A foreigner's journey

Chapter 738 Crush

Nagato was the first to notice something was wrong.

[Rain Tiger Free Technique] combined with the power of concept can detect all objects in the rain curtain in detail. He keenly felt that something suddenly invaded the rain clouds high in the sky.

Look at the direction... did it fly down from outside the atmosphere? Could it be a meteorite?

Apart from meteorites, Nagato could not imagine anything else that could fall from the atmosphere without being burned up.

never mind. No matter what you are, as long as you enter the rain clouds, you are a lamb on the chopping board. Because [Rain] is under my control!

Nagato sneered, stretched his palm towards the billowing black clouds above his head, and grasped it violently. He will use the countless raindrops from the rain clouds to completely crush everything that comes.

Then, nothing happened.

For the first time since Nagato acquired the concept [Rain], he lost control of the rain.

The rain clouds in the sky that were originally summoned by the [Rain Tiger Free Technique] suddenly broke away from Nagato's control, and seemed to have a new master.

The billowing black clouds that covered the sky began to flow on their own, stirring up an unusually huge vortex above the heads of Susanoo and Nagato.

There was a faint orange light in the gap in the center of the vortex, and the heavy rain gradually stopped, leaving only the violent wind that continued to rage.

At this time, both Nagato and Suzan had lowered their hands and looked up at the growing whirlpool of black clouds in the sky.

A ray of sunlight fell from the center of the whirlpool, bringing a ray of hope to the boundless sky.

Nagato couldn't help but raise his hands to block the sunlight that was too dazzling for him. His eyes first narrowed and then widened in shock.

I saw a figure slowly falling from the light, looking down at everything.

Because the figure's back was facing the sun, his face could not be seen clearly. Only his eyes were shining with a frightening red light.

The dark blue Susanoo, who was in perfect form, dispersed the Ten Fist Swords in his hand, put his right hand on his chest and bowed his head slightly towards the figure to show respect.

The Uchiha Suzan, who had never failed and who would rather break than bend in his life, actually bowed his head? Nagato looked at Susanoo in disbelief, then hurriedly raised his head to look at the figure shrouded in light again.

So dazzling, so unfathomable, just looking at it makes me think that it is invincible.

This is God, this is the posture that a true god should have...

"No!! You are not God, I am! I am the real God!"

Nagato looked up to the sky and roared crazily. If he admits that he is not as good as the figure in the light, then what is the meaning of everything he has insisted on and abandoned?

Yahiko, Konan, Akatsuki Organization... I will never admit that I am the real god! I will bring final peace to this world and embark on the road to conquer the heavens and the world!

“Drink ah ah ah ah!!!”

Snapped! Nagato slapped his hands hard in front of him, mobilizing the power of the Rinnegan. At the same time, three rain clones formed different seals behind him.

There was a loud rumbling sound from high in the sky, and then the black clouds in the sky were blown away by the huge wind pressure from high in the sky.

A huge meteorite with a diameter of three hundred meters was caught in the fire and steaming airflow, and hit Heather and everything below.

Not only that, but above this meteorite, there is an even larger meteorite with a diameter of 600 meters, following closely behind.

This is the reincarnation eye technique that can completely destroy the country of grass——

[Tianzhi Zhenxing]!

Uchiha Suzan frowned upon seeing this, and controlled the Susanoo regardless of the blood spurting from his body. The dark blue completed Susanoo once again had the Ten Fist Sword in his hand, ready to intercept the two meteorites.

But Heather raised her hand and stopped the quick slashing action.

"You don't have much time in this world, so just do what you want to do."

Heather didn't care at all about the two huge meteorites getting closer and closer above her head, and said to Su Zhan in a casual tone.

"...Thank you." Susanoo nodded, then flapped his wings and flew quickly towards the main battlefield in the distance.

Nagato didn't even care about the speed of leaving. His purple wavy Samsara eyes stared at Heather and murmured: "Impossible, this technique can destroy everything, you can't resist it! Pretending, you Just pretending to be calm!"

This is already the strongest pupil technique that Nagato's Rinnegan can perform. If he is not careful, even he himself will be affected, so he did not use it when facing the quick slash.

But now Nagato felt the hairs on his body stand on end from the first moment he saw Heather. This was the reaction he had when he saw a higher-level creature that he was absolutely invincible to.

The last time I had this reaction was when my parents were killed by Konoha ninjas who suddenly broke into their home on that rainy night. The weak and weak me felt extremely scared when facing the powerful ninjas.

