A foreigner's journey

Chapter 746 Four types of jams are great with bread!

The neon lights outside the car window kept drifting back.

Denji weakly leaned his head against the car window and saw that the neon lights outside the window became increasingly sparse, and finally only the dark night remained.

The car arrived outside an abandoned factory.

Denji held Pochita, who had turned into a chainsaw, and followed the white-bearded old man step by step, walking in the deserted abandoned factory.

Perhaps because this place was too gloomy, he felt a little nervous and said without saying anything:

"Can demons appear in places like this? I didn't see them. Are they hidden?"

The old man did not answer, but continued to walk ahead.

"Ah, could it be possible that he has run away? I'm so lucky that I can still have a good sleep if I rush back now..."

Denci's chattering stopped suddenly because the white-bearded old man in front stopped and turned to look at Denci.

"Dianji, we all thank you."

"Huh? Oh."

“Obedient as a dog, working like a dog for a pittance.”


"But dogs are annoying and I don't like them."


Denji's whole body froze, and he saw a long knife piercing his chest and back from behind, as well as the chest of Pochita who was held in front of him. The gangster holding the long knife looked pale and twisted, like a zombie.

Blood spurts out!

"We gangsters also want to become stronger and earn more."

A wriggling dark red tentacle was connected to the white-bearded old man's back, slowly lifting him up:

"So, we also signed a contract with the devil just like you. What we expect is the power of the devil."

"And what I want is the death of the demon hunter." A strange voice sounded in the darkness behind the old man.

Denci's eyes were blurry due to severe pain, and he saw a huge object crawling slowly in the deepest part of the abandoned factory, until it was illuminated by the moonlight from the leaky roof. This was a fleshy demon with a huge human face and tentacles all over its body. It looked at Denji and Pochita who were vomiting blood in pain, and made a joking voice:

"Mr. Demon Hunter, these guys are really stupid. As soon as I said I could lend them the power of the devil, they came to be my slaves. But they all turned into zombies because of this power."

Roaring zombies kept coming out of the darkness, and the number was getting larger and larger.

"No way, who calls me a zombie demon? Demon hunters kill demons, so it's normal for demons to kill you... everyone."

The zombie demon playfully issued the command:

"Tear this Mr. Demon Hunter into pieces and throw him into the trash."

Denji tried his best to pick up the dying Pochita, staggered to his feet and tried to escape, but was knocked down by a swarm of zombies.

Phew! The blood sprayed out when the blade penetrated the flesh was so dazzling.

I don’t want to be a rich man...

laugh! The feeling of the blade cutting through flesh and bone was so painful.

I just want to live an ordinary life...

Isn't it possible to realize even this little wish?

In the trash can, a pile of corpses and a cut-off Pochita were scattered randomly among the smelly garbage.

Blood dripped down the corners of Denci's ferociously opened mouth, and happened to flow into Pochita's mouth.

In a daze, Denji found himself lying in the trash can with Pochita sitting on top of him.



Denci was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Did you successfully take away my body?"

He clearly remembered that he was dead and that the humble human life had ended. Denji hoped that his best friend could use his body to start a new life.

Pochita looked at Denji and spoke in front of him for the first time:

"I like to listen to Denci talk about his dreams."


"This is a contract, I give you my [heart].

In exchange, let me see your dreams. "


Denji sat up suddenly and reached forward to grab Pochita, but missed.

He stood in the trash can, his whole body intact, even his lost eyes were back, and a black chainsaw tab was exposed on his chest.

This is... Pochita's tail. It integrated itself into Denji's body as a heart, giving Denji a second life.

At this time, the zombie demon surrounded by many zombies in the distance also noticed this:

"Huh? What's going on...Why is he still alive when he has been cut into pieces? What is this? It's so annoying. Demon hunters are indeed the most annoying! Everyone...eat him."

The zombies who received the order rushed towards Denci. This time the zombie demon wanted to make Denci's body disappear.

These guys obviously already live a wealthy life, why do they want a better life?

But it seems to be the same for me. Living with Pochita is a happy life, but she is not satisfied yet and dreams of a better life.

Looking at the zombies getting closer and closer, Denci seemed to have some understanding in his heart.

Well, it turns out that everyone dreams, and that’s not a bad thing.

But...you are getting in the way of me dreaming with Pochita.

If you get in the way, you all will die! !

His fingers clasped the black tab on his chest and pulled violently. As the buzzing sound of a chainsaw sounded, Denci's head turned into a ferocious chainsaw demon, and his hands were cut open by the chainsaw blade.

"You guys have all become slaves of the devil and are hopeless. Wait...it turns out that as long as I kill you all, the debt can be paid off! I am really a genius!"

Denji, no, the chainsaw demon laughed wildly and rushed towards the tide of corpses and zombie demons.


The early morning sunshine dispersed some of the fog.

A black limousine parked outside an abandoned factory.

Step, step, step...

Three figures walked into the factory one after another, and what they saw were bloody and broken corpses all over the ground, as well as the mangled corpses of zombie demons.

The three of them were all dressed in smart suits and black trench coats, which looked out of place in this dirty and dirty scene.

The man standing on the right suddenly whispered to the leader in the middle: "There are still people alive."

In the corner, the chainsaw in the devil's posture stood blankly among the corpses, motionless.

The leader stepped over the corpse and walked in front of Denci, raising his chin towards the broken corpses around him:

"Did you do all of this?"


Denji didn't know what to say, so he just stood there in silence.

"Is it a human? Or a demon?"

The leader's tone was cold:

"If you are a demon, we will kill you on the spot. If you are a human... show it to me."

Two scarlet eyes appeared quietly, looking at Denci.

Seeing these two strange looks, Denci's heart, which was on the verge of collapse due to Pochita's death and excessive killing, quietly regained its peace.

Soon, Denji's ferocious chainsaw demon head softened and fell like mud, revealing his original face.

"It's a human being." The leader nodded slightly.

The man in a suit behind him suddenly asked: "Is it possible that the devil has usurped the body?"

"You'll know by your face if your body is taken away by a demon. You were originally here to hunt zombie demons, but you didn't expect to be beaten first. Okay, kid, you have two choices now."

The leader raised two fingers towards Denji:

"The first one was killed by us as a demon. The second one joined the police as a demon hunter and came under my direct jurisdiction."

Before Denci could answer, the two men in suits panicked: "Please wait a moment, this is against the rules..."

"My words are the rules."

The indifferent scolding immediately extinguished the objections, and the leader looked at Denji majestically:

"What's your answer?"

"...Do you care about the food?" Denci suddenly asked a question.

"The cafeteria will provide bread, coffee, milk and four flavors of jam for breakfast tomorrow. Unlimited supply."

"...It's awesome."

Denci's eyes suddenly became a little more lively.

Four kinds of jam with bread...

We are a little closer to our dream. Right, Pochita?

In the distance, there are two lines of words printed on the cover of a stack of documents on the passenger seat of a black car -

The 1st Anti-Demon Special Class directly under the National Public Security Commission.

Person in charge: Uchiha Speedy Slasher.

PS: I'm sorry to those who have already subscribed. I forgot to open a new volume, so Chapter 1 was put into the Naruto volume. Sorry! One more chapter to apologize over the weekend!

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