A foreigner's journey

Chapter 709 One against three

At the mention of hemophobia, Tsunade's beautiful and smiling face suddenly fell.

When Kuzan invited her to the Konoha Council and confessed that he hoped Tsunade could serve as Kaido's guide, Tsunade refused completely.

She hadn't even settled the score with him about the Minotaur gorilla who beat her unconscious and took her back to Konoha, and now she was letting herself be his guide? Moreover, he suffers from hemophobia. After arriving on the battlefield, not only will he not be able to reinforce the Konoha ninja, but he will become a drag.

After listening to Tsunade's explanation, Suzan's attitude was very sincere. As long as Tsunade agreed to be Kaidou's guide, he would immediately treat Tsunade's hemophobia.

Seeing that Kuzan had a way to cure the anemia that even he, a medical master, could do nothing about, Tsunade agreed to Kuzan's request out of her trust in Kuzan and on the other hand, she was extremely curious.

Then, she was locked in a small dark room and forced to stare face to face with the wrinkled Danzo. The scene was very embarrassing.

Until Tsunade saw Danzo undo the bandage on his face to reveal his left eye, the scarlet Sharingan slowly turning.

[Belten God], the Mangekyō Sharingan Eye Technique known as the 'most powerful illusion', Tsunade never expected that Danzo secretly took Uchiha Shisui's right eye and transplanted it to himself.

Just looking at each other for a moment, the effect of [Other Gods] was already activated.

This pupil technique can directly invade the opponent's brain and modify the opponent's will without being discovered by the opponent.

Uchiha Shisui's left and right eye Kaleidoscope Eye Techniques are both [Alternate Gods], but the effects are somewhat different.

The right eye captured by Danzo only has a few hours of cooling time under the influence of Senju Hashirama's cells. Its ability to modify the enemy's will is limited, and it will also be discovered by highly skilled detection ninjas.

The left eye obtained by Itachi Uchiha has a cooling time of more than ten years. It can completely and permanently modify a person's will just by looking at each other for a moment. There is no way to break it.

Danzo used the power of his right eye [Belgami] to penetrate into Tsunade's brain and directly erase her fear of blood.

This kind of treatment method that could not be copied at all greatly reduced Tsunade's interest. Now that she thinks about it, she feels like she has been deceived.

The water under her feet gradually faded away, and Tsunade stood on the wet ground again. She reached out to touch the back of Jiraiya's head, and the Palm Immortal Technique immediately restored the bodies of Jiraiya and the two immortals that had been disturbed by the [Insect Cry], and directed them towards the two. A Toad Sage said hello: "Lord Fukasaku, Lord Shima, long time no see."

"It's little Tsunade..." Under the influence of the Palm Senjutsu, the wounds suffered by Jiraiya and the two immortals were almost fully recovered in just a few seconds.

Then, Tsunade pulled off the green robe to reveal the sleeveless top underneath, and cracked her knuckles: "Catch him alive? Or kill him directly?"

"Don't be careless, Tsunade. The opponent is very strong!"

Jiraiya stood up, and the two Toad Sage on his shoulders wiped away the blood from his mouth and nose. Shima Sage said with high morale, "Kid, don't let this girl Tsunade look down on you."

"This insect man is very weird. I'm afraid only the dragon in the sky can kill him completely." Fukasaku Sage said calmly.

"That guy... I understand. Before that, let's loosen the muscles and bones of this insect."

Tsunade smiled slightly, showing confidence.

But in the sky, facing the siege of the three masters, Baishouhaidao did not fall behind at all.

"[Hot Breath]!"

The raging flames turned into orange-red light cannons and collided with the rainbow-colored cross light waves. The stalemate lasted for less than two seconds before blasting the rainbow-colored light waves into pieces and blasting towards Mothra with unabated force.

The giant moth immediately turned sideways and made evasive movements, narrowly avoiding the frontal bombardment of the heat breath.

