A foreigner's journey

Chapter 678 The Fifth Hokage

In front of the long table, the topic is in progress.

A senior Fire Nation executive wearing glasses said: "The village has been severely damaged. We, the Fire Nation, will fully support the reconstruction of the village, and will also allocate funds for the pensions of the fallen ninjas. Prepare the budget first, and I will leave this to you. .”

Mito Kadeni, one of the elder advisors of Konoha, nodded: "Yes, the list of dead has been counted. 21 jounin died, 42 chunin died, and 39 genin died. In addition, the missing list is also being counted."

"Missing? If they get lost, won't it be over if they find them on their own?" At this time, the old man sitting in the front seat wearing strange clothes asked strangely. He was the name of the Kingdom of Fire and the nominal ruler of the Kingdom of Fire. .

The elder Mito Kadoen and Koharu, who had moved to bed, looked at each other in embarrassment, not knowing what to say to this idiot daimyo, but Danzo, who was sitting beside him, suddenly said in a cold voice:

"Daimyo-sama, the so-called 'missing' refers to a situation where even the bodies cannot be found due to too fierce a battle or disaster. In this Konoha collapse disaster, there were as many as seven 'missing' jounin alone. !”

The daimyo raised his fan to cover his mouth in embarrassment, shaking the fan slightly to show that he understood.

In order to ease the atmosphere, the bespectacled Fire Nation executive quickly asked: "Have the missing jounin been counted? Who are they?"

"Moonlight Gale, Toriyama Dark, Kubo Obito, Mitarashi Anko, Asuka Stone, Sarutobi Ryuumasa, Yamanaka Kaiichi." Mito Kado's voice was heavy. Although he occasionally played tricks, his love for Konoha Village did not exist in his heart. No less than the Third Hokage. Now that Konoha Village has suffered such heavy losses and lost a large number of ninjas, even an old fox like Mito Kaden is heartbroken.

"Yamanaka Haiichi? Yamanaka...isn't that a good friend of Shikaku-sama?" The bespectacled Fire Country executive looked at Nara Shikaku sitting at the end of the long table in surprise.

Nara Shikaku has a long scar on his face, a head of black hair tightly tied on top of his head like a pineapple head, and a goatee. He is the leader of the Nara clan, one of the ninja clans in Konoha Village, and the captain of Konoha's Jonin class. He is recognized as Konoha's number one strategist and strategist.

When Yamanaka Kaiichi, Nara Shikaku, and Akimichi Choza were young, they were the famous "Ino Shikacho" combination in the ninja world, and they had a very good relationship. Faced with questions from senior officials of the Fire Country, Nara Shikaku looked calm: "Haiichi was involved in a tailed beast attack while assisting the viewing platform. Unfortunately, his remains could not be found."

"So that's it." Feeling that the atmosphere was getting more and more awkward, the senior official of the Fire Nation who wore glasses pondered for a while and said, "Is the Sandaime Hokage okay? I didn't see the Hokage attending the meeting today. I don't know..."

"Hiruzen's arms are disabled and he is currently receiving treatment from the best medical ninja team in Konoha Village."

Danzo suddenly interrupted the words of the top management of the Land of Fire:

"The most important topic today should be to elect the [Fifth Hokage] as soon as possible, right?"

Hearing this, Nara Shikaku glanced at Uchiha Suzan sitting next to him and said nothing.

At this time, Su Zhan folded his arms in front of him and closed his eyes to rest, as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

Seeing Su Zhan's appearance, Shikaku fell into deep thought.

The conflict between Uchiha Suzan and Shimura Danzo is not a secret in the village. In fact, neither of them is on the final list of candidates for the Council of Elders. The elders of Konoha Village are more inclined to choose Jiraiya as the fifth generation Hokage. Regardless of his military exploits, reputation or strength, Jiraiya is the best choice. The best thing is that Jiraiya has a very low desire for power. For the Elder Council, It is also easier to 'admonish'.

Uchiha Suzan and Shimura Danzo are different. Although Uchiha Suzan is extremely powerful, his acting style is too tough and sharp, and he lacks the most basic respect for the Council of Elders. The Council of Elders would never recommend a hawk who was completely out of control and unwilling to listen to advice as Hokage.

Most of the dark activities Shimura Danzo had participated in were heard by the Elders. He was more suitable to stay in the dark and do dirty work for Konoha, and was not suitable to step onto the front desk and serve as Hokage. In other words, the Elders looked down upon Danzo.

From Shikaku's point of view, today's parliament is just going through the motions. The Council of Elders will definitely be the first to recommend Jiraiya. The Daimyo of the Fire Country has met Jiraiya before. Considering that from the second generation Hokage to the fourth generation Hokage, they are all inherited from the same line, Jiraiya is the master and master of the fourth generation Hokage. The disciples of the Third Hokage will be favored by the great names of the Fire Country for both their emotions and their reasons.

Then Danzo would definitely be unable to sit still and come forward to recommend himself and find another candidate to step on, such as Uchiha Speed ​​Slash. Uchiha Suzan will definitely not tolerate Danzo. Even if the two of them do not take action at the meeting, Uchiha Suzan will most likely leave the meeting directly.

Because according to Shikaku's analysis, Uchiha Suzan has wanted to retire since he lost both his career and love to the fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato.