Impossible, absolutely impossible! I am already a true god, and I can never have the emotion of [fear] again.

As long as this guy is completely eliminated, he can get rid of fear...

His thoughts stopped abruptly.

Because the extremely blazing red light illuminated the sky, leaving burning marks in Nagato's eyes that were difficult to dispel.

Buzz—! !

Heather raised her head to look at the two meteorites, her head tilted back slightly, and a terrifying red laser beam shot towards the front meteorite from her eyes.

The first meteorite was directly melted into countless fragments by a 6,000-degree high-temperature laser beam and exploded.

After penetrating the first meteorite, the surface of the second, larger meteorite was instantly melted and turned into a huge cavity that was sunken inward. The edges even liquefied and spread and sputtered like ooze.

After penetrating two huge meteorites in succession, the thermal sight continued unabated and blasted high into the sky, directly breaking through the atmosphere.

Countless fire rains fell from high altitude, and the red light in Heather's eyes, suspended in mid-air, gradually dissipated, and she looked down at the stunned Nagato below.

Nagato didn't know that this was the solar energy that Heisego had accumulated for two months outside the atmosphere, and he used up most of it this time. He thought this was Heather's average level, and his heart suddenly fell into an abyss of despair.

Unable to resist, unable to stop, the strength of both sides is not at the same level at all.

Do you just admit defeat like this? Then the persistence and loss that I have been doing... will definitely not work! Nagato roared and stretched out his arms to hold the countless fire rain in the sky. The fire rain immediately changed its direction and turned into countless bullets and attacked Heather.

The power of the samsara eye can't help you, so use the conceptual power of a foreigner!

But when the fire and rain intertwined, they flew into the air, and Heather's figure disappeared from the sky in an instant.

The next moment, Nagato felt a big hand strangle around his neck. Heather's face appeared in front of him, looking at Nagato's Samsara Eye with interest:

"Interesting, this is the reincarnation eye known as the Supreme Eye Technique? It's nothing more than that."

Nagato was pinched so much that blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and he summoned up all his eye power and chakra to launch the strongest Shinra Tensei.

The Shinra Tensei, which was enough to destroy the entire Konoha Village, was like a breeze blowing on Heather's face, unable to shake him at all. Countless raindrops endowed with conceptual power fell on him, only making his clothes wet.

On the contrary, the big hands holding Nagato's neck became tighter and tighter, and Nagato's eyes began to turn black due to lack of oxygen.

"[Concept] is not your idea, rookie. In order to be wary of you losers, I actually stayed in outer space for two months. What a waste of time."

Nagato's strangled neck began to make a dull squeaking sound, and Heather said word by word with a smile on her face:

"It's time to end this chaotic farce."

Click! Nagato's neck slumped to the side, and his samsara eyes gradually lost their light.

Then Heather's arm turned into blazing flames, burning Nagato's body and the pair of samsara eyes completely, leaving no residue.

On the distant hills, Uchiha Obito and Black Zetsu were dumbfounded. The two shivered and huddled in the shadows, only daring to talk in low voices.

"Then, who is that person? Why was Nagato killed after he couldn't even move past two moves?" Black Zetsu was going crazy. His great plan to resurrect his mother Kaguya was forcibly interrupted. , now even Madara’s reincarnation eye can’t be saved, the whole plan is completely finished.

Obito's voice was filled with fear: "How do I know! That Uchiha Speed ​​Slasher was already troublesome enough. Nagato, who had mastered the weird power, also unilaterally crushed me, and now there is a weirdo with a terrible eye technique... ...Hei Jue, do you know where this person’s eye skills come from?”

"I don't need to ask you if I want to know..." Hei Jue's angry scolding suddenly stopped.

Because Heather was standing in front of them, with her hands in her pockets and looking down at them:

"I felt noisy just now. It turned out to be two little bugs making noise here."

Without saying a word, Obito immediately activated the Kaleidoscope Eye Technique [Divine Power] with his eyes, and his body turned into a whirlpool, preparing to suck himself into a different space. And Black Jue also separated from Bai Jue's body, turning into a pool of liquid black shadow and drilling into the rock crevice.

With a flash of sword light, Obito fell to the ground with a thud, and a long slash was cut from his left shoulder to his right waist.

Clang! The strange-looking water-calling sword was stuck upside down on the ground, pinning Hei Jue firmly to the ground, unable to move.

"Don't run away in a hurry, we can have a nice chat."

The smile on Heather's face looked like a dark abyss to the two of them.

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