A foreigner's journey

Chapter 651 Go Home

In fact, Xiang Rin also visited the interrogation department in Konoha Prison in the comics.

At that time, she was taken hostage by Danzo, but she was stabbed by the blackened Sasuke and Danzo behind her. At any rate, thanks to the astonishing vitality of the Uzumaki clan and Sakura's timely treatment, she managed to save her life. Then she was imprisoned in the interrogation department to accept Morino Ihiki's identity as a former associate of the traitorous ninja Uchiha Sasuke. trial.

At that time, Kaoru was very mature after experiencing life and death battles and Orochimaru's teachings, and she was able to fool Morino Ihiki's men around. But now Xiang Rin is just a super rookie who can’t even be considered a ‘freshman’. She was already crying when the interrogation department under Morino Ihiki took turns interrogating her in pairs.

Even so, the Konoha Interrogation Department couldn't get any useful information out of her mouth.

After closing the door of the interrogation room, Xianglin's cries that had become hoarse also subsided. A ninja from the interrogation department wearing sunglasses scratched the back of his head and said to Morino Ihiki: "It's useless, captain, I have used all kinds of words or intimidation methods except execution. This girl really doesn't seem to know anything." .”

"What she knows and doesn't know is not up to you. It's not up to me either...it's not even up to her."

Morino Ihiki is a middle-aged ninja with terrible scars on his head and face. He looked towards the door of the interrogation room and frowned imperceptibly:

"If the senior advisors don't stop, we must continue to torture. After confirming that all methods have been exhausted, she still hasn't revealed the 'reason for getting close to the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki' and the 'internal secrets of the Kusanagi Village'?"

"No, she just said that she met Uzumaki Naruto because of an accident. She insisted on begging Uzumaki Naruto to take her in, and claimed that this incident had nothing to do with Uzumaki Naruto. In addition, this girl was born two years ago The grass ninja village she joined before, the villagers did not reveal any valuable information to her, and they did not even teach her half of the secret ninjutsu. We have tested her chakra and body, and the chakra is very weak. It doesn’t look like a Uzumaki clan member. On the body... there are a lot of bite wounds, scars that even the Uzumaki clan’s self-healing ability can’t do anything about. On the contrary, there are no calluses on the fingers and palms, and it doesn’t look like someone who often uses ninja tools.”

"...Where is the information I mentioned before? You are divided into three groups and take turns interrogating her. Are there any flaws in her confession?"

"No, it's basically the same. Even if there are some small differences, it's just a slip of the tongue when the little girl panicked. But she always said that she saw a beautiful woman with black hair reaching her waist in the Death Forest, claiming that she had never seen such a dangerous and dangerous woman. Malicious people.”

The interrogation ninja wearing sunglasses said while flipping through the interrogation report:

"We showed her a lot of photos of kunoichi that fit the characteristics of 'black hair', 'beautiful' and 'powerful', but she rejected them one by one. It's strange that Konoha Village is very outstanding in terms of intelligence. Almost every big and small ninja village has I've shown her all the eligible kunoichi photos, so there can't be any omissions, but she just said that there's no photo of that woman in them. Do you think it's a lie she made up?"

"Creating a powerful kunoichi that doesn't exist? No spy, no matter how stupid, would do such a stupid thing."

Morino Ihiki scratched Shibian's scalp through the headscarf and said solemnly: "It has been too long. We can't delay it any longer. Let's go to jail."

The interrogating ninja wearing sunglasses hesitated for a moment: "Do we really want to torture a little girl? From all aspects, she is just an innocent girl who knows nothing, captain!"

"Of course I can see it. But what the high-level advisers want now is to 'extract information' by any means. They also specifically request that the girl's will be destroyed after the interrogation is over, and then sent to Elder Danzo. Most likely, they are interested in it. This girl has the physique of the Uzumaki clan."

Morino Ihiki's voice was very gloomy: "...Things involving Danzo never end well."

"Be careful, captain." His subordinates quickly reminded him in a low voice.