Not to mention that the fifth-generation Hokage seems to Suzan to have taken over from the fourth-generation Hokage. If Suzan really wants to be the fifth-generation Hokage, wouldn't he consider himself to be inferior to the fourth-generation Hokage Namikaze? With Kushina Uzumaki as a factor, Uchiha Suzan will never admit that he is inferior to Namikaze Minato. In this way, no matter how you look at it, Uchiha Quick Slash is completely insulated from the position of the Fifth Hokage.

Looking at Danzo again, in fact, the Daimyo of the Fire Country did not like Danzo. He felt that his actions were too extreme and his style was dark. In other words, he was not grand enough and did not have the upright general style of the previous Hokages. The lack of [Measurement] is a fatal drawback for the election of Hokage. In Shikaku's view, Danzo would never be able to serve as Hokage.

The only ones left were Tsunade and Jiraiya.

Of course, if you ask Shikaku what he thinks, he is actually more inclined to Tsunade. With a pure bloodline and a famous teacher, he is the most orthodox Hokage lineage. Moreover, Tsunade herself is a medical ninja, and she knows best the terrible consequences that wars and battles will bring. If she leads Konoha Village, it will definitely develop smoothly, and people will no longer be trapped by war.

Although Jiraiya was elected to become the Fifth Hokage, according to Shikaku's analysis, there was more than 90% chance that he would refuse and recommend Tsunade instead, and his attitude would be firm.

In this way, if there is no candidate, as long as Tsunade can be brought back, she will be the fifth generation Hokage.

At this time, the issue continues.

The Fire Country daimyo waved his fan: "Is it true that we can't wait for the Third Hokage to recover?"

"The Third Hokage's arms were broken at the elbows, making it impossible to perform ninjutsu. At the same time, three of his left ribs are missing and his left lung needs to be reconstructed using the [Healing and Regeneration Technique]."

Mito Kadoyan shook his head: "The election of the Fifth Hokage is indeed imminent, Daimyo-sama."

The Daimyo of the Fire Country curled his lips, and then became happy again: "Okay, I have also read your recommendations. To be honest, I quite like Jiraiya. He is the disciple of the Third Hokage and the master of the Fourth Hokage. He is both famous and powerful, so why not let him..."

"Please wait!" Danzo suddenly stood up.

Here we come, Shikaku thought in his heart.

"The teachings of the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen were the reason that almost led to the destruction of Konoha Village!"

Danzo slapped his left hand heavily on the table, his tone extremely stern:

"Kindness, compassion, generosity... It is precisely because of this naive idea passed down from generation to generation that led to the betrayal of the Allied Sunagakure Village! Not to mention that the mastermind of all this, Orochimaru, was able to successfully defect from Konoha, all because of the monkey The result of Hiruzen and Jiraiya's laissez-faire! If they could have even a little bit of responsibility towards the Leaf Village and keep Orochimaru here, they wouldn't have led to the miserable situation that the Leaf Village is in today!"

He opened his left eye and looked around. How could those powerless senior officials of the Fire Country dare to look at Danzo, a veteran ninja who had experienced battles in the field, and they all lowered their heads. Mito Katoen, Koharu and others were also silent. Only Uchiha Suzan still folded his arms and closed his eyes to rest.

A senior Fire Nation executive who had been secretly bribed by Danzo suddenly said: "According to you, Konoha Village does not need a kind Hokage?"

"Exactly! Everyone, I can say without exaggeration that the current Konoha Village is in the most turbulent and dangerous moment since the establishment of the village. Cloud Hidden Village has always been eyeing Konoha, and once it is known that Konoha has lost its leader, it will suffer With such a huge loss, they are very likely to send troops to invade the Land of Fire and Konoha Village. In order not to be retaliated and to supplement losses, it is a certainty that Sunagakure Village will join forces with the countries that invaded Konoha. Moreover, I have to remind everyone. About the dispute between Konoha and Iwagakure?"

Danzo tapped his fingers on the table, making a rhythmic thumping sound:

"The Hokage that Konoha Village needs now is not a gentle and generous person, but a ninja who can deal with this tragic situation with ruthless and decisive methods! We need a Hokage who can use this disadvantage to turn around and dominate the strongest country in the ninja world! "

The strong momentum overwhelmed almost everyone present.

Even Nara Shikaku had nothing to say against Danzo. Why did he stay behind closed doors during the crisis of Konoha's collapse? Danzo would only argue that he was fighting the enemies who invaded Konoha in the dark, but if he really brought it up, he would be passive.

Oops, is Danzo really going to defeat many opponents and become the fifth generation Hokage? Shikaku couldn't sit still when he thought of this, and was about to stand up to persuade the Daimyo of the Land of Fire. An overly tough leader like Danzo would not be a blessing to Konoha if he served as Hokage.

Before Shikaku could stand up, the Fire Country Daimyo suddenly asked: "Well, Danzo Shimura, do you plan to recommend yourself to be the Hokage?"

Danzo smiled and bowed slightly:

"No, I want to recommend a ninja who is better than me. This person has the power of Hokage and is the most suitable candidate for Hokage."

"Oh? There is such a ninja that you can recommend so much?" The Daimyo of the Country of Fire also became interested and leaned forward with great interest.

Then, under the unbelievable gazes of Shikaku and the elders, Danzo turned to look at Suzan, who was resting with his eyes closed, and said loudly:

"I recommend Uchiha Hayazhan to be the fifth Hokage!"

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