A foreigner's journey

Chapter 640 Prerequisites for Cooperation


Heather, who was far away in the Konoha Uchiha clan, suddenly sat up straight on the sofa and frowned.

He immediately remembered the name mentioned by the only powerful enemy he had ever seen in his life, the Little Prince, before he died.

【Helix Gong】.

This Spectral Dodolina just mentioned that the little prince is a member of this [Spiral] organization, and what the little prince said when recruiting her also confirmed this. In this way, the little prince and Bastet are considered to be outstanding in strength among outsiders. I don't know what level their current strength is.

If he goes all out, he should be able to barely reach the level of fighting against a star. The one he struck in the world of Final Fantasy [Dalan Divine Strike·Tianjian Congyun] cannot theoretically be regarded as his strongest attack. It was an extraordinary performance because Gaia gathered the life flow of the entire planet. When it came to himself, he used the sword that could crush a huge meteorite the size of the moon.

It is estimated to be slightly better than Bastet and the little prince at most. This is assuming that the little prince is contaminated and Bastet has no life tools.

Undefeated Cosmo, undefeated... Interesting, I wonder if you are really undefeated?

“Ask her why she calls this organization ‘Helix’.”

After hearing Heather's order, Rin Qishi looked at Dodolina and raised the question lightly.

"Because they seem to use the spiral symbol as a mark to identify themselves. Some people wear spiral pattern badges or rings, and some people directly tattoo the spiral pattern on their bodies."

Dodolina seemed to remember something and shuddered.

Seeing this, Qi Qishi couldn't help but ask: "Have you seen members of the [Spiral] organization?"

"...Yeah, I've seen it. To be honest, it's not a very pleasant memory."

Dodolina said wearily:

"These guys don't regard the indigenous people in the world as human beings at all. In their view, these worlds and the indigenous people are just tools for them to complete their tasks. Even if they are kind to some indigenous people, it is just their whim. It’s no different from teasing unweaned kittens and puppies on the roadside. In the last foreign war, I encountered [The Little Prince] and [The Undefeated Cosmo]. These two people were simply devils. The foreign war at that time was at least Seven foreigners participated in the war, but all the foreigners except me were killed by the two of them. Only I used the invisibility ability of the conceptual body to hide in the secret corner of the world and never dared to show up until the two of them. Only one dares to escape after leaving the current world."

"Seven? Are there so many people participating in the foreign war?" Rin Qishi frowned slightly.

"Not necessarily. [Foreign War] refers to a battle between multiple foreigners who encounter each other in the same world. Sometimes there are only two people, and sometimes there are as many as a dozen. In a world like the Naruto world that only has a single competitive mission, As long as one outsider completes the task, the other outsiders who failed to complete the task can also leave after the winner leaves this world. They are not completely locked here. Or they can forcefully leave with a hundred world flames."

"Have you met the little prince and Cosmo, tell me what their abilities are?"

"The little prince looks like a cute little boy, but he is very cruel. He is a typical prop type. He can summon a large number of fairy tale creatures with incredible and weird abilities. He has three hags around him to advise him, and he can also fly in the sky with the help of a golden scarf. During the flight. Cosmo is a strong and burly blond man. He likes to wear oily hair and a suit. I can’t understand his abilities. I only know that he is particularly good at fist and kick fighting. Whether he is a native or a foreigner across the world, If you take a punch from him, your head will be exploded directly, and all the attacks that hit him will disappear, as if they were absorbed."

"What about life tools? You said that all members of [Spiral] have life tools, right?"

"I, I just heard that when foreigners use life tools to fight against foreigners, it will be a life-and-death situation. If I had seen their life tools, I guess I wouldn't have survived until now, sister. But life tools Most of them are extremely terrifying and strange tools, and some of their life tools are even as powerful as those of outsiders. I guess the life tools of these two must also be particularly strong, right?"

"Cosmo has a life tool, why do you want to steal other life tools?"

"There is no rule that a foreigner can only hold one life tool. There is no harm in collecting more good things like life tools. Sister, I only know so much. If you ask me again, I can only make it up."

Dodolina's eyes turned red as she spoke, and she clasped her hands together and begged Qin Qishi:

"Can you please let me go? I really didn't want to kill you just now. I just wanted to subdue you and talk about cooperation. I don't have the powerful attack ability to deal with outsiders, so I can only survive by cooperating with others or hiding everywhere. Let’s go through a foreign war. It was my fault, I shouldn’t have provoked you. Please let me go? I will definitely not dare to show up again, really!”

Facing Dodolina's tearful pleas, Rong Qishi had no emotions in her heart. She only obeyed Heather's orders.

Heather was currently sitting on the sofa in Uchiha Suzan's home, tapping the armrest of the sofa with her fingers.

After a long time, he said to Qishi in his heart: "This guy is an old acquaintance of Sister Ba. Let's save her life first. Is there any way to restrain her?"

"I can use [Aztec Gold Coin] to give her immortality. In this way, her whereabouts and status will be under your control. But I want to remind you that the stranger has many tricks, and this cannot be guaranteed. Miss Dodolina will definitely be restricted by the Aztec gold coins. The risks involved need to be evaluated and decided by yourself."

"...Aztec gold coins can still be used in this way? Okay, let's do it like this. When I see Sister Ba again, I can't just say, 'Oh, I met your friend, and he was killed by me after he provided me with information.' , that’s too shameless.”

"According to your wishes."

In the palm of the mud above the ruins of Takigakure Village, Qin Qishi smiled at Dodolina: "Please don't be so panicked. I told you that if you obey and cooperate, I will not kill you. Look, Now there is a little bit of trust between us, so I am now going to provide a plan that can increase the trust between us, do you think it is acceptable?"

Can I still say no? Dodolina nodded hesitantly.

Then she saw a skull gold coin appear in Rong Qishi's hand and press it towards her forehead. There was no cold feeling when the gold coin came into contact with her forehead. As soon as the skull gold coin came into contact with the skin of Dodolina's forehead, it began to blend into her body.

But maybe because of her status as a foreigner, the gold coin integrated into her body very slowly, and there was an illusory flame on Dodolina's chest that spread upwards, trying to drive away the gold coin.

Dodolina was startled, and quickly controlled her foreigner's fire. She smiled sarcastically at Rin Qishi: "Sorry, this is the fire's stress reaction. It's under control, please continue."

Without the interference of fire, it took about thirty seconds for the Aztec gold coin to finally fully integrate into Dodolina's body. She immediately noticed something was wrong with her body. Her sense of taste and pain were reduced to a very low level. At the same time, a strange feeling arose in her body, as if she had turned into a living skeleton.

"What, what is this? An immortal curse?" Dodolina looked at her hands and found that there was no difference.

"Just a little bit of insurance that increases trust and makes you less likely to do stupid things."

Yan Qishi took back the water-calling sword and took two steps back:

"You talked about cooperation before, and now I'm interested again. Let's talk about it, shall we?"

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