"This is my 'honesty cabin', not his Danzo's territory."

Sighing, Morino Ihiki looked at the interrogation room known as the 'Honesty Room' again: "...Ask the child if there is anything she wants to eat and satisfy her."

The subordinate wearing sunglasses couldn't bear it: "Captain..."

At this time, a third voice suddenly came from the cubicle outside the interrogation room:

"I won't bother you with this, let me take over."

Morino Ihiki and his men in sunglasses immediately jumped to the side alertly. The former took out a kunai from behind, and the latter made a hand seal gesture: "Who is it!"

Only then did they realize that a handsome man with a head full of broken black hair had appeared in this compartment at some point.

That's...Uchiha Quick Slash! ?

"Uchiha Suzan, what are you doing in the interrogation department?" Morino Ihiki looked at Suzan warily. Instead of putting down the kunai in his hand, he aimed it at Suzan's eyebrows.

"Stupid question, naturally pick this girl up and leave. Are there any procedures that need to be handed over? Just do it quickly."

Suzan's attitude was calm, and he didn't care at all about the kunai that Morino Ihiki aimed at him, as if it was just a wild cat waving its claws intimidatingly at him from a distance.

After a second of silence, Morino Ihiki raised his hand to signal his sunglasses men to stop further action. Although he looked old, he was actually not as old as Uchiha Suzan. When he fought in the Third Ninja War, the name of Uchiha Speed ​​Slayer had already resounded throughout the ninja world. As long as anyone dares to take action against Uchiha Speed ​​​​Zan, this super genius of the Sharingan clan will mercilessly and fatally fight back. He did not put away his kunai, and at the same time avoided looking directly at Uchiha Suzan and said:

"Uchiha Quick Cut, you should know very well that this grass ninja village genin is a suspect designated by the village's senior officials. The matter is so important that I can't just let you take her away casually."

"Don't worry, Morino Ihiki, I'm not here to make things difficult for you. This is a pardon issued by the Sandaime."

Su Zhan took out a piece of letter and threw it to the sunglasses subordinate beside him. The guy in sunglasses took the letter and examined it carefully, then nodded to Morino Ihiki: "The dark pattern matches, the code matches, it is the pardon issued by the Sandaime himself, that's right."

Morino Ihiki did not immediately let down his guard, holding a kunai in one hand and waving at the man in sunglasses with the other hand. After catching the thrown letter, Ibixi glanced at it a few times and found that it was indeed correct.

In this way, Uzumaki Naruto asked Uchiha Suzan to help rescue this girl. Or rather, Uchiha Quick Slash is because this girl and Uzumaki Kushina are both members of the Uzumaki clan, so...

With the qualities of a professional interrogator, he stopped gossiping in his mind, put away his kunai and nodded to Uchiha Suzan: "Then, after filling out two forms, you can take her away."

In the interrogation room, Xiang Lin wiped her eyes that were red and swollen from crying, feeling very scared.

Returning to the Grass Ninja Village would most likely be a dead end, but staying in the Leaf Village didn't look much better. His future seemed dark, and the only thing he could do was to take all the blame on himself as much as possible to prevent Naruto from being affected.

A good person like Naruto shouldn't be implicated for saving a humble person like himself.

At this moment, the cell door was suddenly pushed open slowly. The familiar creaking sound of metal friction made Xianglin tremble, and then she heard an unfamiliar voice:

"No injuries. Well, it seems they showed mercy to you."

Xianglin turned around and found that it was a handsome man he had never seen before. He was looking at him with incomprehensible eyes. To be precise, he was looking at his hair.

After a while, the uncle nodded to her and smiled:

"Don't be afraid, I'm here to take you home for Naruto."

go home……

The girl burst into tears.

Thanks to the Camel Bell One-Armed Sword King outside the Great Wall for the reward of 1500 starting coins

Thanks to the fallen angel holding the kitchen knife for the 500 starting coin reward

PS: This round of collection of outlander player cards has been completed, and several very good character cards have been harvested from the group. As expected, they will appear soon.

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