A foreigner's journey

Chapter 674 You will definitely die today

The Four Purple Flame Formation is still continuing.

The identical corpse of the Hokage guard was lying in the corner, with a purple-black complexion and black blood stains flowing out of the seven orifices. It was obvious that he died of poison.

The body of his opponent, the Kazekage guard Shigato, was divided into several pieces and scattered not far away. Rito was a master of using the black sword. When Rigado was hit by his black sword, he poisoned him, but he was also cut into pieces and died.

Orochimaru stood on the top of a crooked and raised stone pillar. He had many scars on his body and his face was gloomy. Although the blood inheritance limited 'corpse bone vein' obtained from the Taketori clan has the ability to heal quickly, this healing power has an upper limit. Orochimaru's own 'Orochimaru Style Substitution Technique' can perfectly reset the body state, but the consumption of chakra is a big problem.

He really didn't expect that his teacher, Sarutobi, could still have room to struggle in such a desperate situation.

Not far away, the Sandaime Hokage, whose arms were broken at the elbow and a large piece of his left rib was missing, was holding a kunai in his mouth and several shurikens between his toes. Although the injury was extremely serious, the Sandaime Hokage did not look like he was about to die. Moreover, the wounds on his body no longer bleed, and the wounds look gray and defeated.

All this is because of the power of [Aztec Gold Coin].

Before the final test of the Chuunin Examination began, Kuzan, who was away on an S-level mission, handed an Aztec gold coin to the Sandaime Hokage before leaving, and told him to use it decisively if he encountered a strong enemy that he could not defeat. This gold coin.

But the Sandaime Hokage was dubious about the thing Kuzan gave me, and he had no intention of using it even when fighting Orochimaru. Because in the Yadaime Hokage's heart, Suzan has always been more worthy of his trust than Minato Minato and Jiraiya. After all, Kuzan is a member of the Azite clan, while Namikaze Minato and Jiraiya are the successors of their own lineage.

Until the Yadaime Hokage's arms were cut off by Kouchimaru's bone knife, he lost the possibility of forming seals and performing ninjutsu. Facing the imminent defeat, the Eighth Generation Hokage finally made up his mind to use the Daihokage gold coin given to me by Quick Slash.

Miraculously, when the Yadaime Hokage made a hesitant decision in his heart, the Hokage Dai coin hidden in the ninja bag automatically merged into the Yadaime Hokage's body. Immediately afterwards, the Yadaime Hokage felt the pain all over his body slightly intensify, the wound began to bleed again, and at the same time, new strength arose in his body.

With the power of the deceased given by Fei Huichunke's gold coin, the Eighth Generation Hokage bit Kunyu, clamped the sword in his hand with his toes, and even trapped the beast in a fight with Kochimaru and the First Uchiha Seven Uchiha for a long time.

What a pity... The Yadaime Hokage was filled with regret at this moment.

It was because he regretted whether he had killed Kouchimaru in the first place, but because he regretted why he trusted Kuzan so much.

Kuzan clearly showed his loyalty and love for Konoha Village from beginning to end, even if he acted too aggressively, it was because I loved that village in my own unique way. However, he inherited the thoughts of his master, Seven Uchiha, and has always been unbiased towards the Azite clan, and even extended that prejudice to Su Zhan.

If I had less trust in Suzan and used that gold coin immediately when fighting Kouchimaru, the outcome would be like what it is now.

That's right, hurry up...you have failed his good intentions.

In the Seven-Fee Wisdom Formation, the two Anbu who had stayed behind to prepare for the Eighth-Eighth Hokage were extremely worried, but they couldn't help at all.

The seven Oto Ninja Village ninjas who maintained the barrier now all opened the inner membrane of the Seven Purple Flame Formation internally, and the only one who could assist the Eighth Generation Hokage inside the barrier had been killed. Unless the entire viewing platform is destroyed instantly to disintegrate the foundation of the Seven Purple Flame Formation, the barrier can only last until no one on both sides of the war is killed.

Just when Orochimaru was fighting with the Eighth Generation Hokage in the barrier, Orochimaru was suddenly startled, and then shouted: "The seven of them, close your eyes immediately! Open your eyes with or without your order!"

The seven sound ninjas responsible for maintaining the barrier immediately closed their eyes tightly.

what happened? The two Anbu felt a little strange.

Snap! Suddenly, we heard two landing sounds from far in front of us. The two Anbu immediately pulled out their weapons and turned around, only to find that the person coming was someone else, none other than Azte Speed ​​Slash!

