A foreigner's journey

Chapter 668 Du Moujia

The natives faced off against the foreigners. Even though they were at an absolute disadvantage of one against three, they actually severely damaged two tailed beasts one after another, and forced the foreigners to do nothing.

Paz has been rampant in so many worlds, and Uchiha Speed ​​Slash has really opened his eyes.

Is the Mangekyō Sharingan so special? How can I, a foreigner, suffer such a disadvantage? Paz looked at the three-tailed Isodon struggling in the sea of ​​​​fire below, and the one-tailed Shukaku lying on the ground covered with sealing curse patterns, and couldn't help but secretly curse a group of useless things.

It seemed that he was a little overconfident in bringing only three tailed beasts to Konoha. If he had known better, he would not have been lazy and caught two more tailed beasts.

Tsk, the two outsiders who originally wanted to retain their conceptual power to deal with Iwagakure and Kumogakure, now seem to have to use it to deal with Uchiha Quick Slash first.

Uchiha Suzan, I admit that you are indeed very powerful, the most powerful one among the natives I have ever seen. However, you can never defeat a foreigner with a [concept]! Next, I will appreciate your ridiculous look of panic when faced with an unmatched [concept].

Thinking of this, Nanao Chongming quickly fell towards Sanwei Isao.

At the same time, the quick-cut Susanoo also launched further attacks! The dark blue flame giant's left arm holds the flame giant sword trapped by Shukaku, and his right arm is raised and the front and rear claws extended from the elbow are opened.

Immediately afterwards, three huge magatama formed by condensation of chakra emerged between the two claws, and the magatama were connected by ropes also formed by condensation of chakra.

Susanoo raised his right arm back, and then swung it towards Nanao Shigeaki! The three magatama were tied into a ring by chakra ropes, spinning at high speed in the form of a super giant shuriken and shooting towards Nanao Shigeaki.

【Yasaka Magatama】!

This is a super long-range ninjutsu that can only be used by Susanoo who has formed a human form. It is extremely powerful.

Seeing this, Nanao Shigeaki didn't dare to be careless, and directly responded with a Tailed Beast Jade, trying to cancel each other out with long-range attacks. But just when the tailed beast tama was about to collide with the rapidly spinning Yasaka magatama, the chakra rope connecting the Yasaka magatama suddenly exploded, and the three magatama immediately flew at three angles at high speed and attacked Nanao Shigeaki.

The failed Tailed Beast Dama attacked Susanoo with an astonishing momentum.

boom! boom! boom! There were three loud noises in succession. Nanao Shigeaki was literally bombarded by the three magatama, and his flight suddenly became unstable and he fell to the ground.

It hurts! This damn native actually caused this uncle to be so seriously injured! Paz cursed loudly in his mind, focusing on Su Zhan. He wanted to see how many more times Uchiha Speed ​​Slash's weird pupil technique could be used. You must know that using the Mangekyō Sharingan Eye Technique while using Susanoo is a suicidal act in itself, because it will cause a great burden on the body.

To Paz's dismay, Suzhan obviously had a better way to deal with it this time.

Click! Susanoo's right arm suddenly pulled to the side with force, and the flaming giant sword that was firmly sealed by Shukaku suddenly broke in the middle, turning into a Kodachi that was easier to wield.

With a flash of sword light, Susanoo struck with a brilliant slash at an ultra-high speed that was incompatible with his huge body, and the chakra flame sword pierced through the center of the tailed beast jade. This was not over yet. Susanoo threw the Flame Taito and the tailed beast jade pierced on the blade at Ichibi Shukaku. The super-speed rotation of the tailed beast jade coupled with the astonishing destructive power of the chakra flame sword. It has formed an attack method that is very similar to the "Spiracle Shuriken" in the comics. In fact, Uchiha Madara also used this trick in his decisive battle with the First Hokage, but he just controlled Susanoo to cooperate with the Nine-Tails.

This super-giant version of the 'Rasen Shuriken' destroyed all obstacles along the way with a terrifying whistling sound, and hit Shukaku's chest and abdomen with wounds.

The next second, dazzling flames and explosions swept through an area several kilometers away, and even the Konoha Village could feel the strong earthquake.

Shukaku is finished. This battle feedback immediately emerged in Paz's mind, but he did not feel sad. Anyway, the tailed beast will not really die, Shukaku still belongs to him.

Taking this opportunity, Nanao Shigeaki, who was covered in wounds, jumped to the side of Sanwei Isozu. Regardless of the sea of ​​​​burning fire, he put his claws in and put them on the surface of Sanwei Isozu's carapace.

As if the plug was unplugged from a sink filled with clean water, the flames began to decrease rapidly, disappearing completely in just two seconds, leaving only the three-tailed Isodon who was covered in smoke and burned.

Uh-huh! Paz's figure appeared above Nanao Chongming's head, with his arms folded in front of him, he looked at the blue giant in the distance and said loudly:

"Uchiha Quick Cut, I am no longer something that a native like you can defeat. I will give you one last chance, kneel down!"

Paz has already opened his conceptual body, and now he is confident that he can definitely defeat any native, even if the monsters from [Spiral] come, he can still fight.

As long as the troublesome stumbling block of Uchiha Speed ​​Slash is eliminated, the remaining strong men in Konoha Village such as Hatake Kakashi, Jiraiya and others will not be afraid. When the time comes, not only can I get the Sharingan of Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Quick Sword, but I can also get the Nine-Tails, the strongest tailed beast. The four tailed beasts in one body are equivalent to official plug-ins in this world. Who can stop me! ?

Susanoo looked at Paz and said: "You are obviously at a disadvantage, but you show such confidence. Either you are crazy, or you have power that I don't know about. It seems that it is Have you subdued the tailed beasts and absorbed the weird power of my fire escape ninjutsu?"

Paz chuckled and said: "A frog in a well like you has no idea what kind of great power you are facing! Come on, Chongming! Jipan!"

Nanao Shigeaki immediately flew up with Paz, while Isozu retracted his whole body into the turtle shell and began to rotate rapidly towards Susanoo.

The corners of Su Zhan's mouth raised slightly. Funny, obviously you don't know what kind of force you are dealing with.

Susanoo spread his arms and pulled out a large number of huge magatama attached to ropes! These magatama were burning with deep blue flames, and Susanoo threw them towards Nanao Shigeaki and Sanbi Isozu. A large number of bright blue flames were immediately drawn between the sky and the earth!

【Yasaka Magatama·Five Hundreds of Jin】!

Uh-huh! Nanao Shigeaki flew behind the three-tailed Isozo at a very fast speed, allowing the three-tailed Isozo to rotate at high speed like a giant wheel as a shield and pioneer. The Nanao carried Paz only to wait until the three-tailed knocked away all the magatama and collided with Susanoo. , they then take the next step.

The magatama meteor shower collided with the three tails. There was no explosion, no flames, and no screams of pain, as if it was just an ordinary contact.

But Nanao Shigeaki suddenly felt that the black shadow in front of him was enlarging and approaching!

boom--! !

The high-speed rotating Sanwei Isozu silently changed direction and collided heavily with the Nanao Shigeaki who was flying at high speed and low altitude!

At this time, the Mangekyō Sharingan pattern in Suzan's left eye rotated faster.

Foreigner, if you still don’t understand the effect of my pupil technique [Dumugai], then I can only ask you to die here.

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