A foreigner's journey

Chapter 670 Container

Seeing the claws covered in dark blue armor, Paz's face turned extremely ugly.

He originally thought that he had paid enough attention to Uchiha Suzan, so in order to deal with Suzan, he brought all three tailed beasts over. With their own conceptual power, the three tailed beasts will not be vulnerable to the Sharingan like ordinary tailed beasts, but are directly immune to illusion manipulation.

However, Uchiha Kuzan relied on his pair of Mangekyō Sharingan eyes that had never been shown in the comics to put himself, a foreigner, into a tough battle with the three tailed beasts.

Now, even his own concept body attack can't do anything to the opponent, but instead contributes to the further strengthening of the opponent's Susanoo.

You are considered very powerful, Uchiha can kill you quickly. This was the first time that Paz admired a mere native.

However, Paz, who has read the comics, knows very well that [Susanoh] is a powerful double-edged sword, and this technique will cause great side effects to the user. It is not only the patron saint of the caster, but also the god of death that swallows up the caster's life force. Uchiha Suzan has maintained Susanoo for so long and even pushed him into armor form. At this moment, his body should have reached its limit. ?


The mountain collapsed, gravel flew, and an unusually huge blue figure slowly emerged from the huge smoky pit.

Compared to his previous posture, Susanoo looked completely different at this moment.

The original body was completely covered by dark blue armor, and the four forearms and claws were all covered by rough but strong armor. The head was blocked by a huge Karasu Tengu helmet. There was a huge pentagonal gem on the forehead of the helmet, from the top of the head to the back of the head. There are blazing chakra flames forming flying long hair, one long and one short horn extending from the forehead on both sides, the beak mask on the front of the helmet is staggered, and the inside is pitch black and only two orange masses representing the eyes can be seen. flame.

Extremely powerful, the divine armor!

Uchiha Suzan, who was protected by Susanoo in his body, covered his left eye, blood flowed from between his fingers, but there was no look of unbearable pain on his face, and he remained as calm as ever:

"The Mangekyo Sharingan's genjutsu is ineffective against the three tailed beasts. It was indeed your fault. I think you are not afraid of the Sharingan genjutsu at all, so you are sharing your strange power with the tailed beasts, right?" ?”

Looking at Suzan's right eye returning to the three-magatama state, Paz laughed: "That's right! Although you don't understand, I can make you understand! Uchiha Suzan, you are completely unable to compete with me. [God] Confrontation! Being able to fight to this point is far beyond my expectations. I would like to call you the strongest person in Konoha Village!"

"Why do you want to learn from the 'demigod' Hanzo? Defeat me first!"

Susanoo crossed his arms in front of him and raised four chakra shurikens between the six fingers of each hand, and then threw them violently at Paz. This was not over yet. At the moment when he threw the shuriken, Susanoo spit out a large piece of flame from the bird's beak, all wrapped around the surface of the shuriken, and sixteen blazing red meteors hit Paz from all angles.

[Fire Release· Impatiens Flower Claw Red]!

Paz looked around quickly and found that all escape routes were blocked by giant shurikens. Damn Uchiha, all of them are masters of shuriken!

He clasped his hands in front of him and clapped his hands violently. The three-tailed Isozu who collapsed in a pool of blood in the distance and the one-tailed Shukaku lying motionless in the sea of ​​​​fire exploded into countless smoke and disappeared from the place. Even Nanao Shigeaki, who had just gotten up from the ground, also exploded into a large amount of white smoke.

Su Zhan closed his left eye and only opened his right eye, and frowned slightly when he saw this situation. This phenomenon is 'reverse psychic'. He signed three tailed beasts as psychic beasts and they were summoned back. The question is, where does the call come back? Is it Sand Hidden Village? Or inside Paz's body?

At this moment, two pairs of insect wings suddenly grew out of Paz's back and flapped rapidly, taking him into the air. At the same time, a large amount of sand formed a dozen shields and floated around Paz's body.

The flame shurikens and the sand shield collided hard. Although the sand shield only resisted for a second and then completely exploded, these flame shurikens also dissipated.

If you look carefully, you can see a mud-gray substance similar to the back shell of the three-tailed sand shield among the fragments of the sand shield. These mud-gray particles called "reef shuriken" have absorbed a lot of heat from the flame shuriken. The Sand Shield withstood the power of the shuriken itself.

The power of the three tailed beasts were mixed together at this moment, exerting an effect of 1+1+1 greater than 3.

Sure enough, the other party’s concept is——


He could store five hundred ninjas in his body and bring them to Konoha Village and release them calmly. He could also perfectly accommodate three tailed beasts in his body. He could even absorb the attacks and ninjutsu he launched against him at any time during the battle and accumulate them in his body. All of them bounce back to themselves at the same time. This can only be the concept of [container].

It really allowed him to randomly arrive in a world that was most suitable for him. If Paz is allowed to continue to develop, I am afraid that not only will he be able to gather the nine tailed beasts in his body, but he will also be able to perfectly accommodate the cells of the first Hokage, the Mangekyō Sharingan and even the Rinnegan. When the time comes to take these things away as a perfect container, you can instantly become an extremely powerful foreigner.

It's a pity that you met us.

Container, if Paz's concept is really a [container], then it must have its upper limit.

Come to think of it, there are only a handful of times in combat where he actually absorbs his own attacks. Most of the time he spent absorbing the fire escape ninjutsu that had been burning for a long time, and his own slash was only absorbed once. The most critical thing was that the impact of the two tailed beasts colliding with each other was absorbed once. This time he was unable to move for two seconds. It seemed that absorbing the more powerful attacks required more time and buffering.

If that's the case, that's easy to do.


Susanoo waved his arms, and two short chakra swords appeared in the front paws on the left and right sides at the same time. Immediately afterwards, the blazing flames formed a brand new sword blade and condensed into the strange shape of six offset blades on both sides.

[Yanhuo Qiqi Sword·Two ​​Swords Return]!

Judging from Paz's intention, he wanted to delay the time for his side to take the initiative to remove Susanoo due to excessive consumption of chakra and eye power. Unfortunately, the ‘Nian Qi’ in the Hunter World can be converted into ‘Chakra’ without loss, and I can play for three days and three nights as long as I want. In terms of pupil power and physical wear and tear, [Light Egg] repaired it in real time, and my vision did not even drop a single cent.

Let us try the quality of your ‘container’!

boom--! ! Susanoo dragged his sword backwards and rushed toward Paz with incredible speed, crashing into countless hills and giant trees along the way.

Paz's pupils shrank, so fast! Even faster than before. Is this guy really about to run out of gas? Why do you feel more energetic than yourself?

Thinking of this, Paz immediately vibrated four insect wings and quickly climbed into the sky. No matter how powerful your Uchiha Speed ​​Slash is, you still can't fly! Now you can no longer use the Mangekyou Eye Technique. Shukaku and Iso's power can perfectly resist all your projectile attacks. I just need to drag your Susanoo until it collapses... Huh? what is that?

Paz suddenly felt a shadow appear above his head, but he was clearly high in the sky. Where did the black shadow come from?

The black shadow is getting closer and closer to Paz, as if it has jumped directly from a higher altitude!

Immediately afterwards, a dragon's roar sounded in Paz's ears——

"[Thunder Gossip]!!"

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