"Kill the villain quickly!" The two of them were extremely happy. After that, we also watched the whole process of the quick slashing battle against eight tailed beasts. Naturally, we knew how weak Azite's quick slashing, known as the "eye of trouble" in the ninja world, was!

The eight-meter-tall strong man in front of him had no speed to kill, and his mysterious and unpredictable power that could turn into a giant dragon was intimidating. But since that person came with the quick slasher, he is worthy of the Leaf Village's trust.

Suzan closed his right eye and only opened his left eye. He looked at the battle situation in the Seven Purple Flame Formation and frowned: "The Yadaime Hokage doesn't have this thing, how could he still end up in that situation?"

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Brothers, those big guys are guarding against his Sharingan genjutsu!" Kaidou laughed.

Kouchimaru's voice also sounded in the Seven Purple Flame Formation at this time. My figure was hidden among the crooked tree roots, allowing Su Zhan to see my trace clearly:

"Quick chop, are you okay?"

Su Zhan did not speak, but looked around. The Yadaime Hokage was unable to form a seal due to the loss of his arms, and was forced out of the corner by the giant tree roots summoned by the First Uchiha. If I went up like that, even if I was completely killed, I would still be because of touching the barrier. The wall was burned to the point where it could not be repaired.

The two Anbu hurriedly said: "Quickly kill the villain. There is a way to break the Seven Purple Flame Formation from the inside. We can only wait for the sound ninja who maintains the barrier outside to take the initiative to cancel it."

"Hiss... we were wrong. Kuzan, your Sharingan is yours. You should just ask him to wait quietly as a distinguished guest for the showdown between you and Sarutobi-sensei."

Kouchimaru's voice echoed within the barrier.

Such a weak Paz was actually defeated by Azte's quick slash. It seemed that the strong man in front of me was very useful. It doesn't matter, before you kill the old man, use the First Uchiha and Seventh Uchiha to hold us back, and then evacuate.

Just when I was making my wishful thinking, I suddenly noticed that Su Zhan was smiling inside, which was caused by a slight frown on his brows.

"The two of them come in."

Quick Cut signaled the two Anbu to get out of the way, and then bright blue chakra surged out of the surface of the body, condensing into two ribs and a huge arm.

I tilted my head slightly: "Together?"

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! There's a problem!" Kaidou transformed into a one-meter-tall dragon-like figure, charging forward with a mace in his hand.

At the last moment, the mace was swung out hard!

[Diamond Dysprosium]!

At the same time, Susanoo also turned into a broken skeleton state, holding a giant chakra sword and slashing backwards!

[Flame Disaster Sword]!

Two extremely powerful attacks simultaneously hit the surface of the building above the Seven Purple Flame Formation. The entire huge viewing platform disintegrated and exploded in an instant, and the ground inside the Seven Purple Flame Formation also immediately collapsed, revealing the top layer of purple flame barrier wall.

The seven sound ninjas who maintained the barrier also fell immediately, because we were ordered by Xiaoshemaru to open our eyes no matter what, and we even knew how we died. The first person to be burned to death was Jirobo. I, the fattest one, fell to the surface of the barrier wall above before I had any support on my feet. I screamed and was burned alive immediately.

Next came Ukon Sakon, who had two heads, and the seven of us shared one. Although the Seven Purple Flame Formation ended due to the extra corner, the barrier had not completely dissipated when Ukon and Sakon fell, and I became the seventh fool to be burned to death by my own barrier.

Only Shayuya and Kidomaru managed to escape. The two of us followed Orochimaru's orders and opened our eyes in panic. What came into view was crumbling rubble and dark blue flames. Immediately afterwards, Shaoyuya avoided being hit by a falling boulder, and was directly buried alive in the rubble.

Only Kidomaru was left at the front, shivering and escaping to a stone wall that had not completely collapsed due to good luck.

When Kouchimaru was about to rise and fall, a small number of huge tree roots and trunks suddenly rolled out of his feet to carry him up. I stood at the top of the sea of ​​trees, with a normal expression on my face. The puppets of the First Uchiha and Seventh Uchiha stood in front of me, speaking every word.

Suzan carried the Eighth Generation Hokage and stood on the south side of the viewing platform that had not yet collapsed across the sea of ​​trees, looking at Kouchimaru from a distance:

"Xiao Shemaru, there is a doubt that he will die today."

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