't the Sandaime understand this kind of thing? Naruto, you have the right to know this matter. .Listen carefully, the so-called [Jinchuuriki] is the existence of the container that seals the [tailed beast]."

Tailed beast? What is this? Naruto and Sasuke became even more confused.

Suzan pointed at Naruto's abdomen: "You have already felt that way, right? There is something living in your body. It was this thing that killed Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina, and made you feel like a child since you were young. They are feared and resented by the villagers. It is this thing that caused the Uchiha clan to be driven to the corner of the village by the high-level officials of Konoha Village, and they lost the possibility of controlling power."

These words made Sasuke and Naruto's hair stand on end.

"Is that thing the [Tailed Beast] you mentioned?" Sasuke swallowed: "The evil and huge chakra I felt in Naruto before..."

"Yes, that's the [Tailed Beast]. The tailed beast is a natural disaster, a living body that embodies huge chakra. There are nine of them, differentiated according to the number of tails. And the one in Naruto's body is the [Nine-tailed Demonic Fox] .”

Naruto felt a little aggrieved: "But, why did dad seal such a dangerous thing inside my body? I suffered a lot because of it!"

"I have said before, your mother Uzumaki Kushina was the previous Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki. On the night of the Nine-Tails Rebellion, Uchiha lost the trust of the village and the future of promotion, and Konoha Village lost the Fourth Hokage. And you got the nine-tailed demon fox. I don’t know what happened that night, but what is certain is that the Fourth Hokage and Kushina took the initiative to put the nine-tailed fox into you. Parents will not harm their children, Isn’t it?”

After hearing Suzhan's words, Naruto lowered his head and fell into deep thought.

Sasuke couldn't help but ask: "Wait a minute, you haven't said why Uchiha lost the trust of the village because of this [Kyuubi]?"

"The reason is very simple. Everyone in the village speculates that Uchiha released the Nine-Tails to cause trouble in the village."

"W-what the hell kind of logic is this? Why do you say it's Uchiha..."

"Because he has a criminal record. In the past, Uchiha Madara, who co-founded the Leaf Village with the First Hokage, controlled the Kyuubi and the First Hokage to fight. That battlefield is now called the Valley of the End and is a very famous tourist attraction."

Su Zhan shook his head:

"At that time, there was some friction between the Uchiha and the village, coupled with the suspicion of the Nine-Tails Rebellion. The Uchiha clan was driven to this corner to re-establish the clan. The so-called Konoha Guards were just used Just to put aside and monitor the strong men of the Uchiha clan. It is precisely because of these dirty political dramas that I will continue to study ninjutsu regardless of worldly affairs."

"Is it really the Uchiha clan's fault?" Sasuke looked at Suzan, his tone of questioning was trembling slightly, for fear of hearing the answer he least wanted to hear.

"Idiot, of course not. If it was true, the Uchiha clan would have turned against the village a long time ago, and why would they end up in this situation today. Okay, that's the end of the Q\u0026A session. Sasuke, you still have some training courses to complete, right? Why don’t you hurry up and train!”

Kuzan turned against him as soon as he said so, so that Sasuke didn't dare to struggle even though he still had many questions to ask, so he had to return to the center of the training ground to continue practicing ninjutsu.

Then Suzan looked at Naruto again: "In any case, the fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato is indeed the hero of this village. You are the son of a hero, Uzumaki Naruto, stand up."

"Well! Thank you, uncle." Naruto nodded heavily with red eyes: "I'm going back first, goodbye."

Su Zhan looked serious and just nodded slightly.

Just as Naruto was about to walk away, a word floated in his ears——

"If you want to know about the A-level ninjutsu developed by your father, you can come to me tomorrow."

After hearing these words, Naruto's mood obviously increased a lot. He turned around and shook his arms vigorously towards Kuzan and Sasuke again, and then ran away.

On the other side, in the woods near the training ground, there were two ANBU ninjas lying paralyzed. They had fallen into a deep genjutsu and couldn't extricate themselves.

They were ANBU masters sent by the Hokage to monitor the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, but they were immediately hypnotized by Suzan using illusions at a glance.

Without anyone noticing, Su Zhan raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

If I don't muddy the water, how can I become Hokage?

PS: There was a clerical error in the previous chapter. The Rasengan created by the Fourth Hokage was written as S-level. It has been corrected to A-level.

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