A foreigner's journey

Chapter 692 The increasingly fierce battle

Unlike Quintero, who has not experienced much in the world, Diaz is already considered a veteran among outsiders.

Usually the concept of outsiders is divided into three categories-attack type, auxiliary type and prop type.

The power attack system refers to those extremely rare concepts that focus on combat. Until now, Heather has never seen a holder of the power attack system concept other than herself.

The prop system refers to being able to collect props that suit one's own concepts in the world of heaven. The Little Prince, who holds the concept of "childlike fun", is one of the best, and Bastet, who holds the "shadow", is also one of them. .

The auxiliary system refers to the ability of one's own concepts to tease opponents and play with the rules of the world with strange or deceptive techniques. Dodolina’s ‘color’ and Quantero’s ‘direction’ both fall into this category.

If [Direction] is a powerful auxiliary system, then [Insect] is a mixture of prop system and auxiliary system.

The biggest feature of the prop system is that as long as this outsider does not die on the way, the more worlds he has experienced, the more powerful he will be.

The little prince was like this. He could only rely on the massive dark fairy tale props he had collected in various worlds to overwhelm Heather. If Karna hadn't used the God-killing Gun to interrupt the rhythm and destroy the little prince's final The key life-saving tool, the foreigner who died in the Holy Grail World may be Heather.

Although Diaz is not as powerful as the little prince, he has a wide variety of insects.

At this moment, what Diaz is showing off is the locust mutation ability he got from "True Kamen Rider", which can turn him into the original Kamen Rider, half human and half locust.

It is said that he is the original Kamen Rider because the original author Shotaro Ishimori regards the real Kamen Rider as [No. 0] before Kamen Rider No. 1, which is called Kamen Rider No. 0 returning to the origin.

By transferring the special locust gene into his own body through [Leech Fusion], Diaz can freely control the [X-α piece] in the locust gene. The active secretions of the interfered cells are released in the body, causing the cells to cause dramatic changes in the body. Mutation to achieve the effect of transformation.

In the true Kamen Rider state, Diaz has far greater kicking and jumping power than usual. His small body actually exploded with a sonic boom in the air. Even Kakashi, who holds the Sharingan, had no time to use his observation eye. Catching its trajectory, Susanoo was instantly hit hard by a knight's kick as he waved his arm to smash the incoming Fourth Raikage away!


boom--! !

Susanoo, who was tens of meters tall, was kicked by the little locust monster and flew into the air. The next moment, the air waves visible to the naked eye expanded rapidly in all directions, and a thunderous roar exploded in the air.

In the distance, Quantro grinned ferociously and spread his fingers, then clenched them violently.

The vibrations and air waves that had not yet completely spread stagnated in the air for a moment, and then shrank inward!

The Susanoo in the sky had not yet adjusted its condition, and the impact of the knight's kick hit it from all directions for the second time.

With only half of his body, Susanoo's whole body was shaking violently, and his falling speed was slowed down by Quantro's constant modification of the direction of gravity, providing opportunities for others to attack.

Upon seeing this, Onoki, who has extremely rich combat experience, immediately put his palms together to stir up chakra. He already knew how to cooperate with Quantro.

[Earth Release·Gangli Style Swallowing Rock Core]!

The rock monster summoned by him on the ground took heavy steps and ran towards the fallen Susanoo. With every step it took, a large amount of gravel and soil were absorbed on its body and its size expanded slightly. When it rushed to Susanoo's height had skyrocketed from ten meters to thirty meters below.

The huge rock monster let out a silent roar and leaped high into the sky. It opened its powerful arms to hug the half-body Susanoo and spiraled down. The two hit the ground heavily at the same time, and the top of the broken mountain range immediately appeared. Violent shaking.

I saw the veins popping out on Quantero's forehead, and he used his other hand to push forward with force.

The direction of the earthquake that was transmitted to the depths of the earth was redefined, and all the vibrations were bombarded on Susanoo and the rock giant that hugged it tightly.

boom--! ! This time, the rock monster was affected by the vibration, and instantly turned into fine rock fragments and exploded.