Even so, the ultra-high heat still ignited Mothra's wings a little, leaving some holes and charred edges, causing Mothra to lose her balance while flying.

The giant green-scaled dragon took advantage of the situation and pursued it. Its huge mouth full of sharp teeth bit Mothra's wings fiercely, and it shook its head and neck vigorously.

Stab! As Mothra let out a miserable insect chirp, her right wing was torn to pieces!

Rainbow-colored light gathered on her body, and the mantis blade arm as sharp as a sickle slashed hard at Kaidou's neck in an attempt to force it back, but it could only leave a trail of fierce sparks on the blue dragon scales.

Buzz! ! A huge white cone-shaped barrier suddenly shot out from the clouds, blasting through the huge dragon body. Onoki, who was bleeding from the mouth and nose, seized the rare opportunity and released the [Dust Release·Original Realm Peeling Technique] again regardless of the huge consumption.

But the dragon's shadow dissipated, and the white cone barrier actually hit the dragon's afterimage.

Before Onoki could react, a roar like thunder came from behind his head——

"[Thunder Gossip]!"

Kaidou in human form held the mace "Narokawa" in both hands, turned into lightning across the sky, and brought the mace with black lightning to collide with the rock giant summoned by Onoki behind him.

The [Goshi no Jutsu], known as the strongest shield in Iwagakure Village, was instantly smashed to pieces by the mace, and then Ohnoki's rock armor covering his body was also shattered, and finally the black wolf fangs were filled with spikes. The rod hit Ohnoki's body hard.

boom--! !

The nearly eighty-year-old Sandaime Tsuchikage drew a slanting trajectory in the sky and hit the ground hard, sending gravel flying everywhere.

At the same time, the space on the left and right sides of the seaway was distorted, and two huge black spade pliers cut hard towards the middle seaway.

[Dimensional Scissor Arm]!

But Kaidou didn't seem to notice it and didn't dodge or dodge at all.

Clang! !

The ultimate form of Stagmon's Digimon, Ultra Gugamon's [Dimensional Scissor Arms], which are said to be able to cut even space, actually cut Kaidou's left and right arms, making a heartbreaking sound. The sound of metal rubbing against each other.

For the first time, blood oozed out from the surface of Kaidou's arm that was cut by the dimensional scissors, but it was just blood. The spade and pliers could not even break through the muscle layer.

"Oh gurgle gurgle! It doesn't hurt or itch!"

I saw Baiju Kaidou laughing loudly, his body expanded several times and turned into the form of a dragon man with green scales all over his body. His muscular arms forced the shovel and pliers away with just one exertion, and the shallow wounds on his arms healed immediately. .

Ultra Gugamon was stunned for a moment before coming back to his senses, and immediately used his proud super speed to escape from behind Kaidou. But the black spade pliers were grabbed by Kaidou and dragged back to him.

"Where do you want to go? If you hit me, I will have to hit you back! Take it—"

The eight-meter-tall dragon man threw the Ultimate Gugamon, which was several times his size, high into the air, and then held the mace tightly with both hands. The overlord-colored domineering energy wrapped around the iron rod and instantly unleashed countless dark lightning ripples. He charged the mace back to the limit, stepped on the flame cloud and instantly disappeared from the place, and hit the mace heavily on the head of Ultra Gugamon at a speed that no one could catch!

"[Roaring Thunder Bagua]!!"

The spade pincers and the black carapace shattered silently, and then violent air shock waves mixed with countless dark lightning exploded in the sky, and then there was a rolling thunderous explosion!

The dark ultimate stag beetle swirled and fell from the sky, leaving only the huge dragon-man in the sky.

Kaidou carried the mace on his shoulder, stepped on the flame cloud and looked down at the spiked beast on the ground, grinning widely to reveal a mouth full of sharp white teeth:

"It's your turn next, little bug."

PS: There will be another chapter in the afternoon

PS: The official did not explain whether there is really a difference between the left and right eyes of other gods, so I just wrote it according to my own ideas.

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