Susanoo withstood all the vibrations and bombardments head-on, and the space around it was distorted visibly to the naked eye.

Quantero kept his claws clasped and pointed at Susanoo from a distance, sweat dripping from his forehead. He allocated most of his conceptual power to contain the Kumogakure Village, but he could use it to deal with Uchiha Speed. There is not much concept of killing, he must be eliminated in one go.

He changed the transmission direction of all vibrations into a closed sphere shape, continuously bombarding Susanoo.

It lasted five seconds before Quantero lowered his arms out of breath. In the distance, Diaz remained in the form of the Locust Kamen Rider and stood on the top of a raised rock wall with his arms folded.

Being attacked by two foreigners and a Kage with all their strength, you, Uchiha, will definitely die!

But to everyone's surprise, Susanoo's bright blue body still did not collapse in the smoke-filled ruins.

No...it seems to be getting bigger?

The huge six-fingered claws slowly opened, revealing Terumi Mei and others who were protected inside. Although they were a little disgraced, they did not suffer any damage from the series of attacks just now. Susanoo's incredible defense blocked them all. attack.

At this time, Susanoo was still half-length, but the lines of the Karastengu armor on his body were clear and distinct. Behind him was a huge cloak composed entirely of bright blue chakra flames. There was a black hole in the center of the Karastengu's beak. There are two orange-red eyes watching the enemy in the distance.

Among the pentagonal gems in front of his forehead, blood dripped from the corner of Uchiha's left eye, and his eyeballs were bloodshot.

In order to absorb all the shock, Kuzan used the pupil technique [Tumugaru] to the extreme, and most of them were reversed into chakra to re-supply themselves. The few that were left behind were resisted by Susanoo.

Qing wiped the sweat from the side of his face and said in shock: "Huh... what a powerful attack. If it weren't for the protection of this giant, I'm afraid we would all have died just now."

"Hokage-sama, how are you?" Terumi Mei looked at the Uchiha speed guard above who was protected by gems, and asked worriedly.

Everyone knows that the biggest weakness of the Uchiha clan is the low amount of chakra. Using such an amazing technique as Susanoo, even if Uchiha Speed ​​Slash is the leader of the Uchiha clan, he should be in a state of exhaustion at this time. Already?

Everyone present did not expect that Uchiha Quick Sword's Eye Technique [Tumugaru] could achieve a mode similar to the Chakra Perpetual Machine. Unless his eyes could not hold up and his pupils were not strong enough, he could activate Susanoo to fight the enemy. All day long, the stronger the enemy, the more powerful he becomes.

"It doesn't matter, continue." Su Zhan stretched out his thumb to wipe the blood from the corner of his eyes, his voice was calm.

Seeing that their general was in good condition, Terumi Mei and others felt a little relieved, but the mood of the enemies in the distance was not so good.

"Yes, you can survive this? Well, I'm fine...Wait a minute, what did you say? You found out that his pupil technique can absorb attacks and damage! Really?"

Diaz's locust head was slightly tilted, as if he was listening to something, and spoke to 'that thing' in an inaudible voice:

"No, you can't take action yet. You are the trump card used against Quantro."

In the distance, Quantro's face was livid, and he was ready to abandon half of Kumogakure Village to free up more conceptual power to deal with Uchiha Speed ​​Slash.

Onoki, who was floating in the air, clasped his hands together, and when he opened them again, they shone with a bright white light. Dust Release's cooldown has been restored and is ready to use.

And Susanoo condensed a new flaming giant sword in his hand, and Terumi Mei and others held it in his palm and also put on the seal posture to prepare for the next round of battle.

In the center of the gem, Uchiha Quick Cut closed his left eye, opened his right eye, and the kaleidoscope patterns in his eyes began to rotate.

He was ready to use the pupil technique on his right eye.

At this moment, a terrifying dragon roar came from high in the sky.

Everyone looked up and saw a thousand-meter-long dragon soaring thousands of meters in the sky.

The Beast Kaidou arrives on the battlefield!

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